Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1577: Give him a big gift

Ji Tianxing frowned and thought for a long time, guessing a lot of information.

He glanced at Zhibai and found that Zhibai was staring at him, observing his reaction.

Seeing this scene, he couldn't help showing a playful smile and returned the token to his knowledgeable friend.

"Tianzhu Mountain disciple?"

Zhibai took the token with both hands, and a touch of excitement flashed in his eyes.

But his face was indifferent, his temperament was always cold, and he didn't show any strange emotions.

He nodded, and said solemnly: "Master, the subordinate is the sixth generation of Tianzhu Mountain."

Ji Tianxing nodded slightly and asked, "How did you find me?"

The Zhibai bowed his hand and answered truthfully: "A few months ago, the news that the owner possessed the Heaven Burial Sword spread throughout the empires and was followed by many top forces.

After the master heard the news, he sent his subordinates to look for you and secretly protect you.

In the past few months, the royal families and top forces of various countries have sent strong men to gather outside Fengshen Mountain, looking for opportunities to **** the Heaven Burying Sword.

Just yesterday, two groups of people followed you secretly, looking for opportunities to start.

However, they were all resolved by their subordinates. "

Hearing this, Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows and asked in a deep voice: "Then you have investigated and found out, what forces do those two groups of people come from?"

Zhibai said indifferently: "The first group of people are from the Dagan Empire, and the second group is organized by an assassin in the Flowing Wind Empire."

"The Great Dry Empire, the Flowing Wind Empire, the White Night Empire, the Thousand Snow Empire, plus the Black Wings of the Canglong Empire..." Ji Tianxing sneered even more, "All the five empires have taken action."

Zhibai nodded and said: "In the past few months, the subordinates have investigated clearly that the news that you have the Sky Burial Sword was deliberately released by the Izumo Empire, and the master behind the scenes is the Great Emperor Izumo!"

"Izumo the Great?" Ji Tianxing frowned in confusion, and asked rather inexplicably: "Why would he do this? If he wants to **** the Heaven Burial Sword, he can do it in the Izumo Empire."

Zhibai explained: "The Great Izumo deliberately released the news that he wanted the five empires to **** the Sky Burial Sword. For this reason, he fought and killed him.

He has great ambitions, not only plotting to bury the sky sword, but also the territories of various empires. "

"That's it!" Ji Tianxing suddenly realized, and sneered: "I guessed right, the sinister and despicable **** Izumo!"

Zhibai was silent and did not answer.

Seeing that he was still kneeling and saluting, Ji Tianxing said, "Get up and talk."

"Thank you, Master!" Zhibai straightened up, standing awe-inspiringly.

He carried a black sword on his back, his body was as straight as a sword, and his body was exhaled with a sharp and icy breath, like a sharp blade, loyally guarding Ji Tianxing's side.

"Master, now that you leave Fengshen Mountain, powerful people from all over the world have flocked to wait for the opportunity to **** the holy sword.

The owner is also requested to return to Fengshen Mountain as soon as possible to avoid unnecessary danger.

The subordinates will protect you in secret and will surely be able to **** you back to Fengshen Mountain safely. "

Ji Tianxing glanced at him and said with a chuckle: "If the powers of the five nations are waiting around you, how can you protect me?

Furthermore, I am cultivating on Fengshen Mountain, and it is difficult for you to follow. "

The Zhibai thought for a while and replied: "Although his subordinates cannot enter Fengshen Mountain, they will stay at the bottom of Fengshen Mountain without leaving any step.

As long as the owner needs you, just give an order and your subordinates will show up immediately. "

"Forget it, I'll talk about this later." Ji Tianxing waved his hand and said with a smile: "In front of me, I have something more important."

Although, Zhibai's disposition and style, as well as the identity of Tianzhushan disciple, made him feel cordial and a trace of trust was born in his heart.

But he will not believe Zhibai so easily.

What's more, he has a plan in his mind that needs to be implemented urgently.

He took Zhibai out of the ruins, and after flying out of 100,000 miles, he landed in an uninhabited primitive mountain range.

He chose a mountain with a thousand feet, drilled into the mountain, and quickly dug a cave.

Then, he spent a few more hours arranging a powerful defensive formation in the cave.

After finishing the formation, he ordered Zhibai, "Zhibai, you guard the law outside the cave."

Zhibai immediately clasped his fists to take his orders, and said in a sonorous tone: "Please rest assured that your master will heal your injuries, and your subordinates will certainly not let anyone disturb you."

Ji Tianxing just smiled and didn't say much.

Zhibai thought he had a big battle with the blood **** son, suffered a serious injury, and needed to heal his injuries.

But in fact, what he has to do is another thing.

He sat cross-legged in the cave, immediately manipulated the soul and entered the tomb of the sword god.


The Yuanshen Golden Sword changed into his appearance and appeared in front of eighteen mysterious tombstones.

He reached out to the second tombstone on the right. The dark and cold tombstone suddenly lit up with golden light and sucked him in.

In the next instant, he entered an alien space, which was the Shenbing Pavilion.

He crossed the white jade stone bridge in the sea of ​​clouds, walked under the 100-meter-high golden pagoda, reached out and pushed open the gate of Shenbing Pavilion.

In the wide and bright hall, the ground is carved with a huge ancient magic circle.

In the middle of the main hall, there stands a three-legged and four-cornered bronze cauldron, which is exactly the nine-day **** cauldron.

This is the second time he has entered the Shenbing Pavilion.

The last time he came, he found a lot of precious refining materials, let the Heaven Burying Sword be smelted in the Nine Heavens God Cauldron, and successfully restored to the Yuanshen level.

But this time, he was not trying to repair the Heaven Burying Sword.

He walked under the Nine Heavens Divine Cauldron and used his divine consciousness to call out: "Fun Tian, ​​I need your help with something."

The funeral's voice immediately rang in the hall, and his voice dullly asked, "What's the matter?"

A playful smile evoked at the corner of Ji Tianxing's mouth, and he said meaningfully: "I want to use the Nine Heavens Tripod to recreate a Heaven Burial Sword!"

"Huh?" Funeral Tian was a little confused, as he didn't know it, "Tianxing, what do you want to do?"

Ji Tianxing explained: "There is a **** who deliberately released the news that I possessed the Heaven Burial Sword, which caused the power of the five empires to **** it and put me in the center of the storm.

Even if I stay in Fengshen Mountain and nothing happens, how can I sit still?

I want to give him a big gift and give him a big surprise! "

Funeral Tian immediately understood what he meant ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and asked, "Making a fake Heaven Burial Sword will lead to disaster?"

"Not bad." Ji Tianxing nodded, and said solemnly: "That **** is a strong martial artist, and he has seen the Sky Burial Sword with his own eyes, so we must achieve the effect of being fake."

Funeral said in a calm tone: "This is a good idea! It should be easy for you to forge a Yuanshen-level sword with Jiutianding.

It is not difficult to make the appearance of the sword exactly the same as the Heaven Burial Sword. The key lies in the soul breath and power fluctuation of the sword..."

Ji Tianxing smiled and nodded, "That's why I want your help."

(End of this chapter)


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