Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1527: Ji Tianxing's conditions

When Jiang Ningxue heard the word ‘burial sky’, her eyes were sharp and her heartbeat missed Щщш..lā


   Fortunately, she was calm and smart enough, she didn't show any abnormality on the surface, and her expression was as calm as ever.


   But Ji Tianxing deliberately tried her, and kept staring at her changes. Of course, he could see that her heart was surging, and she was quite excited.


   Jiang Ningxue thought for a while pretending to be puzzled, and then said: "Fun Tian? This name is indeed a bit weird, but it is very domineering!


   Master Ji, can you lend me your Heaven Burial Sword? "


   On the surface, she seemed to have never heard of the Heaven Burying Sword, but she was simply curious.


   Ji Tianxing did not hesitate, and handed her the sword without hesitation.


   She quickly took it over, holding the black dragon sword in both hands, watching carefully.


   She can see that this sword is not only delicate and exquisite, but also contains a bit of simplicity.


   Especially the black dragon on the hilt is lifelike, as if to come to life.


   The most important thing is that this sword is different from ordinary magic weapons. It is not a dead thing, it has a soul and divine power fluctuations.


   It is like a sleeping dragon, it may come alive at any time, tear the sky and soar for nine days.


   This feeling made Jiang Ningxue very sure that this is definitely an extraordinary sword, which is very consistent with the legendary burial sword!


   After a long while, Jiang Ningxue still held the black dragon sword, watching over and over again, and she couldn't put it down.


  Ji Tianxing saw her watching for a long time, neither speaking nor intending to return, he asked, "Ms. Jiang, what's wrong with you?"


   Jiang Ningxue came back to her senses, smiled awkwardly, and explained: "The Heaven Burial Sword of Master Ji is indeed a rare and peerless soldier in the world.


   I have grown up so much and have never seen such a spiritual and extraordinary sword.


   Under the shock in his heart, he lost consciousness for a while, but it made Master Ji laugh. "


   Ji Tianxing smiled and nodded, and said in a playful tone: "Since Miss Jiang loves this magic sword so much, then I will reluctantly give up my love and give the sword to you, how about?"


   Jiang Ningxue suddenly shook her body, her pretty face was full of joy, she looked at Ji Tianxing with bright eyes, and asked: "Master Ji, such a magic sword... are you really willing to send me?"


   Ji Tianxing's smile became more and more interesting, and he nodded and said: "Of course I am willing to be a beautiful lady like Miss Jiang, but...I have a condition."


   Jiang Ningxue only wanted to get the ‘Sky Burial Sword’ in his heart, but didn’t notice the joking in his eyes, and quickly asked, “What are the conditions for Mr. Ji? But it’s okay.”


   "Really?" Ji Tianxing looked at her with a smile, stepped to her side, leaned over to her ear, and said something in a low voice.


   Hearing the conditions he put forward, Jiang Ningxue's body was shocked, and her body stiffly froze in place.


When    recovered, her face was flushed with shame, even her white neck was blushing, and her body was trembling.


   She lowered her head and dared not look at Ji Tianxing's eyes. She stood up with a flustered expression, and quickly returned the "Sky Burial Sword" to Ji Tianxing, then turned away shame and angrily.


   Ji Tianxing looked at her hurriedly leaving back, the smile on her face became more and more playful, and he asked loudly: "Miss Jiang, are you agreeing?


   If you think about it, come to my room tonight, let's talk about it..."


   Jiang Ningxue staggered under her feet and almost missed the beam.


   Several maids and guards around the yard cast weird eyes at Ji Tianxing when they heard Ji Tianxing's voice.


   She was immediately embarrassed and indignant, speeded up her pace through the corridor, and left the house as if fleeing.


   After she left, Ji Tianxing put away the evil smile on his face, and his eyes became clear and calm.


   "Huh! Since you are not a sinister woman, why help Lu Li to test me?


   I just tried a little bit to make you show up... Lu Li's beauty trick seems to be self-defeating. "


   Ji Tianxing had a smile at the corner of his mouth. After turning around and returning to the room, he thought of a key question in his heart.


   "Before I went to the foot of the mountain to receive tribute, first two envoys of the White Night Empire attacked me.


  The two were injured by me. After the wounded and escaped, two masked men in black appeared, and wanted to **** the Heaven Burial Sword.


   Not long after that incident, Lu Li came to Fengshenshan to worship, and asked the Great Guardian to transfer me to Ningshen Hall.


   Lu Li tried his best to win me over, so he did not hesitate to resort to beauty tricks and asked Jiang Ningxue to approach me, deliberately showing good.


  I am afraid that what he is plotting to make Lu Li have such a blood source is also the Sky Burial Sword, right? ..


   Are the two masked men in black from the Qianxue Empire? "


   He had been wondering whether the two groups of people who attacked him were all from the White Night Empire?


   Now, Lu Li is very courteous to him, which made him understand that the second group of people in black is likely to belong to the Qianxue Empire.


   Thinking of this, Ji Tianxing thought to himself, no matter what plot Lu Li had, he must deal with it carefully.




   It's late at night again.


  In a certain study in Ning Temple, Lu Li was sitting in front of the book table.


   Jiang Ningxue, in a white dress, sat opposite him, reporting the news in a calm face.


   "Lu Li, today I took the initiative to approach Ji Tianxing. I spent half a day with him and I have found clues."


   Hearing this news, Lu Li was immediately overjoyed, and quickly asked: "Xue'er, what clues did you find?"


   Jiang Ningxue said with satisfaction: "I have gained his trust~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He recently encountered a bottleneck in his swordsmanship, so he wanted to use his swordsmanship and let me give him guidance.


   He took out a black sword named Funeral Sky! I have observed it carefully, and there should be no mistakes. "


   Lu Li's eyes flickered, and his mood became excited and urgent, "Are you sure that is the Sky Burial Sword? It's great!


   As the saying goes, heroes are saddened by beauty, it seems that beauty tricks are the most effective.


   Xue'er, since Ji Tianxing is willing to show the Sky Burial Sword in front of you, it means that he has a good impression of you and trusts you very much.


  You have to strike while the iron is hot and find a way to get the Heaven Burial Sword! "


   At this point, Jiang Ningxue's expression became a little weird, and she said angrily: "The guy said that he is willing to give me the Heaven Burial Sword, but he has a condition."


   "What are the conditions?" Lu Li quickly asked, "Have you agreed?"


   Jiang Ningxue's face was cold, and a cold light flashed in his eyes, and angrily said: "That **** disciple, actually wants me... let me wait and sleep with him for one night!!!"


   Lu Li's face suddenly stagnated, and his brows were frowned unhappy.


   But in his heart he thought to himself: "Damn boy, who pretends to be a gentleman on the surface, is actually so nasty.


   However, if you can successfully obtain the Sky Burial Sword, it would be worthwhile for Xue Er to sacrifice! "


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