Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1473: Izumo Empire

Ji Tianxing spent a day walking around in the ancient Xiongcheng.

During this process, he not only observed the topography and customs of the entire city, but also learned a lot of information.

Before coming to Shenwu Continent, he learned thousands of scripts from the ancient book of the palace lord, and he could speak some simple and common languages.

Now he is in this city, looking at the text everywhere in the city, and listening to the conversations of the people. By contrast, he is learning and progressing faster.

According to his understanding, this ancient city is called Tianyun City.

Tianyun City has a history of more than a thousand years and occupies more than two hundred li, in which more than three million people live.

This is the imperial city of the Izumo Empire and the territory ruled by Taihao Martial God!

When he heard the news, Ji Tianxing was stunned for a moment, and a hint of playfulness flashed in his eyes.

"Jiu Jiu seems to be a member of the Kingdom of God Taihao, she worships and awes the God of Taihao very much.

Unexpectedly, I accidentally hit and bumped and fell into the territory of Taihao Divine Kingdom..."

When this thought flashed in his mind, he thought of another question, "I thought that the Kingdom of God Taihao is a kingdom, but I didn't expect it to be the case.

Taihao Divine Kingdom's subordinates actually ruled six empires, and the Izumo Empire was one of them. "

After investigating, he knew that the empires under the rule of Taihao Divine Kingdom were different from those of the Profound Sky Continent.

Every empire has a vast and boundless territory, endless people and people.

On this continent shrouded in divine light, heaven and earth are extremely aura, and martial arts civilization is very prosperous, almost multiplying to the extreme.

Just like this Tianyun City, the people who grew up here are almost all warriors who have been practicing since childhood.

The people walking in the streets and all the vendors who shouted and sold were all powerful warriors.

Ji Tianxing wandered around the city and found that most people had the strength of the Profound Profound Realm and Yuan Dan realm.

The martial artist of the Tianyuan realm can only be regarded as a good master here, who can serve as the city guard who guards the city or the guard of the wealthy family.

The martial artist in the soul refining realm is also uncommon, and only the Yuanshen realm can be called a strong one.

Even Ji Tianxing once sensed that there were dozens of cryptic and powerful auras in the city, far exceeding the Primordial Spirit Realm.

In addition to this information, he also noticed one thing.

In the square in the city, as well as on the memorial arches of several streets, there are dark golden imperial lists.

The emperor list was filled with the words of Shenwu Continent. It was an order from the Great Emperor Izumo, which seemed to announce extremely solemn events.

Many people gathered around the imperial list to watch, gathering in small groups and talking.

Ji Tianxing passed a street and walked under a tall stone stele. He couldn't help but take a few more glances when Wu hundreds of people could not drain the water around the stele.

From the people's comments, he heard the words "God Disciple", "Tabi", "Genius" and "Selection".

These words immediately aroused his interest, and he stopped, walked through the crowded crowd, and walked under the stone monument.

When he reached the stone tablet, he raised his head and stared at the dark golden imperial list, carefully identifying the words on it.

It took him a hundred breaths of time to recognize the more than two hundred characters and basically understood the meaning of those characters.

It turned out that the Izumo Empire was conducting the selection of gods for the past two months, and selected the most outstanding gods for the great martial **** Taihao.

The selection of **** disciples is only held every twenty years. It is one of the most solemn ceremonies in the Kingdom of Taihao.

As long as the martial artist between the ages of 20 and 80 has reached the sixth level of Soul Refining Realm or above, he is eligible to participate in the selection.

At the beginning, the Izumo Empire had more than two hundred cities for the first round of selection.

Thousands of young warriors who won came to the imperial city Tianyun City for the second round of selection and competition.

After the competition a few days ago, thousands of warriors were eliminated, and only 15 young geniuses stood out and won the victory.

The names of these fifteen talented powerhouses were written on the imperial list, and they were envied and praised by the people of the city.

They will represent the Izumo Empire and go to the sacred Haotian Tower to participate in the final selection of gods.

If anyone can become a **** disciple, that is the supreme glory, will be bathed in the divine light of the Taihao Martial God, stepping in the sky, flying yellow and rising, the future of martial arts is unlimited!

Even if you can't become a disciple of God, you can become a servant of God's kingdom. His status and status far exceed those of ordinary nobles.

All in all, the fifteen geniuses on the imperial list will all become famous and famous.

However, three days later, the fifteen geniuses on the emperor's list will have to compete in the final battle.

They will hold a ranking battle in the city square to determine their respective strength rankings.

Obviously, whoever is stronger can win a higher ranking, get better treatment, and have a better reputation.

After reading the news on the emperor list, Ji Tianxing silently withdrew from the crowd, standing in the corner thinking.

"Sure enough, it's the selection of the gods! Jiujiu mentioned it to me at the beginning. When she rushed to the Haotian Tower, she hit and ran into the door of Xuan Miao by mistake before meeting me.

Unexpectedly, ten months have passed, and the selection of **** disciples is about to come to an end. The Izumo Empire has already selected fifteen geniuses..."

Thinking of this, he couldn't help frowning, and many thoughts flashed in his mind.

"The selection of **** disciples is a ceremonial ceremony held every 20 years. Before the palace owner brought Yun Yao to Shenwu Continent, he gave a one-year deadline.

Looking back now, when Palace Master sent Yun Yao to Shenwu Continent, it seemed that it was just three months ago when the selection of **** disciples was about to begin.

Could it be that the palace lord is anxious to send Yun Yao here, and it has something to do with the selection of gods?

Will Yun Yao also be in Taihao Kingdom? Is the mysterious powerhouse that Palace Master works for, is Taihao Martial God? "

Although these are his conjectures, there is not much basis.

But after weighing it for a while, he always felt that it was possible.

"Anyway, I just arrived on the Shenwu Continent~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I have nowhere to stay or stand, nor do I understand the situation in this continent.

Even if I want to look for Yaoyao, I don't know where to start.

That being the case, I took the opportunity of this selection of **** disciples to find a way to enter the Haotian Tower!

I have to investigate clearly to see if Yaoyao is there... Even if I can't find Yaoyao, I can go to Jiujiu for help.

On this continent, I only know one person ninety-nine, and she is considered a friend.

She seems to come from a wealthy power. If she is willing to help me find Yaoyao, she will definitely save a lot of trouble and time. "

Thinking of this, Ji Tianxing made up his mind, starting from the ranking battle after three days, and trying to get to the Haotian Tower.

Of course, what he has to do now is to figure out the relevant news about the ranking battle and investigate the identity and strength of the fifteen geniuses.

You can be more sure if you decide and then move.

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