Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1586: Supernatural awakening

At 6 o'clock in the Tianxuan University, Ji Tianxing had been dealing with the demons for several years.

His understanding of the demons is better than most people.

Therefore, when the Great Guardian described the death of those miners and **** servants, he immediately thought of the demons.

In addition, after he left Shenlei Lake before, he was ambushed by two blood gods on the way.

Facts have proved that the ancestor Demon God has settled down on Shenwu University 6.

Moreover, it has created a large number of blood **** children and has its own power.

Ji Tianxing had to suspect that the tragedy of the glacier sacred mine might be related to the demons.

"From ancient times to the present, the Mozu has been trapped on the Profound Sky 6 and has never been to the Shenwu University 6.

The people of Shenwu University 6 neither know nor understand the demons.

Mr. Hanbing, guarding the sacred mine, may have difficulty investigating the truth of the tragedy, let alone solving the murderer effectively. "

He muttered to himself, his expression getting more and more gloomy.

"If the tragedy at the Glacier Mine was really done by the demons, the consequences would be disastrous.

The demons slaughtered tens of thousands of miners and **** servants, swallowed a large amount of blood and spirits, and their strength will inevitably skyrocket, and the power of the ancestor demon **** will soon increase..."

This is definitely a huge threat to him.

"No, I can't sit back and watch the demon **** grow stronger!

We must find a way to stop it, find it as soon as possible, and destroy it completely! "

He has made up his mind to take a trip to the glacier mine.

But before that, he must be fully prepared.

He needs to practice for a few more days to consolidate the martial arts realm, and also to investigate the detailed information and information of the glacier mine.

In addition, he has to figure out one of the most critical issues.

"The great guardian and several envoys are secretly discussing important matters in the secret room of the west courtyard.

I was thousands of feet away from them, and the secret room had a soundproof formation. How could I hear their conversation? "

He frowned, wondering suspiciously.

"Could it be that when I practiced the fourth layer of the Soul of Sword Dao, I stimulated my potential, and the five senses of my body became more extreme, which greatly increased my ability?"

In order to verify this conjecture, he listened to the surrounding movement with breathlessness.

Soon, he heard some messy sounds coming into his mind from all directions.

In the depths of Tiansheng Palace, five miles away, the breeze blew through the woods, and there was a rustle.

Several colorful butterflies are flying among the flowers, their wings flapping the airflow, making a slight wind noise.

Outside Tiansheng Palace, in a palace about ten miles away, several maids were whispering.

Two golden armored guards were discussing martial arts and exercises in a low voice in the secret room, confirming and communicating with each other.

Within a radius of ten miles, no matter whether it was in the sky or on the ground, outdoors or indoors, all movement could not escape his snooping.

Even if those secret rooms have a Primordial God-level formation and a soundproof formation, it is useless to him.

This present made him feel excited, very shocking and incredible.

"My ability to detect has exceeded the limit, reaching an incredible level!

I really didn't expect that the Way of the Sword Soul could have such a magical effect? "

He muttered to himself refreshed, his eyes gleaming.

At this time, the voice of Funeral Sky suddenly sounded in his mind.

"The Sword God once said that although the human race is the weakest race among the tens of thousands of races in the world, it is also the most mysterious and powerful race.

Because Terran has unlimited potential and never has a limit! "

Ji Tianxing was taken aback for a moment, after carefully pondering what he said, he immediately understood the meaning.

"Fangtian, what do you mean is that my potential has greatly increased, but it has only broken the previous limit.

In fact, when I reach a higher martial art realm and practice higher and deeper techniques, the limit will continue to increase? "

"Exactly." Funeral said in a calm tone: "Although, if you practice the fourth-layer technique of the Sword Soul Dao, your potential will be stimulated and your strength will quickly increase.

But this is not the reason why you have such incredible listening. "

"Isn't it because of the way of the sword soul?" Ji Tianxing frowned in doubt, and asked, "What is that?"

Funeral said solemnly: "Because the memory of the sword **** you have is gradually awakening and releasing, and your heavenly ears are awakened!"

"Heaven Ears Supernatural Power?" Ji Tianxing raised his brows.

"Yes!" Funeral said very confidently: "This is one of the magical powers of the Sword God."

Ji Tianxing was more interested and asked expectantly: "I actually awakened the Sword God's supernatural powers? Is it because of the Sword God's blood?"

"Perhaps it is." Funeral replied, his tone without emotion.

Ji Tianxing asked again: "What magical powers does the sword **** have?"

Funeral Tian was silent for a while, and said in a weird tone: "The Sword God once ascended to the top of the ten thousand realms and became the king of the gods. He possessed so many supernatural powers that he could not finish it for days and nights."

"Oh, this is also true." Ji Tianxing thought that it made sense, so he changed his words and asked: "The sword **** before he became a martial artist? What magical powers did he possess?"

Funeral said patiently: "Some I can't remember, but the ones I can remember are not only the heavenly ears and magical powers, but also the heavenly eyes and variety.

The magical power of the sky allows you to see through all disguise and karma, including all kinds of invisibility secrets, and has infinite magical effects.

Variety of supernatural powers is to change the shape at will, which can be transformed into all kinds of things, large can be transformed into mountains, and small can be transformed into dust..."

Ji Tianxing could hear it, and there was a strong expectation in his heart.

"I don't know, when will I be able to awaken the heavenly eyes and the ever-changing supernatural powers?"

Funeral said calmly: "It depends on your own destiny, no one can help you.

But the faster your strength increases, the more magical powers you will awaken.

Recently, you should often wake up some soul memories and see many messy pictures.

Don't ignore those memory fragments, try to merge them, those memories are very important. "

Ji Tianxing took down its instructions, and after hesitating for a while, he asked the question that had been hidden in his heart.

"Fun Tian, ​​I am very similar to the Sword God, and I am always misidentified by some people.

Now I am constantly awakening my soul memory and awakening the magical powers of the sword god.

There are too many doubts that make me doubt my identity.

Tell me, am I the reincarnation of the sword god? "

Funeral has been silent and did not answer.

Ji Tianxing was unwilling, and called it several times to ask this question.

The funeral was too annoying and could only respond to him.

"Only you know the answer to this question."

After leaving this sentence ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ it fell asleep and made no sound.

"I didn't answer, I asked for nothing." Ji Tianxing showed a helpless expression, he could only hold this question to the bottom of his heart and save it for later exploration.

He continued to practice in retreat and quickly improved his strength.

Two days passed without knowing it.

Early in the morning on the third day, young geniuses from various countries gathered in the square outside the temple.

The ranking battle will be held today.

(End of this chapter)


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