Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1610: crisis

Unconsciously, half an hour passed.


   The morning sun rises up into the sky, sprinkling golden sunshine, covering the top of Fengshen Mountain.


  Under the eager anticipation of everyone, the great guardian and six divine envoys finally came to the square.


   The great guardian walked to the square and stood there. First, let the six divine envoys count the number of people, and check if everyone is there and who else has not been there.


   After just ten breaths, the six envoys ordered the number of people.


   It was confirmed that all 51 geniuses were present, and the guardian said solemnly: "Everyone, today is the day of the appraisal of the gods, and its importance is self-evident, and I won't repeat it.


   It has been half a year since everyone came to Fengshen Mountain.


   In the past six months, everyone has been practicing diligently. Today's assessment is to test your cultivation results!


   The method of assessment is very simple-actual combat in the ring, this is the best way to test your strength.


   The rules of this assessment are still the same as usual, do not use war pet spirit beasts, do not use external force, let alone cause death.


   The opponent is decided by drawing lots, and the winner is promoted and the loser is eliminated.


  In the end, the top ten disciples will become disciples of glory!


  The top five disciples will soon represent Fengshenshan and participate in the exchange meeting of the three great kingdoms.


   Those who lose will be sent to the glacier mine..."


   The majestic voice of the Great Guardian sounded over the square, shaking everyone's hearts and inspiring everyone's fighting spirit.


   Many people have sharp eyes, a strong will to fight all over, and a firm and unyielding expression.


  The great guardian looked around and was satisfied with everyone's reaction, and continued: "Of course, the Lord of God selects a godly disciple, not necessarily only by strength.


   In addition to the arena competition, anyone who has special talents, such as proficient in formation, alchemy, talisman, etc., can also accept the assessment of this seat.


   As long as one of these talents can reach the level of a powerful robber, he can also become a **** disciple. "


  Hearing the words of the great guardian, hope arose in the eyes of many geniuses.


   But the flames of hope that had just ignited quickly extinguished.


   After all, the young geniuses present only have the strength of the Primordial Divine Realm.


   Even if someone is proficient in alchemy, formation and talisman, it is impossible to reach the level of robbery.


   Then, the guardian waved his palms and cast a large formation.


   The colorful brilliance of the light covers the entire square.


   Within the mask, a radius of two thousand feet is the arena of this assessment.


   Everyone was outside the mask, standing on the edge of the square to watch the battle.


   "The first round of assessment was attended by fifty disciples. As the son of the oracle, Ji Tianxing does not need to participate in the first round."


   The great guardian announced the start of the assessment in a majestic manner, and then played fifty jade slips, suspended in the sky.


   The fifty pieces of jade slips danced at great speed, and after a long time, they gradually stopped flying and divided into twenty-five pairs.


   Regarding the decision of the great guardian, many geniuses murmured in their hearts, they were very jealous of Ji Tianxing, but they were helpless.


   The five geniuses of the Izumo Empire frowned, their expressions a bit ugly.


   The great guardian stretched out his hand and took out the first pair of jade slips, and said loudly: "The first round of assessment begins. In the first game, Tao Yunjian will play against Gong Tiangao..."


   As his voice fell, the two young geniuses who were named, walked out of the crowd solemnly and stepped into the colorful mask.


   These two young geniuses both have the strength of the fifth level of the Primordial Divine Realm, and they exude a sturdy and fierce aura.


   They didn't have any extra words, and they didn't even have to say greetings.


   When the great guardian announced the start of the fight, the two of them took out the magic weapon and launched a rush in desperation.


   The fierce fight lasted for a quarter of an hour before it gradually stopped.


   One of them had his arms and legs amputated, his body was severely injured, his combat effectiveness was severely reduced, and he had to admit defeat.


   Although the other person won, it was also a brutal victory.


   After the battle, the loser was helped to heal his wounds.


   The winner sits on the edge of the square, taking the pill to cure his injuries, preparing for the next round of assessment.


   Next, the guardian read one pair of names one after another.


   A pair of young geniuses appeared on the stage, exerting their secret skills with all their energies, and it is inextricably difficult to distinguish with the opponents.


   The deafening loud noise filled the sky over the square for a long time.


   The dazzling magical brilliance also illuminates half of the sky and conceals the brilliance of the sun.


  Various powerful and terrifying tricks and secrets, shaking the earth tremblingly, cracking countless gullies and turning them into ruins.


   Fortunately, the defensive formation deployed by the Great Guardian is strong enough to block all the aftermath of the battle.


   Everyone fought in the mask, unaffected by them.


   Unknowingly, four hours passed.


   It's evening, and the setting sun has slanted west.


   The first round of assessment is finally over.


   Twenty-five young geniuses who were scarred and miserable were eliminated and left the field sadly.


   The twenty-five geniuses who won, all suffered minor or severe injuries, and were busy adjusting their breath and healing their injuries.


   Their expressions are still solemn, and they dare not relax at all.


   As we all know, the first round of assessment is just an appetizer.


   The next few rounds of assessment will be the fiercest competition.


   Qin Cangqiong, Song Zhanyu, Jiang Ningxue and others, as the top five geniuses, easily defeated their opponents without being injured.


   They all observed Ji Tianxing secretly and regarded him as the strongest enemy.


  On the side of the Izumo Empire, only four people advanced. It was Yin Wuqian, Lan Yiqing, Kuanglong and a young genius.


   The great guardian let everyone rest for an hour.


   At dusk, the second round of assessment finally began.


   Twenty-five advancers plus Ji Tianxing, a total of twenty-six people, need to draw lots again to determine the opponent.


   The guardian waved out twenty-six jade slips, and the result was drawn after a while.


   He picked up the jade slips and read them in turn: "The second round of assessment begins. In the first game, Jiang Ningxue will fight Tian Yukai.


   In the second game, Huo Qingyu played against Ji Tianxing.


  The third game, Gan Feiyang battle..."


   Ji Tianxing listened to the results read by the great protector, UU read www.uukanshu. Com looks calm as usual, without fluctuations.


   However, Lan Yiqing and Kuanglong's eyes suddenly brightened, and a thick color of surprise flashed under their eyes.


   The young genius next to the crazy dragon, like a thunderstorm, was stiff and froze on the spot, and his expression became quite strange.


   Obviously, he is Huo Qingyu, about to face Ji Tianxing!


   Crazy Dragon stared at him with scorching eyes, and solemnly said: "Huo Qingyu, the time to die for the empire has come!


   Remember, you must bite the pill hidden in your mouth before the war!


   As long as you can kill Ji Tianxing, even if death is worth it, you will be the greatest hero of the Izumo Empire!


   All of us will remember your merits and sacrifices, and you will be named in history! "


   Huo Qingyu frowned, his eyes kept changing, his expression was complicated and weighed, but he remained silent.

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