Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1572: Yi Ren Haggard

Ji Tianxing could really feel the mysterious power exuding from the ancient pagoda, covering the entire Lake of Tears.

After ten breaths, he stopped thinking and remembering.

He opened his eyes and realized that the originally peaceful Shenlei Lake had changed.

The surface of the lake, like a bright mirror, has ripples, reflecting the colorful colors and forming various patterns.

After a while, various messy patterns were pieced together to form a huge picture.

It was a picture with a radius of two hundred li, covering the entire Shenlei Lake, lifelike and immersive.

Of course, only he can see this picture.

I saw a magnificent and majestic palace in the picture.

The palace stands in the vast sea of ​​clouds, guarded by silver armored guards inside and outside, and many young maids are busy.

In the depths of the palace, there is a simple and elegant study room, with strong defenses.

At the entrance of the study, a man in golden armor stood three meters tall.

He is not a human race, his body is tall and mighty, and his skin is covered with golden dragon scales.

Although his body is similar to humans, he has a dragon head and a dragon tail behind him.

After seeing his appearance, Ji Tianxing was stunned, and thought to himself: "Is this guard who guards the door a Dark Golden Dragon?

When I entered the imperial palace, I saw a dragon statue and a harpy statue beside the palace lord's throne.

Could it be that this dark golden dragon is related to the palace lord? "

At the next moment, the screen shifted into the study.

He immediately saw that in the spacious and bright study, there was a woman with a beautiful face in a white dress sitting in front of a large desk.

The white-clothed woman was waist long, with a charming appearance, and her temperament was cold and elegant, just like a nine-day fairy.

That was his wife Yun Yao, who was dreaming of him!

At this moment, Yun Yao was holding a jade pendant in both hands, and staring at the jade pendant with deep eyes, looking thoughtful.

Of course, Ji Tianxing could recognize that the jade pendant in her hand was exactly half an aura.

Her embroidered eyebrows were slightly furrowed, and there was a deep worry hidden between her eyebrows. It was obvious that her heart was bound, and she was seeing things and thinking about people.

She is now obviously stronger than before.

However, her face was thinner, and she was no longer as beautiful and radiant as before.

She was like a bright pearl, covered with dust, a little eclipsed, and looked very haggard.

When Ji Tianxing saw her haggard face and sad eyes, he could even truly feel her thoughts.

He was also full of pity in his heart, wishing to fly to Yun Yao's side immediately, so that she would no longer worry about it.

Unfortunately, this idea can only be thought of, but it is destined to be impossible.

At this moment, an unusually enchanting figure two meters tall walked to Yun Yao's side.

This was a woman with a somewhat weird appearance, with a very hot body, wearing a tight black leather jacket, and thin and narrow cheeks.

Her hands are like sharp claws, sharp and narrow, and the nails on the eight fingers are dark and shiny.

On her back, there is a pair of jet black wings.

Ji Tianxing recognized immediately, this woman is the Harpy!

The harpy walked to stand behind Yun Yao, bowed her hand respectfully, and said, "Congratulations to the master for leaving the pass, she has improved her magic skills and her strength has improved!"

Yun Yao's thoughts were interrupted, holding the Ling Rhinoceros ring in her left hand, her face nodded calmly, and asked: "Black Hawk, have I ever had trouble in the palace since I practiced in retreat this month?"

Black Hawk's dark purple lips turned up slightly, and a sneer appeared at the corners of his mouth, and said: "The master is the goddess of life, the goddess of the future, who would dare to come to Yunshui Palace?

On the contrary, those who are not capable of being a weapon, envious of the master's talents, jealous that the master is highly regarded by the master, and there is a lot of dissatisfaction in their hearts.

The owner does not need to participate in the assessment, and directly becomes the Glory God Disciple, and the quota is set by the shrine to participate in the Three Kingdoms Exchange Meeting in half a year.

This incident has made many gods jealous and crazy, and a few people who do not live or die have criticized you secretly. "

Speaking of this, a scorn flashed in Black Hawk's eyes, and he sneered: "Half a month ago, his subordinates had personally talked to those gods, and they all expressed their sincere remorse and will never criticize again. You half sentence."

Yun Yao frowned slightly, and asked helplessly, "You made another injury? How many more injuries have you injured this time? How are their injuries?"

Black Hawk curled his lips and said, "The subordinates only gave small punishments and no heavy hands, but those scraps were too useless, and they were seriously injured after a few strokes.

Presumably, within three months, they can do nothing but retreat and heal their injuries. "

Yun Yao smiled bitterly, and exhorted: "Black Hawk, it is not easy for us to stand here, we don't need to pay attention to the opinions and criticisms of those people, so as not to cause trouble.

Moreover, we will not stay here for long in the future. We will leave after all, so why bother to make enemies everywhere? "

Black Hawk obviously disagrees with her statement, and said depressedly: "Master, you are too benevolent and charitable, and your heart is calm and uncontested, so that those wastes can get ahead.

You are magnanimous, and you don't have the same knowledge as those trashers. You have been living in the Yunshui Palace, living in simple and diligent practice.

But your subordinates and Golden Dragon must never let you suffer a little bit of humiliation!

We can't tolerate those trash, goddesses who criticize the future. "

When he said these words, Black Hawk's tone was very solemn, as if shouldering a sacred mission.

Yun Yao probably also knew that, unable to dispel and change her thoughts, she could only sigh silently.

At this time, Black Hawk glanced at the half of the aura in her hand, and tentatively asked: "Master, you... are you missing Master Ji again?"

A very shallow smile appeared at the corner of Yun Yao's mouth, nodded and said: "Now that I am separated from him, I can only see things and think about people after we break contact.

This aura ring is a gift from our master, and it has a very special meaning to us.

Don't know, is he still in that big 6 now? Has the Demon Rebellion subsided?

Has he come to Shenwu University 6, will he come to find me? "

Black Hawk nodded without understanding, and said solemnly: "Although, his subordinates don't understand the relationship between men and women, and they have never seen that Young Master Ji.

But the master said ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Mr. Ji is as important as your life, and the subordinates also hope that Mr. Ji will be able to reunite with you as soon as possible. "

Yun Yao nodded silently, looking at the sea of ​​clouds outside the window, a little confused and lost.

After a long silence, she put away the rhinoceros ring and exhorted: "Black Hawk, you continue to stay in the palace, not going out at will, let alone arguing with others."

The black eagle showed doubts and asked, "Master, you have just closed the retreat for two days, and are you going to retreat again?"

Yun Yao nodded, and said in a complicated tone: "All the while, once I have free time, I am full of his figure.

Only by practicing hard in retreat can I feel at ease and let go of my thoughts and worries for a while..."


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