Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1499: Fengshen Mountain, Haotian Tower

Ji Tianxing was puzzled and asked subconsciously.

"Why give up?"

Yin Wuqian's tone was a bit playful and helpless, and said with a chuckle: "Lan Yiqing has become the second genius, and you, the first genius, are too enchanting..."

Obviously, he believed that his talent was not as good as Ji Tianxing, and he had no hope of becoming the first genius, so he simply gave up.

Ji Tianxing said calmly: "You are wise."

Yin Wuque rolled his eyes at him, "You fellow, sometimes really annoying!

Humility is a virtue, why can't you be gentle and elegant, you will definitely get more friends! "

Ji Tianxing did not answer the conversation, and immediately changed the subject, "Then what is your goal now?"

Yin Wuqian replied without hesitation: "Become friends with you and help you get rid of your shortcomings such as arrogance, arrogance, indifference, inhumanity, etc.!"

"Sorry, I don't know you." Ji Tianxing replied indifferently.

"..." Yin Wuque suddenly rolled his eyes madly, his eyebrows throbbed, and the corners of his thin lips trembled.

"You! You guy, you are so annoying, I shouldn't care about you!"

Ji Tianxing was silent for a while, and then said calmly: "If you can be more masculine and less feminine, maybe we can become friends."

Yin Wuqian calmed down and said, "Huh! Huayue Palace is the country's first female clan. There are 800 maids and 49 disciples in the palace, all of them are women.

I grew up in Huayue Palace since I was a child, and I have always dressed and behaved like this. How can I blame me? "

Ji Tianxing was startled for a moment, and said earnestly: "So that's it, then you are sympathetic..."

Yin Wuqian was not angry, but instead said with a frivolous tone and a smile: "Why do you have to be sympathetic? Isn't it enviable? Men don't all love the flowers and love the surroundings?

The maidservants and disciples in Huayue Palace are all stunning women selected from a million, and each has its own characteristics.

Graceful, gentle, virtuous, agile...there are also bold and unrestrained types, of all types!

In the future, if you have the opportunity, my son will take you back to Huayue Palace, where you can choose from thousands of beautiful women!

Are you very excited? My son is loyal to you, right? "

Ji Tianxing didn't answer the conversation, just glanced at him calmly.

Yin Wuwei looked directly into his eyes, only to see that his eyes were clear and deep, his eyes were cold, without a trace of desire.

Even if Ji Tianxing didn't say a word, he understood Ji Tianxing's attitude.

He was suddenly embarrassed and guilty, and quickly explained: "Ahem... Don't blame Mr. Ji, I'm just kidding!"

Only then did Ji Tianxing retract his gaze and continue to close his eyes to rest his mind, and the voice transmission asked: "Tell me about the Haotian Tower."

Yin Wuqian was also happy to change the subject, and quickly explained: "I have always been aiming to become a **** disciple, so I still have some understanding of Haotian Tower.

The Haotian Pagoda is the preaching place of the God Lord Taihao and the martial art holy land of the six empires. It is located at the junction of the Canglong Empire and the White Night Empire, on the sacred Fengshen Mountain.

Every twenty years, the major empires will select ten to twenty young geniuses and send them to the Haotian Tower for guidance and training.

Hundreds of young talents have half a year of training and preparation time.

After half a year, the Haotian Tower will conduct an assessment, and the genius who successfully passes the assessment will become a **** of glory.

Every disciple of the God of Glory is equivalent to a disciple of the Lord Taihao, and is qualified to learn the techniques, experience, formations, etc. of the Lord.

The status of the **** disciple is very respected, and the future achievements are not limited. He is very hopeful to become a strong man of martial arts, and at the worst, he can become a martial king of the Five Tribulations.

And those geniuses who have been eliminated can only be sent to the kingdom of God in the nine heavens and become servants of the kingdom of God. "

Ji Tianxing silently listened to Yin Wuqian's words, and thought to himself: "For the young geniuses of the Primordial Spirit Realm, half a year's preparation is of little significance.

Even if he could cultivate in the Haotian Tower, it would be difficult to raise his realm in half a year.

It is estimated that the only people who can become gods are the top geniuses in various countries, right? "

As for the title of "Five Tribulations Martial Lord", he understood after a little thought.

On the Shenwu Continent, the warriors of the Yuanshen realm can be called strong.

The strong man who reached the tribulation realm was called Wujun.

The one who has crossed the heavens twice is the Two Tribulations Martial Lord, and the one who has crossed the heavens five times is the Five Tribulations Martial Lord.

As for the martial sages above the tribulation realm, they are often called the great emperors, and they are very rare in number. They are generally emperors or saints in charge of the empire.

Although, Yin Wuwei's eyes flashed when he talked about the **** disciple, and he seemed very excited and expectant.

But Ji Tianxing was not interested in **** servants and disciples, he just thought about how to find Yun Yao's trace after entering Haotian Tower.

Next, he chatted with Yin Wuque for a while and asked some news about the Haotian Tower.

Unfortunately, there is not much news that Yin Wuwei knows.

After a few hours, both of them calmed down and practiced in silence.


Unconsciously, a month passed.

The golden auspicious cloud carrying the guard of honor and Jin Nian, crossed half of the Izumo Empire and most of the Canglong Empire, and finally arrived at Fengshen Mountain.

This is the junction of the Canglong Empire and the White Night Empire. Within a few million miles, there are endless mountains.

It was the afternoon, the sky was blue as washing, and the sun was bright but not hot.

The breeze came slowly from the high sky, and the earth was covered with undulating mountains, lined with towering peaks.

Almost every peak is more than a thousand feet tall, and the top of the mountain is obscured by clouds and mist, hazy and looming.

The mountain peaks are covered with dark green primitive jungle, releasing extremely rich green wood aura and vitality.

At the foot of the mountains, there are several big rivers like jade belts, winding and flowing, and the river surface is shining with golden light.

In front of the golden auspicious clouds, about a few hundred miles away, stood a huge black giant peak as high as four thousand feet!

It is the most majestic and steep peak within a few million miles ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, covering an area of ​​nearly a thousand miles, like the Optimus Prime supporting the sky and the earth.

This mountain is the location of Haotian Tower, the legendary Fengshen Mountain!

Fengshenshan's mountain is very steep, and the surroundings are almost straight, as if it had been chopped by the sword of a god.

On the whole mountain, there is almost no dark green jungle and vegetation, revealing ancient brown rocks, covered with traces of vicissitudes etched by wind and frost.

From halfway up the mountain, it was obscured by white clouds.

The top of the four-thousand-foot-high Fengshen Mountain is a flat land with a radius of a hundred miles, just like a dojo where the gods preach, and an altar used to cast spells.

The area of ​​this dojo is comparable to a majestic city, which can accommodate millions of people.

However, there is no towering city on the top of the mountain, only dozens of magnificent huge palaces, surrounded by a towering golden tower!

That is the Haotian Tower.

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