Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1567: Break through

Jian Shisan stood above the lake, his eyes fixed on the fourth light group.

The whole day passed, he watched Ji Tianxing swallow the thunder liquid, but he couldn't stop it.

His face was very ugly, he was already crying without tears.

"Damn boy, he drank all the thunder liquid all over the pond. How did this make this person go to the island owner?

I have guarded the Lake of Tears for thousands of years and I have never encountered such a freak! "

At this moment, he suddenly saw a golden light shining from the thunder pond.

It turned out that Ji Tianxing, who was sitting cross-legged at the bottom of the pool, filled the entire thunder pond with brilliant brilliance gushing out of his body.

In just ten breaths, the mana in his body changed drastically, completing a qualitative leap and breakthrough.

His realm of strength actually broke through the bottleneck, reaching the sixth level of the Primordial God Realm!


Thousands of dazzling golden lights suddenly retracted into his body and disappeared.

Everything is calm.

When Ji Tianxing finished his cultivation, he slowly opened his eyes, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He got up and walked towards a light gate not far away, crossed that exit, and left the Shenlei Tianguan.


With a flash of light and shadow, he returned to the surface of the lake and appeared in front of Jian Shisan.

Jian Shisan looked at him with a complicated expression, his eyes filled with incredible expression.

"You guy! You swallowed a pool of thunder liquid and broke through the realm temporarily? You...how did you do it?"

Ji Tianxing glanced at him, seeing his shocked expression, couldn't help smiling.

"Excuse me, let Senior Sword wait a long time!

Regarding Lei Chi's matter, I asked Senior Jian to report to the island owner. The younger generation was also uncontrollable, not deliberately sabotaging. "

After all, he stepped across the lake to the fifth light group.

Jian Shisan looked at his back, wanted to say something, but didn't know where to start.

He knew very well in his heart that Ji Tianxing was by no means an ordinary Yuanshen warrior, but a freak and wizard who had never met in a thousand years.

Ji Tianxing passed the first four levels so easily, and swallowed a pool of thunder liquid.

No matter how you look at it, this kid won't be smashed here, and has a great chance to finish the Seven-Star Pass.

Thinking of this, Jian Shisan recalled what he had said before, and suddenly felt his old face hot and a little ashamed in his heart.

"Oh... I'm pretty miserable today!"

The next fifth and sixth levels are both levels that test strength, but also test knowledge and experience.

But the result was just as Jian XIII had expected, and Ji Tianxing passed easily.

Moreover, he only spent half an hour.

Jian Shisan had seen it with his own eyes, and many powerful men who crossed the Tribulation Realm would find it difficult to break through those two heavenly barriers.

Even if it can pass, it will take at least half a day.

And Ji Tianxing not only passed easily, but also took a very short time.

Jian Shisan used the eyes of the secret method to watch him pass through the level, and he was a little numb by the shock.

Finally, Ji Tianxing stepped onto the seventh light group and entered the last level.

Jian Shisan watched his figure be swallowed by the colorful light group, and thought to himself: "The last relationship does not test strength or school wisdom, but it is the most difficult one.

From ancient times to the present, I don't know how many heroes and heroes have fallen to this level.

This kid is young, talented, and so romantic and suave. There must be countless confidantes who will definitely not be able to break through love! "

He has enough reasons to believe that Ji Tianxing will lose this level.

Even if you can make it through, it will definitely take a lot of trouble.


Guanghua flashed, and Ji Tianxing entered the alien space.

This is a dark void, without anything.

He was in the dark, observing all directions with his eyes and spiritual sense, and he did not notice any abnormalities.

"Strange, this level is actually empty? What test will it be?"

He raised his eyebrows, and doubts flashed in his mind.

At this moment, thousands of colorful brilliance suddenly emerged from the void, like wisps of air, coming from all directions and entering his body.

He was a little resistant instinctively, and his luck resisted those glories, but it didn't help.

In a blink of an eye, thousands of air currents entered his body, his soul suddenly fell silent, and his consciousness fell into a blur.

He lay quietly in the void, and his soul fell into a deep sleep.

And deep in his soul, a strange picture is unfolding.

In a vast mountain range, there are thousands of majestic peaks.

In the depths of the endless mountain peak, there is a giant peak thrusting into the sky like a cloud, like a huge sword piercing the sky, and like a pillar supporting the sky and the earth.

This majestic giant mountain covers an area of ​​10,000 li, reaching a height of about 10,000 feet.

Halfway up the mountain, everything is shrouded in white clouds and thick fog.

The steep mountain wall is like a cliff with no vegetation but rows of ice hanging on it.

The mountain top has an open area of ​​three hundred miles, like a circular platform, during which dozens of palaces are located.

Numerous magnificent ancient temples form a circle, with a square with a radius of 100 miles in the middle.

It is more appropriate to call it a dojo than a square.

The ground is carved with lines of formation, forming a large formation with a radius of hundreds of miles.

In the middle of the large formation, stood a thousand-foot-high black stone monument, which looked like a simple giant sword.

Under the giant sword, a young man in a white robe was sitting cross-legged in the circle.

He has a long body, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, and his face is firm and indifferent.

Although his attire is simple, he only wears a white robe and cloth shoes, his head is tied with a cyan rope, and a silver belt is tied around his waist.

But he has a domineering attitude that looks at the world and looks down upon the world.

At this moment, he just opened his eyes with a puzzled look, and looked around.

"Strange, didn't I go through the barrier in Shenlei Lake? Where is this?"

There is no doubt that this young man in white robe is Ji Tianxing.

He looked at the dojo under his feet, looked around the ancient temples, and finally his eyes fell on the black sword monument behind him.

"Huh? This Heavenly Sword Monument... isn't it the Heaven Burying Sword?"

Thinking of this, he hurriedly looked down at his outfit.

Then, there was a sudden enlightenment flashing in his eyes.

"The Sky Burial Sword, the costume of the sword god, and this huge mountain... this must be a dream!"

He was about to get up and leave to see the situation in those ancient temples.

At this moment, a figure flew over the edge of the dojo.

It was a middle-aged man wearing an apricot robe ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ with a golden whisk in his hand. He was thin and had a goatee in his lower jaw.

This person came under the giant sword stone monument, bowed to Ji Tianxing, and reported respectfully: "Master, a young woman came down from the mountain, claiming to be your friend.

She forcibly climbed to the top of the mountain and said she would see you anyway. "

Ji Tianxing raised his brows immediately and asked: "Friend?"

The middle-aged Taoist nodded, and replied solemnly: "The young woman said that she crossed the moat to chase here, and it took decades to find you..."

(End of this chapter)


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