Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1715: Doubt

The encounter between Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao made Long Po Po full of emotion and embarrassment.

   She looked at Yun Yao with concern, and said with earnest words: "Yun Yao, before Luo Shenguan left, she told you to stay in Luoshen Mountain and rest.

   Your exploration of Baihua Valley this time has already experienced a life and death crisis.

   Now that you have returned safely and you have got the God Orb, you will stay in Luoshen Mountain with peace of mind from now on, and you will never be able to take risks anymore.

   If you have a long and two shortcomings, the old man can't bear the responsibility! "

   Yunyao understood Long Po Po's worries and concerns, so she nodded and said with comfort: "Mother-in-law, don't worry, there are divine beads in the Hundred Flowers Valley. I must go.

   Now that the God Orb has succeeded, I will naturally not go out to take risks.

   During the next period of time, I will stay in the Yunshui Palace, refining the **** orb with peace of mind. "

   Hearing what she said, Long Po Po was relieved, and nodded: "It is so good. If you have any difficulties, just tell the old man, and the old man will help you solve it.

   Alright, go to retreat and heal your wounds, and refine the God Orb as soon as possible. "

   Yunyao bowed her hand to her and said goodbye before turning around and entering the secret room.

   In the room, only Long Po Po and Ji Tianxing are left.

  Grandma Long's complexion became solemn, and she looked at Ji Tianxing with scorching eyes, and asked: "Tianxing, just now, you said, you met ten thousand bone demons in Baihua Valley? Did you find a magic cave?

   Tell the old man carefully, what is going on? "

   For a long time, Long Po Po, like most warriors, only knew that the Mirage Mountain Range was very dangerous and was a forbidden place.

   And Baihua Valley is one of the most dangerous forbidden places in the Phantom Mountains.

   The danger she understands is nothing more than the powerful savage monsters and some dangerous terrain.

  No one knows that there are evil bone demons hidden in the Valley of Flowers, and there is also an ancient magic cave!

   This is definitely shocking news to Long Po Po.

   She must understand the truth and report to Luoshui Wushen as soon as possible.

   After all, the Phantom Mountain Range is located in the territory of the Xuanshuang Empire, on the territory of the Kingdom of Luoshui.

   Ji Tianxing also understood this, and explained to Long Po Po: "Long Po Po, this matter is a long story, so I will make a long story short.

   The origin of Hundred Flowers Valley is mainly the longevity divine pearl, which can release powerful life divine power and give birth to hundreds of flowers and trees and many creatures.

   Because of this, hundreds of flowers bloom in the canyon, and all have changed.

   The best among the flowers and trees, even evolved into a powerful monster, dominating the entire Hundred Flowers Valley.

  Adventurers of all races, as well as many savage monsters, rushed into the Valley of Hundred Flowers, and were killed by the flower monsters and the poison.

   For thousands of years, tens of thousands of bones have been accumulated in the valley of flowers, and then ten thousand bone demons have been formed.

   The devilish energy in the Valley of Flowers is too heavy, causing the Hundred Flowers to also undergo abnormal changes, all becoming evil and highly poisonous things.

   This makes Hundred Flower Valley even more dangerous, and the intruder will die forever.

   As for the depths of the Hundred Flowers Valley, why there is a magic cave and a blood skeleton imprisoned, it is unknown. "

   Long Po Po nodded slightly, her face solemnly said: "Well, your analysis is very reasonable, but the only doubt is the underground magic cave and the blood skull.

  The old man knows that in the northernmost part of the kingdom of God, there is a dead zone called Beiming Mountain.

   There is the territory of the ghost tribe, and almost no one has set foot in it for thousands of years, let alone the situation.

   The ten thousand bones and bones you mentioned, and the blood skeletons, should be all ghosts.

  The Lord of God has always hated the ghost clan very much. Once he finds that the ghost clan has sneaked into the kingdom of God, he will kill him mercilessly.

   It’s just that the old man did not expect that there is a ghost clan powerhouse hidden in the Hundred Flowers Valley, as well as a magic cave.

   It has been thousands of years, and no one has noticed this! "

   Ji Tianxing nodded, and said in a low tone: "Long Po Po, Yun Yao and I can escape to heaven with the help of the blood skull.

   The blood skull was imprisoned in the cave, and was chained to the bone throne by bronze chains.

   It can understand what I say, and it is not malicious to us, and even helps us escape.

   I think this matter is very strange, the identity of the blood skeleton is very problematic, it is worth investigating...

   If you can figure out the true identity of the blood skull, you might be able to understand why there is a magic cave hidden in the bottom of Baihua Valley. "

   Long Granny nodded in agreement, and asked: "Tian Xing, then you think about it carefully, what are the obvious characteristics of that blood skull? Or what clues did it leave?"

   Ji Tianxing quickly took out the blood-red spar from the space ring and handed it to Long Po Po.

  "Before we escaped from the magic cave, the blood skull took out this spar and gave it to me, seeming to want to tell me something.

   It's a pity that it can't speak, nor can it communicate with spirit, we can't guess its intention.

   Moreover, I have also carefully observed this spar, and apart from the scary blood and magic, there is nothing special about it. "

   Long Po Po stretched out her hand to take the Scarlet Spar and held it in her palm to observe carefully.

  "This spar does not seem to be abnormal, and it is difficult to find any clues.

   However, since the blood skull gave you this spar, it must have its purpose.

   Maybe it's our strength and shallow knowledge, so we can't see the mystery. "

While talking, Long Po Po solemnly put the spar away and said, "Tianxing, you don't have to worry about this matter. I will send the spar to the kingdom of God and present it to the lord of God~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Regarding the Baihua Valley, the old man will also report it to the Lord God.

  I believe that with the wisdom and means of the Lord God, the answer will be given. "

   Ji Tianxing nodded, and said with satisfaction: "I have this intention, then there is a mother-in-law."

   "Well, my old man, take a trip to the kingdom of God, so go to retreat and heal your injuries." Long Po Po waved at him, turned and left the room.

   After Long Po Po left, Ji Tianxing thought for a moment before entering the secret room.


   Five days passed in a flash.

   Ji Tianxing was in the secret room and recuperated for five days. His injuries and mana were recovered.

   After he finished his training, he walked out of the secret room.

   Yunyao is still in her secret room in retreat, busy refining the Longevity Orb, and has not shown her face.

   Ji Tianxing estimated that she would have to retreat for at least three to five months.

   Long Po Po is also not on Luoshen Mountain, obviously she has gone to the Kingdom of God and has not yet returned.

   Ji Tianxing waited in the Yunshui Palace for a day, and there was no news about Long Granny, so he simply returned to the secret room to continue his practice.

   He has already reached the ninth level of the Primordial God Realm. After the battle of Hundred Flower Valley, he has consolidated the martial art realm and has a solid foundation.

   He continued to comprehend the fourth layer of the Tao of the Soul of Sword, retreat to improve his strength, and strive to reach the peak of the Ninth Level of the Primordial Spirit as soon as possible, and prepare for the impact of crossing the tribulation realm.

  'S various previous encounters and experiences made him soberly aware of a problem.

   The strength of the Yuan Divine Realm is not a strong one on the Shenwu Continent.

   Only when he reaches the tribulation state can he come and go freely and have the ability to protect himself.

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