Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1534: Lawless

Today, the young geniuses of the Izumo Empire came here to humiliate Ji Tianxing.


   Before, Lan Yiqing led the crowd to stop Ji Tianxing from going to the temple to worship, but Ji Tianxing vomited blood.


   Now that Ji Tianxing is'blasted out' of the temple, how can she let this opportunity to humiliate Ji Tianxing?


   A dozen young geniuses lined up in front of Ji Tianxing.


   Ji Tianxing stopped and looked at Lan Yiqing and the others blankly, and said in a cold tone: "A good dog does not stand in the way, get out of the way if you know!"


   With a single mouth, he made Lan Yiqing's and other popular faces pale, and his eyes were full of anger.


   Lan Yiqing showed a sneer, and said in a contemptuous tone: "Ji Tianxing! Even now, you dare to be so arrogant, you really do not live or die!"


   Crazy Dragon also grinned, and said with a joking sneer: "Hehe, you shamelessly betrayed your country, wanting to curry favor with the Lu Li of the Qianxue Empire, and you are willing to be someone's running dog!


The results of it? People worshiped the god, got the favor of the god, and sent down the oracle.


   And your running dog was kicked out of the temple, and you don’t even have the qualifications to worship the god! "


   Ji Tianxing's eyes suddenly became cold, and a sharp cold light appeared in his eyes.


A meaningful sneer evoked at the corner of his mouth, his eyes swept across the geniuses of Crazy Dragon, Lan Yiqing and Izumo Empire, and said in a low tone: "You think that the oracle of the **** is given to Lu Li, and I was bombarded. Out of the temple?


   So, you clowns, can’t wait to jump out and want to humiliate me? "


   A dozen young talents suddenly sneered with contempt.


   "Of course! You are the traitor who humiliates!"


   "Hahaha...you know you are a little bit self-knowing!"


   "Ji Tianxing, you have been removed from our Izumo Empire, you are not worthy of being a citizen of this country!"


   "Traitor! Don't you kneel down and confess?"


  The geniuses of the Izumo Empire are crowded and powerful, and Ji Tianxing was ‘expelled’ from the temple.


   Under such circumstances, the geniuses are naturally arrogant, and they are bound to take the opportunity to humiliate him and trample on his dignity in the presence of the geniuses of the Six Nations.


   Ji Tianxing suddenly smiled.


   laughed extremely angry.


   His whole body was soaring to the sky, with a powerful and unmatched aura, like an invisible mountain, and went to suppress everyone.


   "Only with you clowns who dare to point fingers in front of me?


   I warned you before, since you insist on seeking death, then I will fulfill you! "


   He gave a domineering anger, his whole body lit up with golden light, and his body suddenly grew to more than three feet high, becoming a stalwart giant.


   "Give me all down!"


In the roar of   , he suddenly waved his palms and slapped the three young geniuses before him.


   "Catch Tianzhang!"


   The three people were mocking him with a sneer on their faces. Two giant golden palms fell from the sky and took them down with the power to destroy the world.


   The three of them suddenly stiffened, their eyes widened, and they showed extremely frightened expressions.


   They never thought that Ji Tianxing was so arrogant, he would do it if he didn't agree with him!


   The power of the golden palm is too terrifying, and the speed of shooting is extremely fast.


   Before they could react, he was shot by the golden palm.




   The deafening muffled sound suddenly burst in the square.


   The hard slate floor was blasted out of two huge pits on the spot.


  The three young geniuses of the Izumo Empire, all lying in the ruins covered in blood, have passed out.


   The sudden change made everyone in the square dumbfounded.


   The geniuses from all over the world showed incredible expressions, looked at Ji Tianxing in surprise, and exclaimed.


   "Gosh! Is this guy crazy? He wants to fight a dozen geniuses from the Izumo Empire?"


   "How dare he attack other geniuses outside the temple? It's lawless!"


   "This kid is over! No matter who it is, dare not make trouble on Fengshen Mountain, he is dead!"


   "Hey, the people of the Izumo Empire are fighting inwardly and fighting outside the temple. It's ridiculous!"


  The young geniuses from all over the world quickly retreated to the edge of the square, so they could watch the game in their spare time and watch the show.


   Song Zhanyu in the crowd stared deeply at Ji Tianxing, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.


   "Huh! This guy is really crazy enough, he actually shot in full view, facing a dozen young geniuses alone.


   That's good, I just look at his strengths.


  Perhaps, he will use the legendary burial sword..."


   At the same time, Lan Yiqing and Kuanglong, who were inexplicably shocked, finally came back to their senses.


   They looked at the pit in front of them, and looked at the three companions lying on the bottom of the pit. They were all furious and roared in anger.


   "Ji Tianxing! You are so brave, how dare you go outside the temple!"


   "You, a running dog who eats inside and out, even shot at your country's compatriots, you are so conscienceless!"


   "Ji Tianxing, don't blame us for bullying you too much, today we are going to clean up the door for the Izumo Empire and teach you a dog thief!"


   Lan Yiqing, Kuanglong and others were shocked and angry at first, but after calming down, there was a deep ecstasy in their hearts.


   Everyone saw it, it was Ji Tianxing who hit someone first.


   They then joined forces to counterattack again, beating Ji Tianxing half to death, and abolishing his lifelong cultivation base, it is also a matter of reason, and he will certainly not be punished.


   This is their perfect opportunity to take revenge and destroy Ji Tianxing!


   Thinking of this, Lan Yiqing, Kuanglong and others, have used secret methods to attack Ji Tianxing with all their strength.


   Ji Tianxing was not afraid, and sneered with contempt: "A bunch of rubbish, if you hit you, do you have to pick time?"


   While talking, he waved his fists again and used a trick to blast the two young geniuses not far away.


   "Broken Star Fist!"


   The two are fans of the crazy dragon, they have been following the crazy dragon, yelling very badly, they have been cursing him just now.


   However, the two of them only have the strength of the fourth level of the Primordial God Realm.


   Before they could resist, two groups of bright golden fists hit them hard.




   With two muffled noises burst out ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Both of them were thrown out with a blast, and Qiqiao spurted blood and fell thousands of feet away.


   The two fell on the edge of the square, and fell into a coma after landing, and could not get up again.


   At this time, Lan Yiqing, Kuanglong, and six young geniuses unleashed powerful geniuses and launched a siege on Ji Tianxing.


   Pillars of fire, ice knives and sword glows of different colors, as well as magical rays of light, descend from the sky to Ji Tianxing.


   The radius of thousands of feet, suddenly turned into a colorful world.


   Ji Tianxing's figure was immediately overwhelmed by various spell attacks.


   At a critical juncture, Ji Tianxing is one opponent to eight, but he is not afraid.


   A golden light flashed behind him, and a pair of golden wings appeared.


   The wings closed instantly to protect themselves.

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