Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1600: Behemoth

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   There are a few tiny cracks in the rubble at the corner of the mine.


   The dark red blood light penetrated into the ground, passed through a crack, and dived deep underground.


   Ji Tianxing also used the secret method of escape, followed by the dark red blood, quickly shuttled through the ground.


   Although the Glacier Mine is closed and guarded by many guards, it is difficult for outsiders to get in.


The entrance of the    Divine Mine is protected by a large array, but the area of ​​the mining area is too large, at least tens of thousands of miles around, it is impossible to arrange a large array.


   The dark red blood light mostly sneaked in from the ground.


   As long as it hides deep underground, it is difficult to find, and it can often cause chaos in the mining area.


   Ji Tianxing understood this, so he refused to give up chasing after him, chasing after the blood.


   There are many cracks and potholes in the ground, and the terrain is intricate.


   The two sides shuttled through the ground at high speed, and soon moved away from the North Mine.


   That piece of blood is very familiar with the underground situation, and can always find cracks and potholes that are easy to shuttle.


   Ji Tianxing tried his best to hunt down, but he could not catch up with it.


   He can only follow the blood light and keep not being thrown away.


   Unconsciously, two hours passed.


   The two sides chased for 30,000 miles underground, and have left the glacier mine area.


   Until then, that piece of blood burst out from the ground and flew over the glacier and snow.


   Ji Tianxing followed it closely, and started chasing and fighting in the extreme cold abyss.


   The blood light constantly changes its shape, sometimes turning into a flying wing, sometimes a sharp shuttle, and sometimes a **** giant sword.


   However, it has never been able to get rid of Ji Tianxing's flying sword.


   In the process of chasing by the two sides, they passed countless icebergs and valleys, and awakened many giant beasts hidden in the glaciers.


   Those giant beasts have robbery level strength, occupy one side, and are very powerful and domineering.


  Bloodlight didn't dare to entangle with it, every time he had to make a detour to avoid the beast's attack.


   After all, it only has the strength of the second layer of crossing the tribulation realm.


   About two hours later, the two sides flew into an iceberg area.


  With a radius of more than 100,000 miles, there are continuous mountains and peaks.


   Every peak and mountain range is covered by thick ice and snow.


   When that piece of blood flew into a gorge between two mountains, it actually slowed down.


   Ji Tianxing immediately realized there was a problem and watched the entire canyon vigilantly.


   As expected, when the blood flew to the deepest part of the canyon, it stopped.


   It landed on a thousand-foot-high iceberg, condensed into a hundred-foot-high troll, staring at Ji Tianxing grimly.


   "Boy, you dare to chase here, you really don't know how to die!"


   The troll grinned, and shouted in a low voice.


   Ji Tianxing stopped and stood over the deep canyon, facing the troll twenty miles away.


   He looked around and sneered: "You stopped here when you escaped. Could it be that the iceberg under your feet is your nest?"


   The troll sneered triumphantly: "You are not too stupid. Now that you have guessed the answer, why don't you catch it quickly?


  Don't wait for us to take action, then we will make you better than death, and die in despair! "


   Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows and sneered contemptuously: "Hehe...There are more than fifty blood gods who died under my sword, to say nothing. No one has been as arrogant and ignorant as you!"


   "You..." The troll's body suddenly shook, and the sneer on his face was solidified, and he asked in a shocked tone: "Who are you? You actually know the Blood God Son?"


   Ji Tianxing sneered again: "Hehehe...You still can't guess my identity. It seems that after the ancestor Demon God created you, he didn't tell you some secrets."


   "You actually know Lord Demon God?" The troll became more shocked, his eyes gleaming with incredible light.


   It didn't understand until now that the human youth in front of him had a deeper understanding of the demons than it.


   Such an opponent is really terrifying!


   It didn't dare to waste time any more, and quickly used the divine sense to transmit sound, calling for the companions hidden in the iceberg.


   "Shuangye, come and help me!"


   Following the sound of its divine consciousness, somewhere in the lair in the iceberg, a dark red blood glowed.




   In the blink of an eye, the dark red blood flew out of the magic nest and came to the sky above the iceberg.


   The blood fell on the side of the troll, and quickly condensed into an eight-armed giant with a height of 100 feet.


   It has two huge heads, eight sturdy arms, and it exudes a violent and bloodthirsty breath.


   "Hahaha... Cheng Gong, why are you getting weaker and weaker?


   You can't even kill this human kid, and you let him chase here? "


   The blood **** son named Shuang Ye, after looking at Ji Tianxing, he couldn't help showing contempt, grinning at his companion Cheng Gong.


   Cheng Gong was not angry either, and his face solemnly said: "This kid is not easy. Not only can he chase down here, but he also knows that we are the blood **** sons of Lord Demon God."


   Shuang Ye was stunned for a moment, and after carefully observing Ji Tianxing for a few moments, he withdrew his gaze.


   "Hehehe... It is really surprising that we can see through our identity...


   But, what if he knows?


   With the strength of his Primordial Divine Realm, there is no need for the two of us to act, and Black Mountain can easily tear him apart! "


   Its strength is the same as that of Cheng Gong, it has reached the second stage of crossing the catastrophe.


   Yuanshen realm martial artist like Ji Tianxing, it doesn't look at it at all.


   Cheng Gong shook his head, and said solemnly: "Shuangye, don't despise him! He seems to have a mysterious power that can restrain us."


   Shuang Ye sneered disapprovingly: "Hehe, we are the most special existence in the world, with immortal bodies, who can restrain us?


   If you are frightened, let Black Mountain take the first shot and get rid of him! "


After   , it opened its mouth and let out a few weird whistles.


   The shrill sound echoed fiercely in the canyon.


   The originally peaceful canyon suddenly trembled.


   The earth was trembling, and the snow-covered ground cracked huge gullies.


   The surrounding icebergs were also shaking violently, cracking dense gaps.


   There seems to be something huge, sleeping deep underground in the canyon, now awakened.


   Ji Tianxing knew at a glance that there must be a giant beast hidden in the canyon.


   Similar scenes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After entering the deep cold abyss, he has seen it many times.


   In the next instant, in the canyon under his feet, a huge pothole cracked in the ground.


   Endless icy blue flames suddenly spurted from the big hole, condensed into several pillars of fire, and blasted towards him.


   He took a step back calmly and teleported a dozen miles away.


   Those icy blue fire pillars passed him, flew up to the sky, and exploded.




   Amid the deafening loud noise, the pillar of fire exploded into icy blue shards that covered the sky and covered the sun, and scattered them.


   Then, a giant beast's head as big as a house emerged from the hole.




   The roar that shook the sky sounded, shaking the entire Grand Canyon.

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