Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1574: Demon Trail

Probably the two blood **** sons have confirmed that Ji Tianxing will undoubtedly die.

Therefore, they are confident, they are in their hands, and they look very proud.

The Blood God Child on the right looked at Ji Tianxing with a grinning face, and said: "Boy, the ancestor Demon God's supernatural powers are beyond your imagination.

As long as you are still in this world, the Demon God only needs a drop of your blood and a head to detect your location with secret methods.

Do you think it’s safe to escape to Shenwu University 6? Naive!

Today is your death date!

We want to devour your flesh and blood and bring your soul back to the devil! "

Ji Tianxing understood it immediately, and a cold murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

"I thought that the first ancestor Demon God was also in the territory of Taihao Kingdom, but I didn't expect it to be like this!

I just broke through the realm, since you two are so anxious to die, then I will take you to try the sword! "

While talking, the palm of his right hand lit up with a black light, and the simple and mysterious Heaven Burial Sword appeared.

Before, the enemies he encountered were all powerful in the empires.

He was unwilling to hold the Heaven Burial Sword, so as not to expose the traces and news of the Divine Sword.

Now it's different. He can face two blood gods without restraint.

"Draw the sword!"

The Heaven Burial Sword was unsheathed, and it swung out a hundred-foot-long golden sword light, wrapped in the dazzling purple thunder, and slashed towards a blood god.

The two blood gods were full of complacency, but he didn't expect that he would dare to take the lead, and suddenly became furious and murderous.

"Little beast, you are looking for death!"

"Want to die? The deity fulfills you!"

In the roar, the two blood gods also waved their palms, displayed the magical secret method, shot out the overwhelming blood, and launched a siege on Ji Tianxing.

"Boom bang bang!"

The golden light giant sword collided with the sky full of blood, bursting a deafening loud noise, echoing in the dark realm.

Both sides were shaken back a hundred feet away, and no one took advantage.

"Sure enough, there is the strength of the nine layers of the soul, no wonder it is so rampant!"

Ji Tianxing sneered, waved the Heaven Burial Sword again, and cut it off with ten successful powers.

"Swing a sword!"

The Sky Burial Sword swept out, cutting out a huge sword that was thousands of feet long, with golden light dazzling, and thunder flashing.

The giant sword tore through the night sky instantly and hit the blood **** on the left.


The Blood God Child was chopped by the giant sword on the spot, and his huge body shattered and spread out like a tide.

But it was undamaged, quickly condensed together, and condensed into a ten-foot-tall troll.

It was enraged, and roared at Ji Tianxing, desperately rushing to kill.

The other blood **** child also used blood light to condense into three sky-opening giant axes, slashing to Ji Tianxing fiercely.

At the critical moment, a golden light flashed behind Ji Tianxing, revealing a pair of golden wings.

"Jinpeng united wings!"

The golden wings instantly closed, wrapping him up.

"Boom bang bang!"

A series of muffled noises exploded, the golden wings burst with golden light, and the blood-light giant axe shattered.

The entire dark realm was illuminated by blood and golden light, turning into chaos.

With Jin Wing's strong defense, Ji Tianxing successfully blocked the siege of the two blood gods without any damage.

The two blood **** sons became more murderous, and once again used the secret killer move, flanking him.

The world-breaking blood-light giant blade, the blood-light sharp blade like a rain of arrows, and the tide of poisonous and disaster-like power, frantically rush to Ji Tianxing.

Ji Tianxing was comfortable and fearless, holding the sword art in his left hand and the Sky Burial Sword in his right hand, and launched a counterattack with all his strength.

"Thorn sword!"

"Heaven Breaking Sword!"

"Seven Star Sword!"

He kept swinging the Heaven Burying Sword, stabbing or cutting, swaying a dazzling sword light.

He stepped on a hidden step under his feet, and his figure flickered in the dark night sky, shuttled back and forth and teleported.

Both sides tried their best to fight fiercely.

Soon, the hundred interest time passed.

Ji Tianxing and the two blood gods fought hundreds of moves, but failed to tell the winner.

Although, he expended a lot of mana and chopped the two blood gods into pieces a dozen times.

But the Blood God Child is not a body of flesh and blood, and there is no entity.

They are almost immortal, and after being chopped up, they can re-condense into different forms and continue to fight with Ji Tianxing.

As long as their power is not exhausted, they cannot be beheaded.

Ji Tianxing couldn't entangle them forever, his mana would eventually be exhausted and his body would be hurt.

Even if his body is defensively strong, he can't endure the erosion of poison and calamity for a long time.

Both sides understand this.

Therefore, the two blood gods appeared very confident and proud.

"Ji Tianxing, the deity has already said that you will definitely die today! Don't resist stubbornly, kneel down and lead death obediently!"

"Hehe...In this dark realm, we are immortal existences, and you have only a dead end!"

Ji Tianxing was not at all angry, looking at the two blood gods with cold eyes, and sneered: "It seems that you two were refined after the ancestor demon escaped to Shenwu University 6.

You probably don't know yet, I have killed more blood goddesses than you have ever seen!

On the Profound Sky Continent 6, everyone knew that I was the nemesis of the demons and the terminator of the blood **** son! "

The two blood gods were stunned at the time, and their expressions became a little ugly.

Ji Tianxing guessed right, they were indeed made by secret methods after the ancestor Demon God came to Shenwu University 6.

But they immediately came back to their senses, and cursed in anger and contempt: "Boy, you are so arrogant! The deity wants you to taste all the pain and die in despair!"

"Ignorant reptile, this deity will let you see what an immortal body is!"

While shouting angrily, the two blood gods turned into giant beasts with a height of hundreds of meters, and rushed to Ji Tianxing bravely.

Ji Tianxing was not afraid, cast a spell to sacrifice the golden sword of the soul.


The thousand-foot-high Golden Sword of the Yuanshen appeared behind him, bursting with golden light, illuminating the entire dark field.

"Soul Slash!"

As he shouted angrily, the Heaven Burying Sword suddenly skyrocketed to a thousand feet high, and merged with the Yuanshen Golden Sword.

Then, the giant sword, which had exploded in power several times, poured out of the overwhelming purple light divine thunder, and slashed towards a blood **** child.

The terrifying power firmly suppressed the blood **** child.

It looked at the giant sword in horror, and wanted to turn into blood to escape and avoid the giant sword's beheading.

But it simply cannot be done.


Amid the deafening loud noise, it was struck by a giant sword on the spot, and its figure was also drowned in thunder light.

Its one hundred feet tall body was suddenly chopped into tens of millions.

It is unwilling, UU reading www.uukanshu. com also wanted to repeat the old trick and let the fragments regroup.

However, the endless purple divine thunder, wrapped in every piece of debris, raged and killed violently.

It was completely blasted into powder and could not be recovered in the short term.

At the same time, Ji Tianxing rushed over, waved his palm and shot a sacred white light.


The blazing brilliance swept the night sky like a glimpse of light, swallowing all the blood light fragments.

The Blood God Child had no resistance, and was purified by the divine white light in the blink of an eye, completely wiped out.


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