Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1581: abscond

Unconsciously, nine days passed.

The chaos that lasted for nine days caused Tianyun City to become precarious, and everyone was in danger.

The millions of warriors and people in the city are already planning how to escape the imperial city.

Inside and outside the palace, there are ruins and potholes everywhere, and the earth is full of gullies.

Even the number of palace guards and city guards was declining sharply, with more than half of the casualties.

And Ji Tianxing seems to have been forgotten by the powerhouses of various countries.

He has been meditating and practicing in the house, and Zhibai reports to him the latest news every day.

The news and intelligence he holds are more real and detailed.

He knows very well that most of the powerhouses sent by the major empires and forces in the early stage are the powerhouses of the Yuanshen Realm and the Tribulation Realm.

Those people could only inquire about the Sky Burial Sword, but they could not find the Great Izumo, let alone see the Sky Burial Sword with their own eyes.

Today, most of those strong have been killed.

The major empires and top forces have sent more people, more powerful and powerful, to Tianyun City to **** the Heaven Burial Sword.

In recent days, most of the strong men who sneaked into Sky Cloud City secretly had the strength of crossing the Tribulation Realm 5th level or more.

Even two experts from the Martial Saint Realm also came to Sky Cloud City.

Ji Tianxing could guess that if the Great Emperor Izumo didn't have any posters and cards, it might not last long.

Soon, it was late at night.

The situation was just as he expected, and just like the previous nine days, there was another fight in the palace.

A large number of powerful men sneaked into the palace and secretly searched for the whereabouts of the Heaven Burying Sword.

After being discovered by the imperial guard and the royal family, the two sides fought fiercely.

The splendid magical brilliance illuminates the dark night and envelopes the entire palace.

There was a loud and deafening noise, echoing over the imperial city.

There were even bursts of shouts and screams, constantly coming from the palace.

The violent shock wave spread, destroying the palace's defensive formation and the surrounding tall palace walls.

Half of the imperial city shook, as if there was a major earthquake.

In the area closer to the palace, large houses collapsed and shattered into a pile of masonry ruins.

Ji Tianxing clearly felt that tonight's battle was more fierce than the previous few days.

He even felt that there was the breath of a strong martial artist from the palace.

"It seems that the palace will be destroyed by war tonight."

He stood on the top of the tower, looking at the direction of the palace, muttering expressionlessly.

as predicted.

About half an hour later, a huge fire ignited in the palace.

Many palaces and houses that have not been damaged have been reduced to ashes in the fire.

Countless ladies and guards screamed in panic and despair, and fled the palace in panic.

Half of the palace turned into a sea of ​​fire, and all kinds of chaotic and noisy sounds alarmed the entire palace.

Everyone knows that something big happened in the palace.

After tonight, the Izumo Empire will definitely have huge upheavals and changes.

Finally, two hours passed.

Its daybreak.

The fighting battle in the palace gradually ceased, and the shocking noise and the dazzling mana brilliance gradually dissipated.

Only the raging soaring fire, which continued to burn until the sun rose, gradually weakened and extinguished.

The thick billowing smoke obscured the sky, blocked the rising sun in the east, and brought a haze to the hearts of the people in the city.

The guards and defense forces in the palace seemed to collapse.

A large number of powerful men with mysterious identities slaughtered the palace maids, guards and concubines in the imperial palace.

They searched all palaces, even the secret rooms and underground palaces hidden in the ground, looking for something frantically.

It didn't take long for the gates of the imperial city to be broken open by strong men from various countries.

The city guards guarding the city gate were mostly destroyed.

Those who were lucky enough to survive all fled in all directions.

The powerhouses of various empires and many forces took advantage of the chaos to burn and looting in the city, looting wealth.

The people in the city were in desperate situation and fled one after another.

For a while, the people who flee the imperial city with their families dragged their homes and blocked several city gates.

Ji Tianxing stayed in the house, sitting in the study, waiting patiently.

It wasn't until three poles in the sun that Zhibai came back tiredly.

After entering the study, he bowed and bowed to Ji Tianxing, reporting: "Tell my master, the palace has been destroyed by the war and turned into a scorched earth ruin.

The powerhouses of various empires and many forces are massacring the royal family in the palace, frantically searching for the whereabouts of the Heaven Burial Sword.

In addition, a large number of powerful people burned, killed and plundered in the city, and Tianyun City had been completely chaotic. "

Ji Tianxing nodded slightly, frowning suspiciously and asked: "Although, all the major empires and many forces have gathered here, and even the Wusheng strong have been dispatched.

But this is not enough to destroy the palace? Why didn't Izumo the Great and Saint Master appear? "

A strange color flashed in Zhibai's eyes, and he said in a low tone: "According to his subordinates' investigation, the Emperor Izumo took the sage, queen, and prince and others and fled the city overnight."

Suddenly hearing this news, Ji Tianxing's complexion suddenly changed, his eyes revealed an incredible color: "Is this true?"

Zhibai nodded, and said solemnly: "It's true!"

Ji Tianxing suddenly realized, and slightly nodded: "That's it! No wonder the fight in the palace last night was extremely long, and the entire palace was destroyed!

It is no wonder that the powerful from various countries slaughtered in the imperial palace, burned and looted in the city, Izumo the Great and the Holy Master did not come forward to stop it.

I didn't expect that Emperor Izumo was so courageous that he was willing to give up the imperial city in order to bury the sword!

It seems that this guy is really doing whatever it takes to bury the Heaven Sword, almost crazy! "

Speaking of this, he showed a joking sneer on his face, and said in a contemptuous tone: "It's a pity that he was blinded by impulse, and he was dazzled by the Buried Heaven Sword!

One day in the future, when he knows the truth, I am afraid that he will regret vomiting blood, right? "

Zhibai was silent for a moment, and then said calmly: "Heaven Burying Sword is the world's first divine sword, and the mystery and meaning contained in it are important to a kingdom of God.

In exchange for any martial sage powerhouse, he would give up an empire in order to bury the heavenly sword. "

Ji Tianxing nodded and said: "So, this is also the reason why my strategy can be successful!

Emperor Izumo made such a ridiculous decision only because of his interests~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Even if the palace was destroyed in the war and the entire Skycloud City was destroyed, it would be his own responsibility!

From the very beginning, he was ill-intentioned and used conspiracy to frame me.

Now that he ends up like this, he deserves it! "

The knowledgeable nodded in agreement and asked: "Master, what do we do next?"

Ji Tianxing considered it for a while and smiled and said, "Tianyun City is in chaos, and Emperor Izumo has fled. My revenge has been avenged, and the crisis has been resolved.

It doesn't make much sense to stay in Tianyun City, we should return to Fengshenshan. "


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