Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1543: Yin Yang Wu Ji Gong

The reminder of Yin Wuqi made Ji Tianxing's heart slightly warm.

He smiled and nodded, "Thank you for reminding me, I know it in my heart.

No matter how much the Izumo Empire hates me, it won't kill Fengshen Mountain, right? "

Yin Wuque chuckled and shook his head and said, "That's not enough, not to mention the forces behind Lan Yiqing and the crazy dragon, even Saint Emperor Izumo will not come to Fengshenshan to make trouble.

It's just that you won't be able to stay in Fengshen Mountain forever in the future. Once you leave the range of Fengshen Mountain, you may be in danger. "

Ji Tianxing nodded slightly, and said calmly: "What's next, I'll talk about it later, there must be a way to the mountain.

It's you, the only friend I can trust. Thank you for your concern and reminder. "

Hearing these words, Yin Wuque's body was shocked, and he was obviously taken aback.

Immediately, his fair and delicate face bloomed with a deep joyful smile, and he asked excitedly: "Master Ji, you... would you like to be my friend? Are you willing to accept me?"

Ji Tianxing smiled and nodded.

After receiving his affirmative answer, Yin Wuque became more excited, and bright light appeared in his excited eyes.

"Great! I know you will be moved by my sincerity sooner or later!"

Ji Tianxing thought for a while, took out a jade slip from the space ring, and handed it to him.

"This jade slip is given to you as a meeting gift for you."

"You even prepared a gift for me?" Yin Wuwei became more and more happy, and his smiling eyes narrowed.

He quickly took the jade slip, looked at it twice, and asked in confusion, "Master Ji, what is this jade slip?"

Ji Tianxing said in a calm tone: "I saw you take the Yin and Yang umbrella as your magic weapon before. There seems to be some problems with the cultivation method, which put you in shackles, and your strength has not progressed for a long time."

Yin Wuwei widened his eyes in disbelief, and asked in shock: "Master Ji, you can even see this? The technique I practiced is a magical technique handed down by our ancestor of Huayue Palace.

It is a pity that every disciple who practices this exercise will encounter the same shackles and obstacles. "

Ji Tianxing smiled and said, "So, I found a "Yin Yang Wu Ji Gong" and gave it to you.

This exercise is most suitable for your cultivation, and it is certainly not weaker than your Huayue Palace exercise.

However, the content of the exercises is a bit obscure and difficult to understand. It is a very ancient magical secret method, and it may be difficult for you to practice for the first time.

But if you persist in cultivating, with your talent and understanding, I believe that results will soon be seen. "

"Our Huayue Palace's ancestors passed the magical skill, which is the high-grade skill of Jie-level."

Yin Wuque was surprised, and thought to himself: "Is this Yin-Yang Infinite Art given to me by Master Ji, is it a miraculous skill of the highest grade of robbery?"

Thinking of this, he hurriedly handed the jade slip back to Ji Tianxing, "Master Ji, the highest level of Jie-level technique is a magical skill that is priceless, and I can't accept such a valuable gift."

Ji Tianxing was startled for a moment, apparently he didn't expect that Yin Wuwei would not accept such precious divine art.

He wanted to laugh secretly in his heart, and thought: "The magical skill of the highest grade of robbery is indeed a treasure with a price and no market. In the Shenshu Pavilion, only the gods are qualified to borrow them.

Just so, Yin Wuqian didn't dare to accept it. If he knew that this exercise was not a robbery, but a real holy exercise, how would he feel? "

This Yin Yang Wu Ji Gong was a practice he chose specifically for Yin Wuwei in the Tianshu Pavilion.

In the Tianshu Pavilion, there are tens of thousands of ancient books collected by the sword god.

Among them, there are as many as 30,000 volumes of various magical techniques, and the worst are holy techniques, and there are many god-class techniques.

Because of this, the Shenshu Pavilion of the Haotian Tower is not worth mentioning in his eyes, and the secrets of the exercises are all rubbish.

He stared at Yin Wuqian, and said with a serious face: "The gift I gave is absolutely unreasonable! If you are unwilling to accept this exercise, then I will take it back, and we don't have to be friends..."

While talking, he stretched out his hand to pick up the jade slip.

Yin Wuque's complexion suddenly changed, and he took the jade slips ‘swish’, and put them neatly into the space ring. He sneered and said, "Master Ji, you... why are you always so domineering?"

Ji Tianxing frowned slightly, thought about it, and said earnestly, "Maybe it's because I'm more handsome?"

"..." Yin Wuque was speechless and rolled his eyes at him.

"Master Ji, I have accepted your gift. I will definitely try my best to cultivate and not let you down."

He bowed his hand to Ji Tianxing, smiled and said goodbye.

Ji Tianxing nodded and watched him turn around and leave.

After Yin Wuqian left, he returned to the secret room and continued his exercises.


After the oracle came and challenged in public, Ji Tianxing has become the most popular person on Fengshen Mountain.

He wanted to quietly meditate in the Shenshu Pavilion, striving hard to hit the sixth level of the original spirit realm.

However, the Shenshu Pavilion is destined to not be peaceful.

Early the next morning, Lin Daoyi quickly climbed the Haotian Tower and came to the Shenshu Pavilion.

As soon as he entered the Shenshu Pavilion, a black figure appeared in front of him out of thin air, blocking his way.

"Lin Daoyi, what are you doing in Shenshu Pavilion?"

Hearing this hoarse and low voice, Lin Dao raised his head and looked at the black shadow, and he saw the second guardian in a black robe, staring at him indifferently.

He bowed his hand to the second protector and explained: "I have seen the second protector, and this time I came to Shenshu Pavilion on the order of the great protector to find Ji Tianxing."

The second law protector frowned, a flash of anger flashed in his muddy eyes, and he asked, "What's wrong with that kid? Did he offend Lu Li in Ning Shendian?"

These words made Lin Dao stunned for a moment, showing a dumbfounded expression, staring at the second protector with weird eyes.

"Second Protector, what are you talking about? Ji Tianxing is a peerless genius. Even if he offends Lu Li, it's not a big deal. Why offend?"

The second law protector immediately confirmed the guess, and said coldly: "Huh! What a peerless genius? He is an elm bump!

This kid really didn't want to repent~www.wuxiaspot.com~ if he didn't serve Lu Li well, he even dared to offend him!

Lin Daoyi, you will report to the second law protector later, let him punish Ji Tianxing severely, and teach this kid a painful lesson! "

Seeing the second guardian's eyebrows filled with anger, Lin Daoyi's expression became increasingly weird.

"Second guardian, you should tell the guardian yourself about this matter! I'm just acting on orders and I'm lost..."

After speaking, he ignored the second protector and walked towards Ji Tianxing's secret room.

The second protector was puzzled and felt that Lin Daoyi was a little weird, so he hurried away.

After a while, Lin Dao came to the door of the secret room and shouted sternly: "Ji Tianxing, I'm Lin Dao one, if you have something to see."

The second law protector frowned, and said with a sneer: "Why do you need to be so polite when dealing with a person who has been punished?"

While talking, she stared at the stone door of the secret room and shouted in a majestic tone: "Ji Tianxing, I have something to call you, come out quickly!"

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