Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1480: Pick me 1 sword

When Ji Tianxing's voice spread throughout the square, the audience was silent.

Countless people showed their faces full of consternation, looking at him incredible.

No one can believe that he is so confident and arrogant!

He has defeated the crazy dragon, does he still want to continue to challenge Yin Wuwei?

Everyone showed expectant eyes and whispered.

On the colorful auspicious clouds, the Great Emperor Izumo, the sage master, and the eight powerful men all showed playful eyes and looked at Ji Tianxing with interest.

The Saint Master frowned insignificantly, and said blankly: "Ji Tianxing, who do you want to challenge?"

Ji Tianxing stared at the ranking list in the sky, with a calm expression and a calm tone: "Yin is perfect."

Hearing this name, everyone showed an expression of ‘as expected’.

In the open space under the ring, Yin Wuwei raised his eyebrows, and a sneer sneered at the corner of his mouth.

"This guy is getting more and more interesting."

He whispered a word and jumped to the ring.

Hundreds of thousands of people in the square burst into heated discussions.

"That guy is so confident that he has continuously challenged Crazy Dragon and Yin Wuxia!"

"This year's selection of **** disciples is really full of twists and turns, extremely exciting! In the final ranking battle, such things will happen!"

"Yeah, no one thought that the kid came out of thin air, disrupted the ranking battle, and defeated the crazy dragon. It's incredible."

"Ji Tianxing's ability to defeat the mad dragon is somewhat of a fluke, but he can't even want to defeat Yin Wuwei again, he will definitely lose in this battle!"

Some people put on a posture of watching a play, some were shocked by Ji Tianxing's strength, looking forward to another miracle.

However, most people think that he is too arrogant, he is definitely not an infallible opponent, and he will suffer soon.

Under the attention of everyone, Yin Wuwei fell on the ring, standing still thousands of feet away from Ji Tianxing.

Yin Wuque turned his yin and sun umbrella, looked at Ji Tianxing with a smile, and said in a playful tone: "Is Ji Tianxing? Get to know, my name is Yin Wuque, from Huayue Palace..."

Speaking of the origin of his identity, his tone was full of confidence, and there was a hint of pride in his eyes that could not be concealed.

Obviously, the Huayue Palace he was talking about must be a powerful force with extraordinary status.

But Ji Tianxing was not interested in these, and looked at him calmly. After he finished speaking, he asked, "Can we start?"

Yin Wuque's complexion suddenly stiffened, frowned willow-like eyebrows, and said with a smile: "Little brother, you are too impatient! I'm not the idiot of the crazy dragon, you want to step on me to make the world famous, you are destined to be disappointed. Go back."

While talking, he was lit up with a dazzling white light, bursting out with an unparalleled aura.


With a flash of his figure, he disappeared in place, moved thousands of feet away, and appeared in front of Ji Tianxing out of thin air.

He held the yin and sun umbrella in both hands and pierced Ji Tianxing's chest, his movements and expressions were like he was about to throw into Ji Tianxing's arms.

"Little brother, we are affectionate and affectionate!"

Yin and Yang Umbrella glowed with dazzling white light, forming a blazing white blade, which immediately pierced Ji Tianxing.

Without changing his face, Ji Tianxing instantly pulled out the Heaven Burying Sword with his right hand, and slashed out with all his strength.

Draw the sword!

The pitch-black sword of the burial sky burst out with dazzling golden light, forming a giant sword of golden light, slashing towards the Yin without any defect.


The two sword lights collided fiercely, bursting out a dull loud noise, exploding violent air waves on the ring.

The golden light and white light collapsed at the same time and quickly dissipated in the air.

The powerful impact shook Yin Wuque upside down two thousand feet away on the spot, hitting the edge of the ring.

But the others were still flying upside down in the air, they opened the black and white yin and parasol umbrella, immediately resolved the impact, and landed on the ring lightly.

"Little brother, you are so gentle and elegant, how can you be so rude? This is not likable!"

Yin Wuque said with a smile, his expression and tone, as if he was flirting.

But the movement in his hand did not stop, forming a mysterious seal, urging the power of the Yin and Sun umbrella.

The Yin and Sun umbrella flew over his head and spun at extreme speed.

The edge of the jade umbrella is as sharp as a knife, gushing out boundless white light, forming countless white light sharp blades, and killing it towards the sky.

"Yin and Yang Feather Blade!"

Hundreds of light blades shot like a rain of arrows, endless, and immediately drowned Ji Tianxing's figure.

The entire arena was illuminated by white light, the air was cracked and crackled, and white marks appeared in the air.

Ji Tianxing could see that the yin and sun umbrella in Yin Wuqian's hand was a magic weapon of the Supreme Yuanshen level, and it was very powerful.

Without hesitation, he sacrificed the sword god's battle robe and turned into golden wings to protect himself.

"Jinpeng united wings!"

Suddenly, all the white light blades hit the golden wings, bursting out a series of dull loud noises.

"Boom bang bang bang!"

White light filled the sky, golden light flickered, and shards of golden and white light burst out.

The shock wave that destroyed the sky and the earth spread in all directions, severely impacting the defense formation of the ring.

The huge white light shield shook violently, constantly twisting and shaking, as if overwhelmed.

The hundreds of thousands of people on the square, watching the fierce fighting on the ring, showed excitement and yearning, cheering and talking enthusiastically.

The vast majority of people shouted Yin Wuque's name, expecting him to teach Ji Tianxing severely.

However, the ten interest time passed quickly.

Yin Wuque used ten success strengths to release thousands of yin and yang feather blades, but did not hurt Ji Tianxing.

The sharp and unparalleled yin and yang blades were all blocked by the golden wings, and Ji Tianxing was unscathed.

Yin Wuque finished casting the spell with a pale face, his chest undulating and panting, the Yin and Sun umbrella stopped spinning and returned to his hand.

Holding the yin and parasol umbrella in his hand, he glared at Ji Tianxing depressedly, and said angrily: "Huh! You guy, can you only defend like a turtle shell? It's really boring!"

"Uninteresting?" Ji Tianxing spread out his golden wings, looked at him indifferently, and suddenly raised the Heaven Burying Sword.

"Then you take my sword!"

While talking, he exploded with ten successful powers, his eyes pierced with incomparable concentration~www.wuxiaspot.com~hoo! "

A little cold light suddenly appeared, and quickly disappeared into the sky.

Yin Wuque was stunned for a moment, and didn't understand the intention of his sword technique.

In the next moment, when he suddenly woke up and guessed the mystery of this sword, it was already too late.


That bit of cold light exploded in front of his chest and turned into a dazzling mushroom cloud, which rose into the air.

The dazzling brilliant white light enveloped the entire arena, and also drowned out the figures of Yin Wuqian and Ji Tianxing.

The hundreds of thousands of people in the square, unable to see the situation on the ring, suddenly showed anxious and worried expressions.

No one knows what the end of this weird swordsmanship will come to Innocent?

Countless people were sweating for Yin Wuwei.

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