Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1727: Mystery man

In a daze, Ji Tianxing regained some consciousness.

   He felt as if he was awake, but he couldn't open his eyes and his consciousness was dizzy.

   This made him understand that he didn't really wake up, he was still in a coma.

   But in the depths of his mind, some clear and complete pictures constantly appeared, just like dreams.

   He'sees' that he is in a magnificent palace.

   This palace is located in the clouds, surrounded by white clouds, like a fairy palace in the sky, isolated from the world.

   The palace has carved beams and painted buildings, golden bars and jade masonry, which shows the luxury and nobleness everywhere.

   In the depths of the palace, there is a large and exquisitely furnished room.

  The light in the secret room is dim, and the walls and ground are inlaid with precious gems, forming a vast and wonderful array, exuding a sacred and majestic atmosphere.

   In the corner of the secret room, there is a pool of three feet wide.

   The pool was filled with icy blue water, with white smoke rising up, exuding an icy chill.

   And he himself, lying flat in the icy blue pool, closed his eyes, and there is a touch of pain between his eyebrows.

   He was hot and red, exuding a terrifying heat, like a hot red soldering iron.

   The extremely high temperature caused the smoke from the ice water in the pool to rise and boil.

   Vaguely, Ji Tianxing's gaze passed through the mist of water, and he "seen" a graceful woman in an ice blue dress standing by the cold pond.

   The hazy mist covered her cheeks, making Ji Tianxing unable to see her face clearly.

   But she is slender and slender, her temperament is as graceful as water, and she exudes a noble and sacred temperament, just like a fairy in the nine heavens.

   At this moment, she was staring at Ji Tianxing, stretched out her lush white jade hands, pinched the magic formula to release the colorful divine light, and injected it into Ji Tianxing's body.

   Ji Tianxing's chest was wrapped in a ball of colorful divine light, quietly changing.

  Even though he was in a dream, Ji Tianxing could not feel the slightest pain, as if his chest and heart had not been injured.

   He can only feel that the colorful divine light exudes a refreshing breath, which makes his whole body heat much less.

   He widened his eyes hard, trying to see the face of the woman in the blue dress through the hazy mist.

   However, the mist kept rising, always blocking his vision.

   The face of the woman in the blue skirt also seemed to be covered by a hazy phantom yarn, which made Ji Tianxing still unable to see clearly.

   Ji Tianxing's consciousness became more and more trance, and he fell into a deep sleep without knowing it, and the dreams deep in his mind also disappeared.

   He didn't know how long he slept, and what he experienced.

   may be a day, or a month, or a few months...

   After a long time, his consciousness awakened from his deep sleep, and finally regained consciousness, truly awake.

   He only felt that his eyelids were very heavy, and he worked hard for a long time before opening his eyes gradually.

   What catches the eye is a large bed of sandalwood inlaid with jade, with white veils hanging on all sides.

   He is lying on the warm and wide bed, covered with a pale golden brocade quilt.

   There is a faint fragrance in the air, which is exactly his most familiar and nostalgic breath.

   He immediately realized that this was in Yun Yao's room. ..

   slightly turned his head and looked at the bed, he saw a slim figure in a white dress sitting at a table not far away.

   Only by looking at the back, he could tell that it was Yun Yao.

   Yunyao sat quietly at the table, resting her chin on one hand, staring at a cup of spirit tea on the table, in a daze.

   The tea is already cold, but the cup is still full, and I have never had a sip.

   Seeing Yun Yao by his side, Ji Tianxing felt calm, and there was a hint of warmth in his heart.

   He looked down at his chest, and saw that the chest under the white robe had returned to its original shape without leaving a trace of scar.

   Feel a moment of meditation, and everything in the chest is normal, without any pain or discomfort.

   There is no doubt that his injury has healed.

   The Shura Heart Eater that had penetrated into his heart had also been eliminated.

   He slowly leaned up, put his hands on the quilt, and sat up a little bit.

   In addition to the dizziness of his head, there is no discomfort all over the body, and the spirit and mana are at their peak.

   As soon as he sat up, Yun Yao, who was in a daze and contemplation, noticed the movement and was immediately awakened.

   She turned her head and looked at Ji Tianxing. Seeing that Ji Tianxing was awake, she immediately showed a relieved look, and quickly asked: "Tianxing, you finally wake up, how do you feel?"

   While talking, Yun Yao hurriedly came to the bed and helped Ji Tianxing to sit up.

   Ji Tianxing took her to sit on the edge of the bed, smiled at her, and comforted: "Don't worry, I have recovered from my injuries and are fine."

   Yunyao looked at him a few times, and saw that he was normal, and she was a little relieved.

   "By the way, Tian Xing, you were swallowed by the Shura Heart Eater before a part of the Sword God bloodline, what's the situation now? Has the Sword God bloodline recovered?"

   Ji Tianxing nodded and said: "I have completely recovered, and the blood that was swallowed has been purified and returned to my body.

   By the way, my heart was destroyed and my body almost died.

   Shura Heart Eater is a rare and powerful monster of the Demon Race, very difficult to deal with.

   Yaoyao, do you know who rescued me? "

   "This..." Yun Yao was taken aback, and gently shook her head: "After Long Granny took us back to Luoshen Mountain, she let me stay in Yunshui Palace to recover.

   She took you alone and left Luoshenshan for several days~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I don't know where I went.

   When she brought you back, your injury was healed. "

   Ji Tianxing frowned suddenly, muttering to himself: "So, Grandma Long didn't tell you, who saved me?"

   Yunyao nodded and said, "Long Po Po seems to have concealed it deliberately and did not reveal any information."

   "Understood." Ji Tianxing nodded slightly, and the ice blue figure appeared in his mind, vaguely guessing a certain possibility.

   "By the way, Yaoyao, how long have I been in a coma?"

   Yunyao replied: "You were already in a coma when we only fled the Phantom Mountains.

   If you count from that day, you have been in a coma for ten days. "

   "I slept for so long?" Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows, and continued to ask: "Then God Envoy Du and God Envoy Liu? Are they all right?"

   Yunyao gently shook her head and said, "They are all fine. Although they suffered serious injuries, they all returned safely."

   Ji Tianxing recalled what had happened ten days ago, and hatred and murderous aura surged in his eyes, "Where is Xiao Ye Mojun? Was it killed by Long Granny?"

   "This...not at all." Yun Yao showed a look of regret and explained: "Xiao Ye Mojun was originally not Long Granny's opponent, he was beaten all over by Long Granny.

   After you killed the ghost boy, the night demon king saw that the situation was not good, so he used the secret magic method to escape.

   At that time, Long Po Po was worried about our safety, so she chased us, instead of chasing down Xiao Ye Mojun. "

   Ji Tianxing frowned, and said in a cold tone: "It's not dead, one day, I will personally smash it to pieces, revenge and hate!"

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