Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1656: Tired of living

90d715ae8d8fea68109aee9a0ba7c3a3 The fire chief looks vowed.

Ji Tianxing didn't believe it on the surface, but he thought about it.

Even if Huo Kui laughed and teased him, he didn't bother to pay attention.

Soon, another three hours passed.

It's evening again.

The two finally arrived near Fulong Mountain.

A few hundred miles away, Huo Kui pointed to the huge gray-brown mountain range ahead and said to Ji Tianxing: "Little brother, that is Fulong Mountain!"

Ji Tianxing raised his eyes and looked over, and he saw the huge mountain range, which really stretched thousands of miles away.

Looking down from the sky, the mountain range really looks like a dragon lying on the ground!

The gray-brown ridges are sharply angular and full of strength, just like the back of an ancient dragon.

The branches extending from the foot of the mountain are also scattered, really like dragon claws.

When Ji Tianxing saw Fulong Mountain with his own eyes, he understood why the Huo Kui was so enthusiastic, and vowed to say that the mountain was transformed by a dragon.

Before long, the two flew hundreds of miles away and came to the sky above Fulong Mountain.

Ji Tianxing keenly detected that in the air around Fulong Mountain, there still remained a strong spiritual energy of heaven and earth, as well as faint divine power fluctuations.

Facts have proved that there really is a magical object in Fulong Mountain.

He looked around a few times and saw that a few hundred miles ahead, light and shadow faintly passed by in the sky.

It seems that some adventurers are still wandering deep in Fulong Mountain.

At this time, Huo Kui took out the silver order arrow, injected mana and released it.

"call out!"

The arrow rushed to the sky, exploded with a bang, and turned into a sky full of silver streamer, which can be seen within hundreds of miles.

Ji Tianxing knew that Huo Kui was calling for his companions.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for two streams of light flew out of Fulong Mountain, coming as fast as lightning.


Two streamers came to the front and stopped. After Guanghua narrowed, two middle-aged men appeared.

One of them was as strong as a rock and wore a heavy black armor.

The other was as thin as a bamboo pole, dressed in black leather armor, and looked like a rat-eye.

After the two saluted Huo Kui, their eyes fell on Ji Tianxing, looking suspiciously and alertly.

"Boss Huo Kui, who is this kid?"

"Big brother, this kid is very face-to-face, isn't it your novice?"

Huo Kui was thinking about the ‘God’s Dragon’s Blood’, so he didn’t bother to talk nonsense with them, so he said casually.

"I met this kid on the road... Didn't I let you two stare at it? What about the fetish? Who took it away?"

The thin man with thief and mouse eyes quickly replied: "Big brother, the **** was born last night and was not taken away until this morning.

The people who snatched the gods were the mysterious powerhouses before!

Their strength is too strong, we can't get close at all, let alone follow, we can only wait for you here. "

Huo Kui frowned, and shouted angrily: "Asshole! I have been staring at the gods for more than a month, so they can **** them so easily?

Haven't several groups of people squatted near Fulong Mountain before?

Didn't those **** take the shot? Just watching the fetish being snatched? "

The brawny man in black armor explained: "Those groups of adventurers have all taken action, and have been fighting with those mysterious strong men for a long time.

It is a pity that the strength of those groups of adventurers is not strong enough, they have not been able to capture the gods, and a dozen masters have been killed.

Boss, look over there, it's the traces of their fighting. They fleeed over there while fighting..."

After all, the black-clad strong man pointed to the depths of Fulong Mountain.

Fulong Mountain and the surrounding mountains are full of huge ravines and gaps, as well as a few deep pits with a radius of tens of miles.

Looking around, at least a few hundred miles around is a scene of devastation.

Huo Kui was shocked and suddenly shouted in a low voice, "The strength of those mysterious powerhouses is so strong?"

The strong black man nodded quickly, and said with a lingering fear: "Boss, with our strength, it is impossible to grab a divine object!

There is an ugly dwarf among those mysterious powerhouses. The strength is terrifying, and one person can kill three of us. "

The thin man with thief eyebrows and mouse eyes also nodded in agreement, and said with some fear: "Brother, this is what we have seen with our own eyes, or... let's give up?

No matter how precious the gods are, we can't kill them. "

Huo Kui's face was somber as ice, and his eyes changed for a while before he cursed unwillingly: "Dog|mother's bastard! This old man has taken note of it!

Don't let Lao Tzu know their identities. Sooner or later, I will kill them all and take back the gods! "

The black-clad strong man and the thin man nodded their heads, cursing a few words of righteous indignation.

The three of them calmed down, and their eyes fell on Ji Tianxing.

The thin man with thief eyebrows rolled his eyes, winked at Huo Kui, and the voice transmission asked, "Big brother, is the lamb fat?"

Huo Kui was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly grinned with a stern grin: "Of course it's fat, fat and oily!

It is the so-called East of Lost and Mulberry of Reaping.

I can't get the fetish, but I can't do it in vain! "

The strong man in black armor nodded quickly, a cruel sneer on his dark face.

The thin, sly-eyed man, flattered with a smile, flattered: "Big brother has learned a lot recently, and his speech has become more and more elegant."

Ji Tianxing listened to the conversation between the three and was silently observing the situation of Fulong Mountain, thinking about the next action.

Suddenly he noticed that the atmosphere was bad, and when he turned his head, he saw that the Huo Kui trio were approaching with grinning smiles.

Huo Kui carried a broad knife with a wide palm, and grinned sneer: "Little brother, do you come by yourself, or I will help you?"

The strong black man licked his lips with bloodthirsty eyes, and said murderously: "Boss, I think I'll follow the old rules, cut him with a knife, and then count the spoils..."

The thin man with thief eyebrows and mouse eyes smiled, and said in a playful tone: "Don't be so rude, I think this kid is extraordinary, I think he has a good family and rich financial resources.

Brother, why don't we keep alive and blackmail another vote from his family to make a big deal? "

Huo Kui thought about it, shook his head and said, "It's a good idea, but I don't want to be so troublesome, lest nights have many dreams."

After all, his figure flashed up to Ji Tianxing, drew out the treasured sword with a ‘cang’, and put it on Ji Tianxing’s neck.

"Boy, either stay fortune~www.wuxiaspot.com~ or stay for life!"

As a child of an ordinary family, he will be shocked immediately after encountering such a change.

If it is a bad temper, it is more likely to be **** off by Huo Kui.

Huo Kui was accustomed to this trick, and he didn't know how many young warriors he robbed or killed.

However, this time he met Ji Tianxing.

Ji Tianxing always looked calm and calm, even if he was put on his neck by a knife, he did not blink his eyes.

There was no fluctuation in his heart, and he even wanted to laugh.

"Hehe... He is indeed a wicked executioner, death is not a pity!

Want to rob and kill me even with the three of you trash? The old birthday star hangs..."

The fifth is more, thank you very much for the 10,000 book currency reward, hereby add more.

(End of this chapter)

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