Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1508: You drew the punishment

Seeing this scene, the Great Protector was taken aback for a moment, frowning in confusion.

He knew very well that the power of Skyfire Whip could never be so weak.

With doubts in his mind, he was ready to step up his efforts and lash out again.

But at this moment, there was a sudden gust of wind on the square.


The strong wind blowing from nowhere swept across the entire Fengshen Mountain.

The colorful spiritual fog that obscured the sky was suddenly dispersed by the violent hurricane.

The calm and sunny high sky also became violent.

Endless black clouds rushed from all directions and gathered above the temple and the square, making the sky and the earth dim.

In the dark clouds, purple lightning arcs flickered frantically, quickly gathering together.

Seeing this discoloration of the world, the great guardian was stunned, and his eyes showed deep shock and confusion.

The six divine envoys in the temple, hundreds of young geniuses, all looked at the square with suspicion, not understanding what had happened.

After frowning and thinking for a moment, the great guardian suddenly revealed an expression of enlightenment.

He pointed to the changing sky of the wind and clouds, and sternly reprimanded Ji Tianxing: "Rebel, have you seen it? You have offended the majesty of the gods and have angered God!

This is the fury of heaven! This seat must punish you severely, so as to calm the anger of the sky and maintain the majesty of the god! "

While talking, he once again raised the skyfire whip and injected the majestic mana into the long whip.

The flame of Skyfire Whip grew wildly, and its power doubled.


The great guardian raised the whip of the sky fire, and slammed the whip to Ji Tianxing.

Seeing that the powerful and violent Skyfire Whip was about to draw Zhong Ji Tianxing's chest.

At this moment, among the black clouds covering the sky, a dazzling thunder light suddenly lit up, slashing down towards the square.


A loud and deafening noise exploded in the sky and spread throughout the Fengshen Mountain.

A thousand-meter-high thunder light beam, like a dragon, tore through the dark sky, and smashed the black stone pillar in the corner of the square.

Suddenly, Ji Tianxing, the Great Protector, and the black stone pillar were all flooded by infinite lightning.

The stone pillar more than ten feet high was smashed into pieces on the spot, splashing out the sky with rubble.

A violent shock wave, wrapped in gravel and lightning arcs, swept the entire square.

The mighty and violent Skyfire Whip was broken into several pieces by the divine thunder and fell into the rubble ruins.

The guardian was also blasted by the thunder and flew out and hit the square a hundred meters away.

He was scorched black, his robe was ragged, his hair was curly, and he was still bubbling with black smoke.

Before he was still majestic, but at this moment he turned gray and very embarrassed.

However, he possessed the strength of the Martial Saint Realm, and he was suddenly struck by the divine thunder, and he would not be seriously injured.

After a while, the dust and black smoke gradually dispersed.

The great guardian got up from the ground, only then could he see the situation in the corner of the square.

Ji Tianxing in a white robe stood on the ruins unscathed!

Except for the bloodstain on his chest that was drawn by the skyfire whip, he had no injuries on his body.

Seeing this scene, the guardian was dumbfounded on the spot, and exclaimed in an incredible way.

"He...didn't he be struck by the divine thunder? How could he be safe?

No, there must be something wrong with this, absolutely impossible! "

The dignified Martial Saint Realm powerhouse, the great guardian guarding the Haotian Tower, was shocked and confused, and his mood was disturbed.

However, the great changes in heaven and earth are not over yet.

At this moment, an even more amazing scene appeared.

The Fengshen Mountain, which was as high as thousands of feet, was like a giant pillar, and it shook violently!

The whole giant peak was trembling, and it made a dull loud noise, as if it was about to collapse.

Many palaces and houses have also cracked cracks, and countless golden bricks and glazed tiles are scattered.

In the square outside the temple, the ground also cracked huge gullies, splashing dust in the sky.

The scene of the earth shaking and the mountains is like the end of the day!

Dark clouds in the sky pressed, lightning and thunder.

The earth shook wildly, cracking numerous gullies.

Even the sacred and towering Haotian Pagoda shook violently, bursting with golden light.

Things have developed to such a point that the worship ceremony has been completely destroyed.

Six divine envoys and hundreds of young geniuses all hurriedly rushed out of the temple and rushed to the square outside the temple.

I saw that the square was already distorted and shattered, and the ground was covered with wide ravines and gravel.

The great protector was covered with dust, standing in the square with his hair out.

Ji Tianxing, dressed in a white robe, stood unharmed in the corner of the square with a cold expression.

The envoys and young geniuses were a little dumbfounded when they saw this scene, and they didn't understand what was going on.

The sudden upheaval made everyone panic and at a loss.

No one thought that such an amazing celestial change would happen to the martial arts holy land, which has always been peaceful and peaceful.

This is simply unreasonable.

After everyone came back to their senses, they all started to talk in doubt.

"Gosh! How could this happen!"

"What happened just now? Why did the sky and the earth change drastically, the earth shook the mountains, and the thunders killed them?"

"What's the matter with the guardian? Did he get struck by the divine thunder?"

"Ji Tianxing was not injured? This is impossible!"

"He offended the majesty of the divine lord and angered the divine lord. He should be killed by the divine thunder!"

For a while, the square was noisy and messy.

Fortunately, Fengshenshan gradually calmed down and stopped shaking.

The violent hurricanes that filled the sky and the earth, the dark clouds that obscured the sky, and the lightning and lightning in the clouds, also gradually dissipated.

Seeing everyone in a mess, the great guardian quickly tidied up his appearance and restored his majestic posture.

He pointed at Ji Tianxing angrily, and said in a cold and majestic tone: "I believe everyone has seen ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It is precisely because Ji Tianxing has offended the majesty of the Lord that he has angered the Lord!

This fanatic was rebellious and rebellious, and it caused great changes in the world, the sacred mountain shook, and the heavens cast thunder.

This is the anger and punishment of the God Lord, and Haotian Tower can no longer tolerate him! "

After listening to the explanation of the great guardian, the people suddenly realized that they all nodded in agreement.

Especially Lan Yiqing, Kuanglong and others, even more sneered, and there was a bit of cold light in their eyes.

A Qingpao divine envoy hurriedly agreed, shouting out of righteous indignation: "For thousands of years, there has never been an accident here! Fengshenshan is a martial arts holy land and has always been peaceful.

But today, Ji Tianxing offended the majesty of the gods, disrupted the worship ceremony, and caused a terrible disaster.

The envoy suggested that he must be severely punished in order to calm down the anger of the Lord! "

Another black-robed divine envoy also agreed, and said in an angrily tone: "Dharma Protector, please punish Ji Tianxing severely. It is best to expel him from the Haotian Tower to avoid harm!"

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