Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1557: Invitation

In the evening, inside the Qianxue Palace.

In a quiet and elegant house, Jiang Ningxue was sitting on a stone bench under the ancient pine, looking at the tea cup in front of him.

Over the past month, she has often been upset, and various images have appeared in her mind.

For some reason, deep in her heart, she repeatedly compared 6 Li with Ji Tianxing, no less than a hundred times.

In the end, 6 Li's figure faded away, but Ji Tianxing's figure became clearer.

Holding the white jade teacup in both hands, she was silent for a long time before muttering to herself in a low voice: "The son of the oracle, with the strength of the original divine realm, repaired the sacred cauldron and refined it into a sacred pill in seven days...

Why didn't I realize that he has such talent and potential to perform such miracles?

Five days have passed now, and the entire Fengshenshan is discussing his deeds, and everyone admires him.

No, I can no longer hold back and wait... Five days have passed, he should be recuperating, right? "

Although Ji Tianxing has become the man of Fengshenshan, the most dazzling peerless genius.

But she still has a trace of confidence in her heart, and believes that Ji Tianxing still has a good impression of her.

After all, she is the only woman among the top five geniuses.

She believes that her life experience, looks, talents and talents are all worthy of Ji Tianxing.

After a while, she made up her mind and wrote the next invitation by herself.

She handed the invitation card to a maid and sent it to the eastern courtyard of Tiansheng Palace.


When night fell, Ji Tianxing finished his exercises and walked out of the secret room.

After five days of recuperation, his strength has been fully restored.

Moreover, when he refined the Holy Pill before, he also drew a huge amount of heaven and earth aura and benefited endlessly.

Now his strength has gone further, he has reached the five peak of the Primordial God Realm, and has touched the bottleneck.

As long as he breaks through the bottleneck, he can reach the sixth level of the Primordial Spirit Realm.

As soon as he walked out of the secret room, a golden armored guard greeted him, bowed respectfully, and handed out an invitation.

"Encourage Master Ji, a maid from Qianxue Palace has just sent you an invitation."

Ji Tianxing stretched out his hand to accept the pale gold invitation, and glanced at the signature on the cover, which only had the word ‘ginger’.

He immediately understood that Jiang Ningxue had sent this invitation.

"I see, you can withdraw."

He waved back the guard and returned to the bedroom with the invitation card.

When I opened the invitation, there were two lines of clear and beautiful characters written on it.

"Young Master Ji, please move to the Qianxue Palace. Ning Xue has something to discuss with Young Master."

Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows, and a playful smile appeared at the corners of his mouth, "You actually invited me to her residence? I'm afraid the motive is not pure..."

As he spoke, a red fire appeared in his palm, burning the invitation card to ashes.

He got up and left the room, and walked towards Qianxue Palace unhurriedly.

The night is deep, the sky is full of stars, and the moon is like water.

There were lights in Qianxue Palace, and no one was moving except the guards and maids on duty.

When he entered the other courtyard where Jiang Ningxue lived, a maid stood by the door, waiting for his arrival.

"Ms. Ji, Miss Jiang has been waiting for you for a long time, please come with your servant."

The maid led him through the courtyard and corridors into the bedroom deep in the courtyard.

When arriving at the door, the maid stopped and bowed and said, "Master Ji, Miss Jiang is waiting for you inside. Please go in."

Ji Tianxing glanced at the dimly lit bedroom, frowned, and secretly said in his heart: "Invite me to come over tonight, not to meet in the living room, but in the boudoir..."

On the surface, if nothing happened, he was actually wary.

After stepping into the bedroom, he looked around and didn't see Jiang Ningxue, only the faint fragrance of the house.

The large jade bed was covered with veils and covered with light red brocade, but no one was visible.

On the round wooden table beside the bed, there were two delicate white jade bottles, which seemed to contain some medicine.

When Ji Tianxing was looking at the two jade bottles, he heard a clear and sweet voice.

"Master Ji, after you finished your alchemy that day, Ning Xue saw that you looked bad and consumed a lot of mana, so she felt a little worried.

The two bottles of pill on the table are the level of tribulation pill prepared by Ning Xue specially for you, which can help you restore mana and nourish the soul. Please smile. "

Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows and followed the prestige to the left side of the bedroom.

I saw that a white jade screen was erected on the left side wall with flower and bamboo patterns carved on it.

Jiang Ningxue's voice came from behind the screen.

Ji Tianxing knew that the back of the screen must be connected to a side room, which is usually a secret room.

So he walked over.

"Ms. Jiang is so caring about Xia, I am really flattered.

However, I have recovered after five days of recuperation. You should keep these two bottles of medicine for yourself. "

While talking, he walked around the large screen to enter the ‘secret room’.

But when he saw the sight in front of him clearly, his body stiffened and his feet stopped in place.

Behind the screen, there is indeed a side room, but it is not a secret room for practicing, but a hot spring pool.

The three-meter-square-meter pool was filled with Di Ling spring water, braving the heat.

Pink and red petals float on the water, exuding a sultry fragrance.

Jiang Ningxue was sitting in the hot spring pool, bathing gracefully.

She raised her white and flawless jade arms, pouring the warm spring water on the soft jade shoulders.

Although she was sitting in the pool, the lingering water vapor covered her body, looming.

But Ji Tianxing could still see clearly that she was wearing only a piece of transparent thin sand, which was already soaked in water.

The infinitely beautiful scenery, gently swaying under the water, makes people unable to move their eyes, just want to find out.

Her beautiful cheeks were flushed, her long wet draped over her shoulders, and her watery eyes contained fascinating charm.

"Prince Ji, people have been worried about you for many days, and I can't help it, so I ask you to come over and meet up with you.

If you do not accept the kindness of others, are you not afraid of their sadness? "

She bit her lip and looked at Ji Tianxing, her tone aggrieved, and she looked pitiful to me, which was hard to refuse.

Ji Tianxing frowned insignificantly, turned his back to her, and said in a calm tone: "Ms. Jiang, it's so-called no merit, how can I accept your gift.

Furthermore, ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There are endless training resources reserved in Tiansheng Palace. I can use them inexhaustibly. Why do you need to spend money? "

Seeing him with her back to her, Jiang Ningxue's eyes flashed a touch of loss, and she thought to herself: "I have pulled down my face and invited him so actively, but he doesn't appreciate it.

Seeing me bathing, he was not tempted at all. Am I so embarrassed and not attractive to him?

impossible! There is no ugly man in the world, but some people behave obviously and some people hide deeply! "

Thinking of this, she frowned pretendingly: "Master Ji, for some reason, my head is a little dizzy and my hands and feet are soft. Can you... help me?"

(End of this chapter)


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