Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1777: A conversation spanning 0 years

After the defeat of the ancestor Demon God, the army of millions of demons also retreated like a tide.

   Sword God stood quietly in the sky, and closed his eyes, revealing a touch of pain.

   The power in his body quickly dissipated, and a deep sense of weakness and sleepiness hit him, and immediately plunged him into a coma.


In a trance, Ji Tianxing's consciousness gradually awoke.

  Although his body and consciousness are still very tired, he slowly opened his eyes and saw the scene in front of him clearly.

   There is boundless darkness all over, and only under his feet is a avenue of twinkling stars.

   Upon closer inspection, the straight and wide avenue is surprisingly formed by thousands of stars, like a silver-white horse.

   Ji Tianxing looked around and found that there was nothing else in this gloomy void except the Avenue of Stars.

   He immediately understood that this place is still in a dream, and the Tribulation of the Heart Demon is not over yet.

   He walked forward along the Avenue of Stars at his feet, to the depths of the void.

   The time in the void seems to pass extremely slowly, and the surrounding scene never changes.

   He didn't know how long he had been walking.

   Until he saw the end of the Avenue of Stars, there was a towering tower.

   So, he quickened his pace and ran over, looking at the high platform curiously.

   The huge high platform seems to be formed by the condensation of stars.

   The Avenue of Stars connects to the underside of the high platform, which has a total of 9,999 steps, which is as high as ten thousand feet.

   Ji Tianxing came to the front and observed for a while before he stepped onto the steps.

   He clearly saw that each step was engraved with dense seal characters, recording complex and vast information.

   There are martial arts and principles, family, country, world, and the world, and the vast sea of ​​stars.

   However, he can't understand most of the content, which is too esoteric and bizarre.

   What's more, his attention is not under his feet.

   He vaguely saw that on the top of the ten thousand-foot high platform, there was a stalwart white figure.

   It didn't take long for him to step over nearly ten thousand steps and finally came to the top of the high platform.

In front of    is a platform with a radius of one hundred feet. The ground is as brilliant as jade, and the stars are shining brightly.

   A stalwart white robe figure that is eight feet high is standing quietly on the high platform.

   He put his hands behind his back, turned his back to Ji Tianxing, and stared at the vast void, as if he was thinking about something.

   This special figure is no stranger to Ji Tianxing.

   "Sword God?"

   He raised his eyebrows and couldn't help calling out.

   The figure in the white robe was awakened from the back, ended his contemplation, and slowly turned around.

  He has a handsome and resolute face, his eyes are as deep as a starry sky, his head is tied with a cyan hair rope, a silver jade belt is hung on his waist, and his feet are in black cloth shoes.

   is undoubtedly the sword god.

   He looked at Ji Tianxing calmly, and said in a leisurely tone: "I have waited for a thousand years, and you have finally come."

   Ji Tianxing frowned suddenly, looking at him with some doubts, "What do you mean?"

   Sword God did not explain, he looked at him deeply, and said in a relieved tone: "In just twenty-five years, it can bring the catastrophe to come, it seems that my painstaking efforts have not been wasted.

   Such a growth rate like no one before and no one in the future will surely shock the world and make the gods worship! "

   Sword God muttered to himself, and said with a little regret: "It's a pity that the memory has not yet fully awakened, and the potential has not yet been fully stimulated. It is still ignorant..."

   Seeing him commenting on himself like this, Ji Tianxing became more confused and couldn't help asking: "Senior Sword God, I can get your inheritance. Could it be that you arranged it thousands of years ago?

   What is the connection between you and me? "

   Sword God was stunned by his question, and immediately showed a dumbfounded expression on his face.

   "Oh, I was so... I cried stupidly by myself! Now, don't you have an answer in your heart?"

   Ji Tianxing’s memory has many pictures of the sword god.

   And now, it was the first time he saw the sword **** smile.

   Of course, the words of the Sword God shocked him even more.

   "Do you mean, I am you?" Ji Tianxing's pupils tightened, staring at the sword god, his heart also mentioned his throat.

   Sword God frowned slightly, and after thinking about it, shook his head.

   "Your sentence is neither right nor right.

   I am just me, and you are now, and you...but not just you. "

   These two specious words are really unpredictable.

   Ji Tianxing furrowed his brows, thinking for a while before he realized it.

   "I understand! You are the sword god, reincarnated as me.

   And I am not only a sword god, but also Ji Tianxing! "

   Sword God then showed a touch of relief and nodded slightly: "Yes, that's it. I am the Sword God and only have the memory of the Sword God.

   And you are not only me, but also the first wizard Ji Tianxing, even more enchanting than me. "

  Getting the affirmative reply from the Sword God, Ji Tianxing finally released the shackles in his heart and pushed away the layers of mist.

   He looked at the sword **** with scorching eyes, and couldn't wait to ask: "You have fallen for thousands of years, why can you talk to me in the air?"

   Sword God knew that he was full of doubts, and explained: "As the king of the gods, not only is he powerful, but he also has the means to change his life.

Before    fell, I deployed the corresponding plan~www.wuxiaspot.com~ only to be reborn after a thousand years.

   I moved my hands and feet in the thunder tribulation of heaven, and you will understand all this when you cross the tribulation. "

   Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows, and said in incredible admiration: "As expected, he is the king of the gods, he can actually do his hand and foot to the fate of heaven!"

   Sword God said indifferently: "It seems not too humble to praise yourself like this."

   Ji Tianxing smiled, and continued to ask: "I want to know, since you have become the king of the gods, why did you fall? And why?"

   Sword God's eyes darkened, and he said in a low tone: "The martial arts and the gods are endless, and a mountain is even higher.

   As for the mystery of the fall, it is too early for you to explore it, to your own detriment.

   When you ascend to the upper realm, when you are strong enough, you will naturally find the answer. "

   Ji Tianxing nodded, and then asked: "Then what secrets are hidden in the Yin-Yang Tomb you left behind?"

   "The secret that can make the whole world crazy." Sword God replied.

   Ji Tianxing asked again: "I found a super large formation in the tomb of the Sword God, which seems to be inherited from ancient times, what formation is that?"

   Sword God said solemnly: "The Divine Sword Formation is a relic of the ancient era. I have not studied it thoroughly for many years."

   Ji Tianxing has countless questions hidden in his heart, and he wants to ask the sword **** again.

   However, the Sword God raised his hand to stop him, and said solemnly: "Whether it is martial arts or recovering the memory of the past, it must be done step by step. Don't be impatient, otherwise there will be disaster.

   My time is running out, let me wake up a part of your memory first. "

   After that, he waved his hand and shot a ball of white light, flying towards Ji Tianxing.

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