Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1537: 1 up

The extremely powerful and domineering voice spread throughout the square, shaking everyone's heart.


   The geniuses from all over the world are staring at Ji Tianxing, showing a deep look of shock, and the heartbeat and blood flow have accelerated.


   "This guy! You dare to say it! This is the real lawlessness!"


   "Either kneel down by myself, or I will beat you down...too domineering!"


   "This is the pride and domineering that a peerless genius should have!"


   "Yes, even the gods favor him, and the oracle is sent down for him, how can such a peerless genius be humiliated?"


   "Don't forget, Ji Tianxing was originally the first genius of the Izumo Empire. He has defeated those two a long time ago!"


   Many geniuses talked, staring at Lan Yiqing and Crazy Dragon, wanting to see how they end up.


   Lan Yiqing and Kuanglong were almost blown up with anger, their faces were blue and white, and their hands and feet were trembling.


   The two are also martial arts geniuses with extraordinary backgrounds. They have always been arrogant and have never suffered such insults in their entire lives!


   The mad dragon was in rage, his eyes flashing scarlet murderous, staring at Ji Tianxing, his voice was low and hoarse, and he shouted: "Ji Tianxing! You bastard, even if my mad dragon died in battle, I would never give in to you!


   Even if you get the oracle, in my eyes you will always be a villain who tends to be inflamed! "


   In contrast, Lan Yiqing was calm, restrained from anger and murder.


   She raised her head to look at the guardian, and said in a deep voice, "Da guardian, you have seen it, Ji Tianxing ignored your decision and was aggressive..."


   The great guardian frowned, and said blankly: "I have already said that Haotian Tower will not interfere with the personal grievances between the disciples.


   However, this seat and the six divine envoys are present, but they can be a notarization, allowing you to fight, but you can't cause death. "


   A few simple sentences showed the attitude of the Haotian Tower.


   Lan Yiqing was completely desperate, and he was counting on the great guardian to resolve the situation, obviously he couldn't count on it anymore.


   After all, the genius who gets the oracle will be favored by the **** master, and will surely become a peerless power in the future.


   Compared to Ji Tianxing, she and Mad Dragon seem insignificant.


   The great guardian can save their lives, and it is already the ultimate benevolence.


   The color of hope in Lan Yiqing's eyes faded a little bit, and finally turned into endless indifference and murder.


   She doesn't regret what she did before, but hates that when she was in the Izumo Empire, she didn't use the strength of the Lan family to kill Ji Tianxing.


   The mad dragon took the lead to fly into the air, and was a hundred feet away from Ji Tianxing, and confronted him murderously.


   A bronze chain is wrapped around him, and his body is full of dark red blood, releasing a powerful breath.


   "Ji Tianxing! Last time I lost to you carelessly, today..."


   He stared at Ji Tianxing, and drank coldly.


   But Ji Tianxing ignored him, stretched out a finger, pointed at Lan Yiqing, and said calmly: "You go together, I don't want to waste time."


   The audience was shocked when he said this.


   So arrogant, so domineering!


   Crazy Dragon was directly ignored, and the incomparable humiliation made him almost vomit blood.


   Lan Yiqing was also irritated by Ji Tianxing's extremely contemptuous attitude.


   "You **** bastard! It's so arrogant! Today I will be ashamed!"


   As she spoke, a blue light flashed in her palm, and a crystal clear ice blue sword appeared, which was the Extreme Ice Sword.


   "The sky is full of stars!"


   With a cold voice, she made a mysterious seal with both hands, manipulated the extremely ice sword, and stabbed three hundred and sixty ice blue sword lights, killing Xiang Ji Tianxing.


  The sky is covered with sword glow, like a starry sky.


   The terrifying sword light exudes an extremely icy atmosphere, making the radius of two thousand feet covered by ice.


  In an instant, Ji Tianxing's figure was shrouded in more than 300 sword lights.


   But he did not take out any weapons, nor did he use the spirit of the soul, but only blasted out two dark golden fists with two fists.


   "Broken Star Fist!"


   He used ten successful powers, and the condensed fist light was like a mountain, and the power was extremely terrifying.




   The ice blue sword light that covered the sky was severely shattered by both fists and turned into countless ice crystal fragments.


   At this time, the mad dragon has been killed.


   He brandished a simple bronze chain, chopped out nineteen **** giant swords, and slashed to Ji Tianxing fiercely.


   Ji Tianxing waved his palms again and slapped the sword light all over the sky.


   "Catch Tianzhang!"


   Two giant golden palms slammed the blood-colored giant sword, and there were two loud sounds of "Boom Boom".


   The dozen **** giant swords all collapsed and shattered.


   Lan Yiqing and Crazy Dragon's full attack were so easily resolved by Ji Tianxing.


   Both of them were shocked, their eyes showed worry.


  The geniuses and envoys of various countries all retreated to the edge of the square to watch the battle in their spare time.


   Just then, Ji Tianxing launched a counterattack.


   He suddenly showed his hidden steps and disappeared into the sky.


   In the next instant, he appeared beside the mad dragon and smashed his fist on the mad dragon's face.




   The mad dragon was unexpected, unable to avoid it.


   The left half of his face sank on the spot, the bones that were smashed shattered and bloody.


   Under severe pain, he frantically brandished the bronze chains, released two blood-colored dragons, and killed Ji Tianxing.


   However, Ji Tianxing's figure disappeared instantly, avoiding the blood dragon's bombardment.


   The two blood dragons flew across the square, just about to hit the temple.


   At a critical moment, with a wave of the right hand of the Great Guardian, the two blood-colored dragons were caught in the giant palm and crushed.


   The two giant dragons that ruined the world were as small as earthworms in front of him.


  At this time, Ji Tianxing escaped the attack of the crazy dragon and Lan Yiqing, and appeared ghostly on the right side of the crazy dragon.




   punched again and hit the right face of the crazy dragon.


   His right half of his face was suddenly pulverized, blood and broken bones spattered, and the whole person became completely unrecognizable.


   He yelled the most before, insulting Ji Tianxing as a traitor, running dog, and shameless.


   And now, Ji Tianxing deliberately smashed his entire face as a punishment for his cheating!


   The mad dragon was so severely injured that it thundered with anger, and immediately sacrificed the primordial spirit and performed its unique skills towards Ji Tianxing.


   Ji Tianxing escaped in stealth~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and slammed to Lan Yiqing.


   Before Lan Yiqing could react, he swept out, hitting her two knees.


   only heard the cracking sound of ‘click’, her legs were interrupted on the spot, and she let out a painful exclamation.


   Next, Ji Tianxing's figure continued to shuttle across the square, flashing back and forth.


   Every time he appeared, he was next to Lan Yiqing or Kuanglong, directly inflicting heavy blows on the opponent with his fists and feet.


   Lan Yiqing and Kuanglong were horribly beaten. Numerous bones and joints were shattered, and their bodies were covered with blood.


  Even if they use the primordial spirit technique to perform the secret technique of the domain, they still have no way of traveling.


   At the time of the ranking battle, Ji Tianxing had only the fourth level of the Primordial Divine Realm, and Lan Yiqing was able to compete with him before he lost.


   And now, the two combined are not Ji Tianxing's opponents, they can only be passively beaten!

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