Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1774: The second person in ancient and modern times

Just as Yun Yao was anxious, struggling and hesitating.

   Ji Tianxing above the ruins finally changed.

   Originally, he had been burnt into coke by the wind and fire, curled up like dried shrimps, and smoked all over his body.

   But now, a strong sacred white light appeared in his body.

   The dazzling brilliance spilled from his mouth, nose and eyes, lit up from the wounds all over his body, and quickly enveloped him.

   This mysterious white light is softer and more sacred than the blazing white of the wind, and seems to contain incredible power.

   Gangfeng, Tianlei and Jiuyin Secret Fire could not get close to the mysterious white light, and they were quickly decomposed and swallowed.

   Within just a few hundred breaths, the mysterious fire and sky thunder of the wind and wind that wrapped Ji Tianxing all disappeared.

   He was wrapped in the divine white light, suspended in the sky quietly.

   His physical body is rapidly healing and recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  The charred skin and flesh, which are as black as carbon, quickly regenerate and reorganize.

   The flesh and skin that grows back are crystal clear as jade, pure as a baby, and reveal a trace of sacred golden light.

   Even his head quickly gave birth to new black hair, jet black and shiny, extremely flexible.

   After another quarter of an hour, his body was reborn under the mysterious white light.

  The disaster is finally resolved!

   He regained his freedom of movement, slowly stretched his body, and gradually recovered the sacred white light on his body.

   Only then did he realize that his perfect body was presented in front of everyone without any cover.

   He quickly took out a set of clothes from the space ring and quickly changed it.

   In the blink of an eye, he returned to his former appearance, becoming a sacred and noble young man in white fluttering clothes.

   Yun Yao, who was not far away, witnessed his turning from danger to peace with his own eyes. She burst into tears and smiled. She wiped away the tears in her eyes and showed a gratified smile.

   In the sky farther away, several groups of strong men who watched secretly were all dumbfounded and stunned on the spot.

   Ye Crow and a few embarrassed and miserable gangsters all seemed to be petrified, shocked and angry.

  Yi Jian Wujun and Shen Yu also looked at Ji Tianxing with dull faces, their eyes full of shock.

   After a long time, Shen Yu came back to his senses, and muttered in a sour tone: "The damned kid, who turned the danger to a breeze, passed the eighth thunder...

   But how could his body be so perfect? Men's capital is so strong! "

   Obviously, after thousands of tempers, Ji Tianxing's body has reached an extremely perfect state, making Shen Yu very jealous.

   Especially his majestic... made Shen Yu feel ashamed, and felt a deep sense of inferiority in his heart.

   Shen Yu knew that when he was a woman, he would be attracted to Ji Tianxing and would not choose him.

  Yi Jian Wujun heard Shen Yu's mutter, and a touch of anger flashed across his already gloomy old face.

   "Shen Yu! You are a martial artist, how can you give birth to those nasty thoughts like a mortal?

   Our Yi Jianzong inheritance mentality can only be cultivated to the extreme in the body of a boy.

   If you want to reach the top of martial arts, it is best to dispel those thoughts of emotions and desires, and indulge in martial arts! "

   Shen Yu was reprimanded, and suddenly lowered his head in frustration, and stopped speaking.


  Mr. Jin and Rong'er are too far away from Ji Tianxing, they can only vaguely see his body, and they haven't seen anything that is not suitable for viewing.

   But even so, Rong'er blushed and her heartbeat missed half a beat.

   Ji Tianxing's perfect body showed only two short breaths.

   Although she only saw the figure faintly, she also appreciated it, ripples in her heart.

   Just then, the middle-aged woman's complexion changed and she let out an exclamation.

   "Look at it, that tribulation cloud vortex... hasn't dissipated yet!"

   Granny Jin and Rong'er were both awakened, and immediately looked up at Gao Tian, ​​and saw that the Jieyun Vortex still existed.

   Moreover, the Jieyun Vortex is still slowly rotating, gradually turning into blood red.

   Seeing this scene, Granny Jin's body trembled with excitement, and her whole old face twitched.

   "The robbery cloud hasn't dissipated yet, it proves that there is still a ninth sky thunder... This white-robed young man can actually provoke nine sky thunders?

  According to historical records, in the tens of thousands of years, only one person triggered nine sky thunders and passed them smoothly!

   Today and today, there is a second person who provokes the nine heavenly thunders... It is a great honor for us to witness it with our own eyes! "

   The middle-aged woman was taken aback and asked excitedly: "Mother-in-law, the only person you mentioned to provoke the nine heavenly thunders is the sword **** a thousand years ago?"

   "Exactly!" Granny Jin nodded solemnly, her eyes showing a deep reverence.

  "The Sword God is the most dazzling genius and powerhouse in the past 30,000 years. He finally ascended to the upper realm and became the king of the galaxy!

  Only a god-man who shook the past and the present like him can provoke the nine heavenly thunders and make the heavens jealous.

  Unexpectedly, after just a thousand years, a second god-man appeared in the world! "

While talking, Granny Jin looked at Ji Tianxing solemnly, and whispered: "Jieyu, Rong'er, you look carefully, and you must remember the details of that master's journey~www.wuxiaspot.com~Can watch today God-man crossing the catastrophe is the blessing of your three generations. If you can understand a little bit from it, it will be enough for you to use for a lifetime!"

   Rong'er nodded repeatedly, her pretty face was solemn, and her eyes were full of expectation and awe.

   The middle-aged woman frowned, and tried to ask in a low voice: "Mother-in-law, the white-robed man is certainly a genius, but your evaluation of him is so high, will it be a bit..."

   Granny Jin turned her head and glanced at her, her face solemnly said: "Jieyu, did you know that the gods of Taihao, Tianjuewushen, and Luoshuiwushen all only triggered the eight heavens?

   For tens of thousands of years, the only sword **** who can provoke the nine heavenly calamities has become the supreme **** king.

   Now this young man will also provoke nine heavenly thunders. Guess his future achievements, which is higher than the three great war gods? "

   "Uh..." The middle-aged woman was speechless and hard to refute.

   But she thought for a while, and then said: "Mother-in-law, of course I know that the son is a stunning wizard, and he will definitely reach the Martial God Realm in the future.

   But he is too young, he hasn't stepped into the tribulation realm, and it is hard to say whether he can survive the ninth thunder.

   You call him a saint and a god-man now, will you praise him a bit? "

  Gold mother-in-law stared at the middle-aged woman, and she suddenly smiled, and asked: "Jieyu, you have cultivated for more than 900 years, and now you have the sixth level of strength in crossing the tribulation realm, right?"

   The middle-aged woman didn't know what she meant, so she nodded and said, "That's right."

   Granny Jin pointed to Ji Tianxing in the distance, and said in a playful tone: "As long as the son succeeds in crossing the catastrophe, you are not his opponent! Do you believe it?"

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