Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1640: Dialogue with God Lord

Ji Tianxing, Jiujiu and Tai Hao Yunqi were walking side by side on the wide jade avenue. Mobile terminal

This straight and wide avenue leads from the south gate to the city square.

Passing through the city square and continuing to the Beicheng District, you can see a group of exceptionally sacred, magnificent palaces.

That is Taihao Shrine!

Jade Avenue is sparsely pedestrian, the ground is very clean and tidy, with many statues and stone tablets erected on both sides.

Streets and lanes are criss-crossed in the city.

Rows of tall buildings and pagodas, as well as many exquisite palaces, are lined up one after another, looking very magnificent.

As the three of them walked, Jiujiu introduced the situation of Taihao Kingdom to Ji Tianxing.

"This is Taihao City. There are six hundred martial artists in the whole kingdom of God gathered here, close to six million people.

There are many spiritual treasures outside the city, scattered with many villages and tribes, and many rare races live.

It is said to be the Kingdom of God, but in fact this is a small world, a secret realm that lasts forever, connected to the Shenwu Continent..."

Ji Tianxing nodded, and questioned in confusion: "Just walking along the way, I saw that the people in the city are basically warriors from the Yuanshen realm, and there are almost no ordinary people.

Are the five million warriors in the city all geniuses and strong men selected from the six empires? "

Jiujiu shook his head and explained: "Not all, except for a few people who came to the kingdom of God from the lower realms. The vast majority of people are the original citizens of the kingdom of God."

Ji Tianxing was suddenly a little surprised, and asked incredulously: "The native inhabitants here have such a powerful martial arts talent, can all of them reach the Primordial God Realm?"

Jiujiu showed a hint of pride and nodded: "Although not all of them can reach the Primordial Spirit Realm, they are almost there.

After all, this is the kingdom of God the Father! It has the most abundant cultivation resources in the world, and it is supported by the divine power of God the Father.

Not to mention human beings, even a bird or a monster beast, after hundreds of years of nourishment by divine power, can also become a monster of the original spirit realm. "

Ji Tianxing nodded slightly, and said with some emotion: "Sure enough, he is blessed, and he deserves to be the kingdom of God.

By the way, why are there so many rare races in the villages and tribes outside Taihao City? "

Jiujiu thought for a while and explained, "It is said that in ancient times, there were 10,000 races in the mainland.

However, after a huge catastrophe and turmoil, many races died out.

When the Father God took control of the kingdom of God, all races in the territory under his control had withered and were on the verge of extinction.

The Father God was kind, and couldn't bear to see the death of those ancient races, so he sent some endangered races to the kingdom of God to settle down.

After tens of thousands of years of multiplication, the races that were about to disappear have now begun to flourish and prosper again. "

Ji Tianxing nodded again, smiled and said, "Divine Lord Taihao is doing great kindness."

Jiujiu nodded in agreement: "Of course, when I first met you, I told you that God the Father is the most benevolent, philanthropic, fraternal and tolerant god!"

The two of them walked and talked, passing through the Beicheng District unknowingly, and arrived at the gate of Taihao Shrine.

Looking at it up close, Ji Tianxing really felt how magnificent and sacred Taihao Temple was.

The gate of the palace at a height of one hundred meters is carved with two lifelike golden dragons.

The door lintel is engraved with four big golden characters of "Taihao Shrine", exuding the domineering monarch that looks over the world and looks down upon the sky.

Under the gate of the palace, the guards of the palace wearing golden armor are all with a treasure knife on their waist, holding a golden halberd, and embroidered with the emblem of Taihao Kingdom on their chests.

When the three of Ji Tianxing crossed the palace gate, the guards on both sides knelt down and bowed in a very respectful and pious posture.

After entering the divine palace, Tai Hao Yun Qi separated from Ji Tianxing and Jiujiu.

He left alone, to report the news to God Lord Taihao and deal with some things.

Jiu Jiu took Ji Tianxing through the towering palaces and entered a palace called Ruyi.

This magnificent palace is ninety-nine's bedroom, an exclusive residence.

Inside and outside the palace, there are a hundred guards in golden armor, more than one hundred maids and **** servants.

Ji Tianxing settled in the guest room on the first floor, not far from the hospitality hall.

Ji Tianxing meditated in the room and adjusted his breath, waiting patiently all afternoon.

When night fell, Jiujiu came to him.

"Tian Xing, I have reported to God the Father just now, and now I will take you to see God the Father."

"Okay, I have work." Ji Tianxing nodded and followed her out of the room.

After a while, Jiujiu took him into the depths of the palace and into a spacious and bright study room.

The study room is quite large, with luxurious decoration and layout, and there are golden scenes everywhere.

Under the northern wall, there is a large purple jade desk and a large purple jade inlaid gemstone throne.

On the table were placed several ancient books, a bronze incense burner, and a mysterious black stone half human.

The black stone is oval in shape. I don't know what material it is, it shimmers with white light, and I don't know what it is for.

Ji Tianxing looked around ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Seeing that he and Jiujiu were the only ones in the study, he asked, "Jiujiu, didn't you take me to see the Lord? Why did you come to the study?"

Jiujiu smiled lightly and said, "Tianxing, don't worry, God the Father has been in retreat, and even I can't see his real body.

I usually report news to God Father, and communicate through God Stone. "

After that, she pinched the magic formula with both hands, and shot a dazzling white light into the mysterious black stone on the desk.


The mysterious black stone suddenly lit up with a dazzling white light, condensing into a tall and mighty figure.

This is a young man wearing a golden robe, burly and tall, with a majestic face.

His attire is simple and plain, but his thick eyebrows show majesty and domineering, and his deep eyes contain the wisdom of understanding everything.

Ji Tianxing recognized at a glance, this white robe man was Taihao Martial God!

Of course, this is only the shadow projection of Taihao Martial God.

Jiujiu looked at Taihao Martial God with a smile on his face, bowed his body, and reported: "Father God, Jiujiu has brought Heavenly Xing."

Taihao Martial God glanced at her kindly, waved his hand and said, "Jiu Jiu, you can withdraw, don't let anyone approach, Father God wants to talk to him alone."

Jiujiu was taken aback at once, pointed his nose, pouted and asked: "Father God, can I not even listen to me?"

"Of course." Taihao Martial God nodded slightly, his tone was kind, but it contained unquestionable majesty.

Jiujiu pouted and nodded, "Well, then Jiujiu retired."

After all, she hurried out of the study, casting spells to open up the study's defenses.

In this way, no one can detect the situation in the study, let alone hear the content of the dialogue between Ji Tianxing and Taihao Martial God.

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