Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1748: 1 sword across the world

As Yun Yao chanted the obscure and incomprehensible tactics, his whole body burst into battle.

   Thirty-six ice-cold sword lights formed a mysterious formation and spun at extreme speed.

   Suddenly, the sword light gathered like a disc, and the ice cold brilliance shone on the sky.

   Guyun Peak and the surrounding Baili have become a blue light world.

   The three-color thunder crashed into the ice-blue disc, making a loud and deafening noise.

   The disc collapsed on the spot, exploded into tens of millions of ice crystal fragments, splashing around.


   Numerous ice crystal fragments slashed across the sky, like sword aura, and falling like meteors in the sky.

   At the same time, the three-color thunder also exploded, turning into a mixed-color thunder light, like a goddess scattered flowers.

   Yunyao successfully blocked the thunder and was not injured.

The top of    Lonely Cloud Peak was shattered by endless thunder and turned into ruins full of ravines.

   Countless dust, rubble, ice crystal fragments and lightning arcs spread like huge waves.

   All the gods, deacons, and guards suddenly changed their faces, and they all walked back in fear.

   But their retreating speed is too slow, they can't avoid the impact.

   At the critical juncture, Long Po Po unhurriedly waved her palms and shot a bright golden light.


   The golden light lay across the sky, forming a high wall of thousands of feet long, blocking the violent shock wave.

   For hundreds of years, she has seen this kind of thing a lot, and can handle it easily.

   Many gods and guards, but they are still in shock, with lingering fears, they all retreat to the sky forty miles away.

   Soon, the fifth heavenly thunder was brewing in the vortex of Jieyun.

   This thunder beam has four colors, contains four different attributes of power, and its power is even more terrifying.


   A deafening blast sounded, and the seventy-foot thunder beam, carrying a dazzling glare, slammed Yun Yao.

   The horrible amount of pressure suppressed her to breathe hard, and her body was a little rickety.

   But she urged the divine power of longevity in her body, sculpted a mysterious trajectory in her left palm, and used a defensive secret method to form a dark blue light mask.

   She waved the Backwater Excalibur with her right hand, piercing dozens of icy blue sword lights, condensed into an icy blue dragon, and blasted towards the thunder.


   The ice blue dragon collided fiercely with the sky thunder, causing a loud noise.

  The dragon collapsed instantly, exploded into countless pieces, and splashed out in the sky.

   The sky thunder was not defeated, but its power was offset by a few percent before it hit the dark cyan mask.


   The dark blue light cover collapsed with the Thunder at the same time, turning into fragments and arcs, scattered in the sky.

   The fifth sky thunder was resolved by Yun Yao again.

   The process is breathtaking and risky, and the effects are quite gorgeous.

   The crowd onlookers were shocked, and their emotions became more and more excited and excited.

   Yunyao's expression was not at all relaxed, and she didn't even have time to watch everyone's reactions.

   She forgot all trivial matters and dealt with the catastrophe with all her heart.

   Not long after, the sixth sky thunder came again.

   This thunder is eighty feet long, and it is made up of five colors of thunder. It is extremely powerful.

   The sky thunder hadn't broken down yet, and the entire Guyun Peak was suppressed and trembled, and its twenty li radius turned into a vacuum zone.

   Yunyao was suppressed and bent over, her complexion became paler, her legs were also trapped in the grinding stone, unable to move.

   But she desperately urged her magic power, and went all out to use the secret method to resist this sky thunder.

   "Three thousand weak water!"

   She gave a low yell, pinched the magic trick with both hands, punched dozens of magic seals like a flash of lightning, and used a trick that she cannot learn.

   This unique technique is a method that Luoshui Martial God has improved for her. It is specially used in conjunction with the Divine Sword Against the Water, and can exert its power to a greater extent.

   She only trained two days ago. This is the first time she has performed.


   The Condensed Water Divine Sword flew into the sky, and instantly expanded to a hundred feet long, turning into an icy blue and clear sword.

   Under the control of Yun Yao, the divine sword spun at extremely fast speed, swaying out the overwhelming icy blue water.

   An ice blue cover with a radius of one hundred feet was formed immediately, enclosing Yun Yao.


   The five-colored sky thunder slashed hard, hitting the blue ice cover, and exploded with a loud noise.

   The thunder beam collapsed on the spot, turning into five-color electric lights, scattered in the sky, like a huge power grid.

   The ice blue cover also trembled violently, cracked into dense gaps, and was about to collapse.

   The mask was damaged, Yun Yao was also bitten back, and immediately turned pale as paper, and opened her mouth to spit out blood.


   She couldn't help bending down, her hands covering her chest, the corners of her mouth dripping with blood.

  Seeing this scene, everyone exclaimed, showing a worried expression on their faces.

   Ji Tianxing also had a solemn expression, showing deep worried eyes.

   But he did not speak, not wanting Yun Yao to be distracted.

   Long Po Po stared at Yun Yao, while worrying in her heart, she was also a little relieved.

   "Although Yun Yao has been injured, she successfully blocked the sixth sky thunder, and she should be able to survive this catastrophe smoothly!"

   Others may not understand, but she knows very well that the robber who can attract six heavenly thunders is already an outstanding genius.

   With Yun Yao's talents, there will be a seventh heavenly thunder.

   Yunyao can block six sky thunders, so it can block the seventh sky thunder, at most it is seriously injured.

   Changed to an ordinary robber, and suffered six heavenly thunders~www.wuxiaspot.com~ has been so badly injured that it is almost dead.

   At this time, the cloud vortex in the sky accelerated the rotation speed and changed.

   In the pitch-black vortex, there is a red sky fire and golden wind!

  The sky fire, the wind and the five-color thunder are mixed to condense a colorful and gorgeous thunder beam, which is hundreds of meters long, and the flames rise!

   Seeing this scene, Long Po Po's face suddenly became solemn, and the fists in the sleeves of her robe were also clenched.

  " Yunyao's seventh sky thunder contained both sky wind and fire!

   Her talents are indeed rare in the world, a peerless genius that has been rare in a thousand years! "

   Everyone also realized that the power of the seventh heavenly thunder would be unprecedented and terrifying, and their hearts were all mentioned in their throats!

   On the Lone Cloud Peak, Yun Yao knelt on one knee under an extremely terrifying amount of pressure.

   She held the sword against the current in both hands, stubborn and stubborn, stood up slowly, and looked up at the sky slightly.

   When Baizhang Tianlei blasted down, she secretly gritted her teeth, spurred longevity, wielded the sword against the water, and performed the strongest trick.

   "Tianshui is on the line, a sword across the world!!"

   She gave a sonorous low voice, her left palm shot out the light of longevity, and gathered a large dark blue umbrella to protect herself.

   And she used her right hand to cast the magic trick, manipulated the God Sword against the current, and cut out a thousand-foot-long ice blue giant sword.

   Sword light suddenly appeared, standing on top of the earth, with an unrivaled posture, slashed towards the hundred-foot-long sky thunder.

   This sword broke through a crack in the sky, revealing a dark void, as if to separate the world.

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