Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1730: Miracle

Upon hearing Ji Tianxing's words, Yun Yao was immediately taken aback. ,. Pinshu

   She quickly recovered, ‘showing’ an incredible expression on her face.

   "Tian Xing, that's a holy formation, how can you find the root of the problem?"

   Ji Tianxing waved his hand, and Chuanyin explained: "I vaguely remember that I once saw related records, and maybe I can find out some clues.

   I want to meditate for a while, you help me protect the Fa. "

   Although, this thing is unbelievable.

   But Yun Yao knows very well that Ji Tianxing is an extraordinary person and has been constantly creating trails.

   Therefore, she chose to believe in Ji Tianxing.

   "Okay, don't worry, I will not let anyone disturb you."

   After receiving Yun Yao's reply, Ji Tianxing meditated in peace, and "fuck" the Yuanshen into the tomb of the sword god.


  The Yuanshen Golden Sword turned into a golden ‘color’ villain and appeared in the dark and cold tomb of the Sword God.

The    golden ‘color’ villain is exactly like Ji Tianxing, galloping in the gray ‘color’ wasteland.

   After a while, he came to eighteen black tombstones.

   He stretched out his palm and pressed it on the first tombstone on the right.

   Suddenly, the tombstone lit up with a dim golden light, covering him all over.


   Golden light flashed, he entered an alien space and appeared in the sea of ​​clouds.

   He crossed the stone bridge in the sea of ​​clouds and arrived under the big ‘gate’ of the sacred pagoda.

After    opened the big'door', he entered the Tianshu Pavilion and began to quickly browse through the book offerings.

There are tens of thousands of books in    Tianshu Pavilion, and everything about martial arts is covered.

   When reading ancient books before Ji Tianxing, he once saw records about Tongyou Jiehun Formation in some books.

   This kind of formation is a saint-level big formation, which was passed down to the world thousands of years ago.

   When Ji Tianxing saw relevant records before, he didn't care about it.

   After all, his strength is low, and it's useless to calculate it. It is impossible to set up a Saint-level big formation.

   Time has passed, and he can't remember the contents.

   Now he came to the Tianshu Pavilion again, with a very clear goal, to find information about the Tongyou Jiejie Soul Formation.

   After only half an hour, his spiritual consciousness scanned more than 3,000 books and finally found two related books.

   With a gesture, he took the two ancient books from the shelf and held them in his hands to read them carefully.

   Two thick ancient books, with hundreds of pages and nearly 100,000 characters, recorded a lot of information related to the formation.

   It took half an hour for Ji Tianxing to find the information he wanted and remember it firmly.

After    closed the ancient book, he waved his hands and put the two ancient books back on the shelf.

   Then he walked out of the Tianshu Pavilion and left the Sword God Tomb.

   In the next instant, his soul returned and opened his eyes.

   The hall is quiet and dimly lit.

   Long Po Po was still sitting in the hall, meditating and adjusting her breath next to the formation mask.

   Yunyao saw him wake up, and quickly asked through a voice transmission: "Tianxing, how is it? Have you found any clues?"

   Ji Tianxing stood up, nodded to her and said: "I have found it, I know what's going on."

   "What's the reason?" Yun Yao'showed' a strong look of expectation.

   Ji Tianxing pointed to the gray mask in the main hall, and explained: "Long Po Po is right. It is indeed possible to summon the souls of the dead through the ghost formation and important relics of the dead.

   Long Po Po's plan is correct, and the layout of the formation is not a problem.

   But this big formation is not complete, and a few seals must be added to add spirit-calling effects to the formation.

  Furthermore, Long Po Po urged the big formation, and there were some problems with the method of summoning the souls..."

   Ji Tianxing pointed out the source of the problem and briefly explained it to Yun Yao.

After    Yunyao listened to it, she suddenly ‘showed up’ a thick ‘color’ of shock, which only seemed incredible.

   "Tongyou Jiejie Soul Formation is a rare and rarely used holy rank formation. How can you understand it so clearly? Can you point out the flaws and problems of Long Po Po?

  天行, if this matter is spread, the entire Luoshenshan will be a sensation! "

   Ji Tianxing ‘showed’ a smile and waved his hand: "It doesn’t matter whether you are a sensation or not, let’s get started."

   "What's the business?" Yun Yao frowned suspiciously and embroidered her eyebrows. After thinking about it, she suddenly thought of something.

   "Tian Xing, you don't mean to...impose the seal of Long Po Po's formation, right?"

   Ji Tianxing smiled and nodded: "That's right."

   Yunyao became more and more shocked, and asked with some worry: "But that's a holy formation, can you really apply a seal? What if you are backlashed or injured by the force of the formation..."

   Without waiting for her to finish, Ji Tianxing said confidently: "Don't worry, I just use the power of the big formation to apply a few seals. I don't need the strength of the Martial Saint Realm.

   Moreover, as long as you have a thorough understanding of the big formation, you will not be backlashed and hurt. "

When   's words fell, he turned and walked towards the hall.

   He circled the gray mask a few times, observed with his eyes for a quarter of an hour before starting to cast the spell.

   I saw him pinching the law with both hands, repeatedly hitting white light, drew arcs, formed various ancient seal characters, and injected them into the mask.

   The mask did not stop, let alone bounced back, it kept flashing white light quietly.

   Ji Tianxing's magic arts, the mana and formation patterns he played, blended perfectly with the mask!

   Yun Yao was still worried for him, but seeing this, she immediately dispelled her worries.

   Unknowingly, half an hour passed.

  Ji Tianxing's spellcasting ended, and he successfully added six seals to the great formation.

   After he received his gong, the six Dharma seals merged with the great formation.

   The gray-white mask immediately became dazzling, exuding a more sacred and powerful aura~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yun Yao could clearly sense that the power and aura of the soul-forming formation had undergone a qualitative leap.

   If you say that the big formation that Long Po Po arranged before, it was just a dead thing.

   So now, the large formation processed by Ji Tianxing has become a powerful formation like a living thing, without any flexibility!

   "This is incredible! Tian Xing, you have perfected the holy rank set by Long Po Po, this is definitely a sign!"

   Yunyao stared at Ji Tianxing with scorching eyes, couldn't help but exclaim, her eyes full of surprise and pride.

   Long Po Po, who was meditating and adjusting her breath, was also awakened by the breath of the great formation.

   She quickly finished her movement and opened her eyes to look at the big array.

   Seeing the formation mask became blazing white, illuminating the sacred white light, she immediately changed her face.

   felt the aura of the formation, which was several times stronger before, her eyes widened and her old face was full of shock.

   "This...what's going on? Who moved this formation?" Long Po Po turned to look at Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao, and asked solemnly.

   "Mother-in-law, things are like this..." Yunyao quickly explained to her what happened.

   After Long Po Po finished listening, she was even more stunned.

   She stared at Ji Tianxing with her eyes, her lips trembling for several times, and she shouted in surprise, "Okay! That's great!!"

   The old body really did not expect that Tianxing, you should have such incredible insights and methods that can help the old body perfect this saint-level formation!

   You only have the strength of the Primordial Divine Realm, but you can perfect the Saint-Level Array...If you don't see it with your own eyes, who can believe it?

   This kid is a freak! "

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