Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1506: Dusty memory

Everyone knelt down sincerely, but Ji Tianxing didn't kneel, and he dared to look directly at the statue of God Lord!

This is absolutely disrespectful!

This is the first time that the great guardian has encountered such a thing in the hundreds of years since he was in the Haotian Tower.

He did not recite the divine text, staring sharply at Ji Tianxing, his face was full of anger.

An invisible coercion was released from him and suppressed by Ji Tianxing.

In order not to affect the worship ceremony, he chose to remind Ji Tianxing in this way.

He believed that even if the white-robed young man lost consciousness for a while, he would certainly bow down respectfully after being reminded by him.


The invisible coercion enveloped Ji Tianxing, causing his body to tremble twice, and his face turned pale.

But he did not respond, still standing tall, looking directly at the statue of God Lord, his expression still changing.

Seeing this, the guardian suddenly became angry, and thought to himself: "Damn boy, even ignoring this seat's reminder and dare to be so rude!!"

The pilgrimage ceremony was temporarily unable to proceed. The great guardian stared at Ji Tianxing with sorrowful eyes, and reprimanded in a deep voice: "You junior, so brave!

How dare you offend the majesty of the gods and disrupt the pilgrimage ceremony. You really know how to live or die. Why don't you kneel down and confess your sin? ! "

The great guardian's anger suddenly sounded, like a muffled thunder blowing in the hall.

Hundreds of young geniuses and the six divine envoys were all taken aback.

Everyone turned their heads, looked around the hall, and finally their eyes fell on Ji Tianxing.

Seeing him standing stiffly on the spot and looking directly at the statue of God Lord, everyone suddenly changed their complexion and showed complicated eyes.

Most of the young geniuses were shocked and puzzled by this, and they looked at Ji Tianxing secretly and whispered the work.

"Who is this guy? How dare to be wild in the temple, tired of living?"

"This is the most sacred pilgrimage ceremony. Everyone kneels down and worships. How dare he stand?"

"Huh! It looks like a member of the Izumo Empire, which is really embarrassing!"

"Is the kid crazy? How dare you lose your temper in front of the statue of the god? Isn't this looking for death?"

"The great guardian is already angry, this kid is done! He will definitely be punished severely and even expelled from the Haotian Tower!"

The geniuses from all over the world look on the sidelines and watch the excitement not too much.

The young geniuses of the Izumo Empire were more shocked and their expressions became more complicated.

"Ji Tianxing has always been arrogant and arrogant. He didn't expect him to be wild in the temple!"

"This **** bastard, he's making a mess at this time, don't make us tired!"

After both Kuanglong and Lan Yiqing recovered, a cold light flashed in their eyes, and they sneered secretly in their hearts.

"Ha ha ha... I really underestimated this guy. I didn't expect him to be so arrogant that even the gods would offend!"

"Humph! Originally, I was still practicing assiduously, determined to surpass him and personally kill him for revenge...

Unexpectedly, he actually offended the majesty of the gods in public, this is a serious crime of treason!

The guardian will punish him severely, and it is best to expel him from the Haotian Tower. The honor of the first genius of the Izumo Empire can return to my hands! "

Yin Wuque was standing behind Ji Tianxing. Seeing this scene, he was anxiously distraught, showing worried eyes.

He hurriedly used the method of sound transmission to shout to Ji Tianxing: "Master Ji! What are you doing in a daze? Kneel down and worship!

Ji Tianxing! You hateful brat, you are in the temple now, don't be stupid! "

Yin Wuque shouted in anxious voice transmission, his anxious face flushed a little.

It's a pity that Ji Tianxing didn't respond, and turned a deaf ear to his voice transmission, still standing stiff.

Lin Daoyi frowned, a hint of worry and anger flashed through his eyes.

Seeing that Ji Tianxing became the focus of the audience and was criticized and ridiculed, he quickly shouted coldly: "Ji Tianxing, above the temple, don't be rude!"

However, Ji Tianxing still did not respond, making no sound or moving, just like a wooden person.

No one knows, just now, an invisible **** deep in his soul was broken.

Some memories and pictures sealed in the deepest part of the soul, like a tide, flooded his soul.

His consciousness was swallowed by a black whirlpool, and a broad picture emerged from the depths of his soul.

In the sky above a vast sea of ​​clouds, two figures were standing proudly in the sky.

The figure on the left is a heroic man wearing a golden armor and a large cloak.

This person has a burly body, a majestic face, and exudes a domineering aura of disdain for the common people.

When he saw this person's face clearly, Ji Tianxing was shocked.

This person is exactly the same as the statue of God Lord Taihao in the temple!

Obviously, this man with golden armor is Taihao Martial God.

In the sea of ​​white clouds under his feet, half a dark golden pagoda was exposed, shining with sacred golden light.

Ji Tianxing also immediately recognized that it was Haotian Tower.

He looked at the second figure in the picture again.

It was a tall and tall young man wearing a white robe, with a firm and indifferent face, sword eyebrows and star eyes, and his eyes contained a domineering look down on the world.

His attire is quite simple, wearing only a white robe and a pair of black cloth shoes.

He wore a silver belt around his waist, and his long hair was tied with a cyan hair rope.

When Ji Tianxing saw his face clearly, there was a throbbing in the depths of his soul.

The appearance of this white robe youth was exactly the same as him!

However, this white-robed youth is not him, but the sword god!

At this time, Taihao Martial God bowed to the Sword God, and his expression solemnly said: "I have long heard that the name of the Sword God is majestic, and it is a great honor for Taihao to invite the Sword God to visit Fengshen Mountain today."

The sword **** looked at Taihao Martial God indifferently, nodded slightly, and asked, "What are you looking for?"

Without answering, Wushen Taihao asked, "I heard that the Sword God had discussed with Luoshui~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Three ways to defeat him, and enlightened Luoshui, so that her magical powers reached Great Perfection?"

"That's true." Sword God nodded calmly.

Taihao Martial God's eyes flickered, and he said expectantly: "This **** has always admired the name of the sword god, and has long wanted to get acquainted with it.

Moreover, this **** believes that kendo has reached the state of transformation, and no one can beat him.

If you can't discuss it with you, it's a pity in your life. "

The Sword God had anticipated all this, his face was still calm, and he nodded and said, "Please make a move."

A golden light flashed in the palm of Taihao Martial God's palm, and a golden scabbard divine sword appeared, and he set his hands up.

"Sword God, draw your sword!"

The sword **** shook his head slightly, and said indifferently: "The sword, in the heart, in the world, outside the void, but not in the hand!"

Taihao Martial God was stunned at once, frowned and thought for a moment, only to reveal a sudden realization.

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