Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1518: Conspiracy struck

Although, Lord Wang Ruo and Deacon Sun both had the ability to cross the tribulation realm.


   But they don't understand Ji Tianxing at all, and they don't even know Ji Tianxing's true strength and hole cards.


   Wang Ruozhu made a mistake in his judgment, causing them to be injured by the White Tiger Sacred Sword.


   Ji Tianxing not only did not fall into a weak state, but displayed a more powerful trick.


   Continue to fight, they can't take advantage at all, and it is impossible to win the Sky Burial Sword.


  Wait for the golden guards of Fengshenshan to come. Not only did their plan fail, they might be captured, and their identities would be exposed.


   "Wh! Wh!"


   The two went all out to fly into the sky, turned into two streams of light, and quickly disappeared into the sky.


   With Ji Tianxing's strength, he couldn't catch up with them at all, so he could only watch them run away.




   The golden light converged, his figure appeared, standing in the sky.


   The Heaven Burial Sword and the Golden Sword of the Primordial God separated quickly, both shrank ten million times and returned to his body.


   He looked up at the sky, and saw a few golden lights flashing in the clouds, and a team of golden armored guards was coming rushing.


   He frowned and thought for a while, then displayed his hidden steps, remained invisible, bypassed the golden armor guards, and returned to the top of Fengshen Mountain from the side.


   "Since I was attacked, a hundred breaths of time have passed, and the guards of the golden armor are only coming now, and the speed is really slow!


   Could it be that they don't care about anything other than Fengshenshan? "


   Ji Tianxing hid in the clouds, staring condescendingly at the golden armored guards, thinking silently in his heart.


   The group of golden armored guards rushed to the square at the foot of the mountain and launched a search and investigation.


   However, the valleys and flats with a radius of one hundred miles have become ruins full of potholes and cracks.


   Even the walls of Fengshen Mountain left two huge pits and cracks like spider webs.


   Other than that, there are no other clues.


   The golden armored guards searched the ruins for a long time, but they didn't find any clues, they could only return without success.


   Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing quietly returned to the top of the Fengshen Mountain and entered the Haotian Tower.


   After a while, he returned to the Shenshu Pavilion.


   The second guardian was still sitting in the corner of the main hall as usual, shrinking in the dark chair.


   Jitian walked in front of her, and reported with a calm expression: "Second Guardian, I have brought back the book that the White Night Empire pays tribute."


   The second protector curled up in the large black robe, and when he heard Ji Tianxing's voice, he opened his turbid and green eyes and glanced at him.


   "Put those books on the shelf in different categories."


   She gave a slow command, then closed her eyes and continued to doze.


   Although Ji Tianxing's white robe is tattered, his hair is messy, and his body is still stained with dust and blood.


   But she didn't seem to have seen it, did not respond, and never asked.


   Ji Tianxing glanced at her blankly, then turned and walked towards the bookshelf not far away.


   He took out the black ring, took out the thousands of books in it, and placed them on the corresponding shelves according to different categories.


   After half an hour, he placed all the books before returning to the secret room.


  'S previous battles had consumed most of his mana and suffered some minor injuries.


   Fortunately, with the help of the funeral, he was able to repel the two groups of attackers.


   After he took care of the injury, he sat on the futon and closed his eyes to rest, silently thinking.


  "Regardless of whether the great guardian or the second guardian, they are all unkind people.


   This Haotian Pagoda, unlike the Great Sky School and the Emperor's Mansion I have been to before, it has strict rules and no human touch at all.


  The big guardian is cold and harsh, the second guardian saw me hurt but didn't pay attention to it, and the guards of the golden armor were also late...


Humph! The so-called martial arts holy land may be somewhat divine, but not very human! "


   Ji Tianxing thought to himself, and a sneer of disdain evoked at the corner of his mouth.


   He decided to hide the incident about his attack at the foot of the mountain, and would never report it to the people of the Haotian Tower.


   After all, he had offended the great guardian, even if the great guardian knew that he was attacked, he would probably open his eyes and close his eyes.


   The most important thing is that if he reported this incident to the two protectors and divine envoys, the Heaven Burial Sword would be involved.


   "Two groups of people who have nothing to do with me ran to the foot of Fengshen Mountain, taking great risks to **** the Heaven Burying Sword!


   How do they know that the Heaven Burial Sword is in my hand? Why do you **** desperately? "


   After he came to Shenwu Continent, he only showed up in the Izumo Empire, and never visited the White Night Empire.


   It's okay now, the two envoys of the White Night Empire attacked him unexpectedly, trying to **** the Sky Burial Sword!


   This made him have to wonder, could it be that there is some earth-shattering mystery hidden in the Sky Burial Sword that makes those people so crazy?


   He had read hundreds of thousands of books before, and he had a good understanding of the life experience and legends of the sword god.


   He knew that the Sword God was the number one powerhouse in the famous Shenwu Continent, and was worshipped by hundreds of millions of warriors.


   The Heaven Burial Sword worn by the Sword God is naturally also a god-known sword.


   "Although the Heaven Burying Sword is a well-known divine sword, now that thousands of years have passed, the Heaven Burying Sword in my hand is also incomplete. Who can recognize it as the Heaven Burying Sword?"


   When he thought of this question, his first reaction was-from the Izumo Empire.


   "After I came to the Shenwu Continent, I only walked in the Izumo Empire. The news of the Heaven Burial Sword must have been leaked at that time.


   When Izumo the Great came to me in person, he had seen my Sky Burial Sword...


   Did he recognize the Sky Burial Sword and let the news go?


  If it weren't, how could the people of the White Night Empire know that I have the Sky Burial Sword?


   But, the Emperor Izumo recognized the Sky Burial Sword~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Why didn't he **** it directly, but released the news so that the powerful from other countries would come to Fengshenshan to **** the sword? "


   Ji Tianxing analyzed it for a while and was basically sure that it was the Emperor Izumo who recognized the Sky Burial Sword and released the news.


   But he could not understand, what was the purpose of Izumo the Great's doing this?


   Borrow a knife to kill someone? The Great Emperor Izumo is a powerful martial artist, a great emperor of a country, he doesn't need it at all!


   Ji Tianxing pondered for a long time, but couldn't figure out this problem.


   But what he can be sure of is that a huge conspiracy is attacking him!


   A moment later, he thought of another more important question.


  "Since Izumo the Great can recognize the Sky Burial Sword, the Great Guardian, Second Guardian and several envoys of the Haotian Tower are likely to recognize this divine sword!


   Fortunately, after I came to the Haotian Tower, I haven't used the Sky Burial Sword in front of everyone.


   If the Sky Burial Sword is exposed, I don’t know how much trouble and trouble it will cause!


   It seems that I will be more careful in the future, and hide the Sky Burial Sword, and I must not use it unless I have a last resort. "


   After making up his mind, he stretched out his right palm and sacrificed the Heaven Burial Sword.


   He was about to put the Heaven Burial Sword into the space ring, but a crisp sound suddenly rang in his mind.


   "Old Ji, come to Azuchi, I have something very important to tell you!"


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