Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1745: against the current

Unconsciously, ten days passed.

   Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao both practiced hard in their closed rooms.

   In order to welcome the coming catastrophe, Yun Yao's heartless practice has improved his strength as much as possible to consolidate the foundation of martial arts.

   In any case, she must go all out to deal with the catastrophe, and there must be no mistakes or accidents.

  Ten days of hard training has indeed improved her strength a lot, and her martial arts foundation has become stronger.

   But she has reached the pinnacle of the Primordial God Realm, even if her strength has improved, she is still very limited.

   The day of the catastrophe is getting closer and closer.

   There was a heavy pressure in her heart, and the feeling in her heart became clearer and clearer.

   Her catastrophe came just six days later!

   Ji Tianxing has been in retreat for ten days, and his strength is still the pinnacle of the Primordial Spirit Realm.

   However, his sword intent became more condensed, giving birth to a rudimentary form.

   Perseverance and perseverance, proud of the world.

   This is his sword intent, representing his will and belief in kendo.

  The improvement of sword intent will not increase his realm of strength, but it will make his kendo stronger and more prominent.

   He is looking forward to it, when he fully understands the sword intent, what will the power of kendo reach?

   As for his catastrophe... he still didn't sense the aura of the catastrophe coming, and he didn't know when the catastrophe would come.

   Anyway, he has taken control of the power of the divine thunder, and he doesn't take the catastrophe into his heart, and he doesn't think there is much threat.


   That evening, Long Po Po finally returned to Luoshen Mountain.

   After she returned to her residence, she took a short break and then asked the maid to go to Yunshui Palace to send a message.

   Yunyao has been waiting for news at Yunshui Palace, and when she heard that Long Po Po was back, she hurried to meet her.

   The two met in Long Po Po's study.

   Yunyao bowed to her and asked with concern: "Mother-in-law, your trip to the Kingdom of God is going well, right?"

   Long Po Po smiled and nodded and said: "Everything went well, and the old body was brought back as it was with the backwater divine sword given to you by God."

   While talking, she took out a sword from the space ring.

   This is an exquisite sword about three feet long, housed in a silver-white sword case, and its shape is very delicate and gorgeous.

   The surface of the sword box is engraved with exquisite patterns and complex formations and patterns, which are obviously sealed.

   The sword box was glowing with silver light, like the brilliance of stars in the night sky, exuding a sacred breath.

   Yunyao stared at the sword box with scorching eyes, and slowly stretched out her hands, holding the sword box in her hand, and carefully observed.

  The sword is light and light, with a hint of coolness.

   The silver-white sword hilt was carved with intricate patterns, which lit up with a faint icy blue glow.

   Yunyao only felt that a powerful icy breath came from the hilt of the sword, and followed her palm into the body.

   However, that strong icy breath does not make her feel uncomfortable, but has a sense of communication with her soul.

   That kind of feeling, it was like the magic sword merged with her arm, driven by her heart.


   She held the scabbard in her left hand and the hilt in her right hand, and pulled out the sword with a little effort.

   Suddenly, a three-foot-long ice blue sword appeared before her eyes.

   The blade is as wide as **** close together, and the whole body is icy blue, as crystal clear, and not stained with dust.

   A layer of icy blue glow flowing on the surface of the blade makes the Excalibur very mysterious.

   She can clearly sense that the divine sword has the power to destroy the world, but she can't bear it.

   Once she slashed out with a sword, she could easily split Luoshen Mountain and destroy a radius of hundreds of miles.

   This is the power of the Excalibur!

   Yunyao stared at the Excalibur intently, feeling a little excited, and whispered in a low voice: "Sure enough, it is the God Sword made by the God Lord. It is really a rare warrior in the world!"

   Granny Long looked at her kindly, and said, "Yun Yao, in addition to this sword against the water, the **** master also taught a set of techniques for sacrificing refinement and imperial swords, all for you to improve.

  Later, the old man will teach you the tactics. You will strive to complete the divine sword sacrifice in the next few days.

  Only if you sacrifice and refine the divine sword, this divine sword truly belongs to you, and it is connected with your heart, like an arm, can it exert a stronger power..."

   Yunyao nodded, returned the sword to its sheath, and said, "Please mother-in-law pass on my technique."

   Long Po Po worked silently for a while, and then a cloud of white light flew out of his forehead.

   In the white light ball that is the size of an egg, there are complicated seal characters and symbols, and the brilliance is shining.

   Long Po Po pointed her right hand, and the light group got into Yun Yao's forehead.

   Suddenly, a huge amount of information flooded into her mind, which made her mind a little bit up, and her consciousness was a little fuzzy.

   After ten breaths, she returned to normal, so she bowed to Long Po Po and said: "Mother, then I will leave.

   Six days later, my catastrophe is about to come. "

   Long Po Po nodded slightly and said, "Then you have to finish the divine sword sacrifice in these few days.

   Six days later, you will cross the robbery on the Guyun Peak in the back mountain. "

   Yunyao nodded and agreed, and then left with the God Sword Against the Water.

   After returning to the secret room of Yunshui Palace, she ignored other things and concentrated on cultivating tactics, and went all out to sacrifice the sword.


   Six days passed in a flash.

   Early this morning, Yun Yao was sitting cross-legged in the secret room.

   She pinched the magic formula with both hands, and she was full of majestic mana, exuding dazzling aura.

   In front of her, in the air two feet above the ground, there was a mouthful of icy blue sword ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The sword shone with dazzling blue light, exuding a sacred and mighty breath.

   And between her and the Excalibur, there is also an invisible connection, as if they are integrated.

   After a while, the sun rises and the golden morning sun falls on Luoshen Mountain.

   At the same time, the blue ice on the surface of the divine sword shimmered, and Yun Yao stopped working.


   The divine sword fell into the scabbard, turned into a strand of ice light, and disappeared after it got into her body.

   "Huh..." She opened her eyes and let out a suffocating breath, with a gratifying smile in her eyes.

   "Finally, the sacrifice is complete!" As she said, she got up and left the secret room.

   Outside the secret room, Ji Tianxing was already waiting.

   Seeing Yun Yao coming out, he looked up and down a few times and smiled suddenly.

   "It looks like, Yaoyao, you have completed the divine sword sacrifice?"

   He can clearly feel that Yun Yao's temperament has changed, and it has become more holy and cold.

   At the same time, Yun Yao's aura of strength has reached a critical point, and his body seems to contain the power to destroy the world and reverse the chaos.

   Yunyao nodded and said: "It's going well, let's go."

   After that, the two left the Yunshui Palace side by side and rushed to the back mountain of Luoshen Mountain.

   The mountain is steep and no one goes in or out on weekdays.

   Especially the Lonely Cloud Peak is isolated on the edge of the cliff, like a stone monument standing on the top of the mountain.

   The vast white clouds and thick fog obscured most of the Guyun Peak.

   can be seen from far away, the top of Guyun Peak is a platform with a radius of more than ten kilometers.

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