Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1554: Sanctified on the 7th

The Great Protector and Hong Chengtian were both worried and anxious.

But the great guardian was worried that he was afraid that Ji Tianxing would rashly manipulate the Burning Cauldron, destroy the spiritual veins of Fengshen Mountain, and cause great changes and disasters in the world.

Hong Chengtian was worried about Ji Tianxing's safety, for fear that Ji Tianxing would be injured by Fen Tianding.

After all, Ji Tianxing was kind enough to help him heal his injuries before entering the Burning Heaven Palace.

If Ji Tianxing suffers any harm, he will feel sorry for it.

After hearing Hong Chengtian's words, the guardian thought in his heart: "What is the charm of Ji Tianxing? How about forming a relationship with Hong Lao so that Hong Lao cares so much?"

Without wasting time, he hurriedly waved his palm and stamped it on the palace gate.

Suddenly, the gate of the palace lit up with colorful brilliance and slowly opened to both sides.

When the palace gate opened, there were majestic wind, earth, fire and five elements aura, rushing out of the main hall, and pouring into the square like a flood.

The many geniuses and the guards and maids in the square, before they could react, were enveloped in the surging heaven and earth aura, shocked and dizzy.

Of course, everyone was not harmed, but drew the majestic aura of heaven and earth, and benefited a lot from it.

Hong Chengtian's complexion changed, and he quickly stepped into the hall, looking worriedly into the hall.

The great guardian was also worried about something wrong with the saint cauldron, and immediately entered the hall.

When the two of them saw the scene in the middle of the hall clearly, they were stunned on the spot, showing their faces full of surprise.

I saw that the ground with a radius of one hundred meters was full of colorful auras.

The extremely rich spiritual energy formed thousands of veins, criss-crossed on the ground, connected to the Burning Heavenly Cauldron in the middle.

The original simple and unpretentious bronze giant cauldron is now blooming with colorful light, which is very gorgeous and dazzling.

In the mouth of the huge tripod, a crimson pillar of fire was still rising, and terrible heat waves continued to flow out.

Wearing a white robe, Ji Tianxing was sitting cross-legged under the Fen Tianding, with his back facing the palace gate and facing the Fen Tianding.

He is focusing on the power and magic, manipulating the heaven and earth sacred formation, urging the power of Burning Tianding.

The great guardian is a martial sage, and Hong Chengtian is a former martial sage and a great master of alchemy.

From the eyes and insights of the two of them, of course, it could be seen that Fen Tianding was not unusual, starting and operating normally.

Ji Tianxing is carrying out the first step of alchemy, preheating the alchemy, and preparing for the input of alchemy materials.

"He actually repaired Fen Tianding!"

"God! He really wants to start refining the sacred pill!"

The Great Protector and Hong Chengtian looked at each other, and both gave out unbelievable exclamations.

Both of them have Wusheng mood, stable as a rock, joy and anger are not in the form of color, Taishan collapsed before the color...

But at this moment, the mood of the two of them is a little confused, and their hearts are shocked by Ji Tianxing!

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they couldn't believe that a warrior in the Yuanshen realm could accomplish such a miracle!

The two recovered, still discussing emotionally.

"We personally inspected Fen Tianding back then, and we couldn't find the crux of the problem, let alone repair it. How did this kid do it?"

"Yes, I have always thought that only the Lord God himself can solve the problem of Burning Tianding. I did not expect that Ji Tianxing created such a miracle!"

"It's no wonder that soon after he entered Fengshenshan, he was able to gain the favor of the **** master and become the son of the oracle. The old man now likes him more and more!"

"Ji Tianxing has done a great job again. He has successfully repaired the Fen Tianding. We must carefully consider how to reward him!"

Just as the guardian and Hong Chengtian were discussing in a low voice, Ji Tianxing, who focused on casting spells, suddenly spoke.

"Please go out and talk, don't disturb me refining the Holy Pill."

His tone was low and calm, with a trace of unquestionable majesty.

If you change to someone else and dare to say such a thing, the big guard will definitely be angry and punish him severely.

But this sentence was said by Ji Tianxing, so...

The great guardian was not angry, and said with satisfaction: "Tian Xing, you can do alchemy without worry, if you have any needs, just tell me, I will definitely help you!"

Hong Chengtian also stroked his beard and said with a smile: "Tianxing, you must not force it, let alone hurt yourself.

Whether you succeed or not, you can create such a miracle, the old man is already very happy! "

Ji Tianxing still turned his back to them, and while urging the magic circle, he said, "Thank you for your concern. Please go outside the hall and wait. Don't let anyone disturb me.

After up to seven days, the holy pill can be made, and we will talk about it again at that time. "

Hong Chengtian was suddenly startled, his eyes widened unbelievably, and he exclaimed: "What? Seven days? You can refine a holy pill in only seven days?"

"How is this possible?" The big guardian was also shocked, his eyes violently opened, and he only felt like listening to the heavenly book.

"Old Hong used the spell himself, even if he refines a saint-level low-grade pill, it takes two months... you can refine a saint pill in seven days, are you kidding me?"

The Great Guardian did not say that when he used to refine the Holy Pill, it often took five months or even half a year.

A great alchemy master like Hong Chengtian, who only took two months to refine a sacred pill, has already made him extremely admired.

As for the seven-day sacred pill... he couldn't believe it, and he had never heard of it!

He even wondered whether the pill that was refined in seven days could be eaten?

Ji Tianxing still closed his eyes, focused on performing the magic, and no longer said a word.

The great protector was full of worries and doubts, but he couldn't ask too much.

On the contrary, Hong Chengtian was more open-hearted, with a smile, and he was very happy and excited.

He patted the guardian on the shoulder, and the sound transmission said: "Tian Xing is the son of the oracle, we must trust him and give him a chance to prove himself.

Don't ask any more, let's not disturb him, let's go out first. "

So Hong Chengtian turned around and crossed the palace gate, leaving the hall first.

The guardian hesitated for a while before leaving with him.

When the two returned under the eaves, the gate of the palace closed automatically.

The many geniuses, guard maids, and several envoys on the square had already exploded at this time, and they were all talking in awe.

When the gate of the palace just opened, everyone looked into the hall and vaguely saw the situation in the hall.

Everyone saw that there was a mysterious formation operating on the ground of the main hall, and the huge bronze cauldron was surrounded by fire, radiating powerful spiritual energy fluctuations.

Under the Sacred Cauldron of Burning Heaven, there was also a young man in a white robe sitting.

Look at the back~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It is undoubtedly Ji Tianxing!

Facts have proved that Ji Tianxing repaired the Burning Heavenly Ding and used the Holy Ding to refine alchemy!

This explosive news made everyone stunned and unbelievable.

Next, the words of the great guardian made everyone excited and jealous almost crazy.

"The son of the oracle, Ji Tianxing, has successfully repaired the Burning Heaven Cauldron that has been idle for a hundred years and is refining the Holy Pill in the Burning Heaven Palace.

For the next seven days, the Burning Temple was under martial law, and no one would break into the main hall!

If anyone dares to disturb Ji Tianxing's alchemy, this seat will definitely be punished severely! "


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