Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1784: Do whatever you want

The thick anger and humiliation made both Wujun and Shen Yu tremble with anger.

  Shen Yu, fortunately, Lord Yi Jian Wu is a strong man who has been famous for many years, and he has always been accustomed to pampering himself.

   In the empire he belongs to, no matter where he goes, he is regarded as a guest by many forces, and is respected and praised by countless warriors.

  His self-reliance is noble, and his martial arts qualifications are older, and he always regards himself as a martial arts senior.

  Because of this, when he saw Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao breaking into the Flame Mountain, he would give condescending advice.

   But he didn't expect that, now Ji Tianxing has returned to him exactly what he said.

   Moreover, Ji Tianxing's tone and posture are more arrogant.

   How can Yi Jian Wu Jun accept this?

   But what can he do if he can't bear it? Even Ye Crow was killed by Ji Tianxing, how dare he to tear his face with Ji Tianxing?

   He took a few deep breaths, barely suppressed his anger, stared at Ji Tianxing gloomily, and said in a deep voice: "Young people, young people must not be mad, there is still a long way to go!

   When going out, it’s best to constrain a bit. If you can’t distinguish between superior and inferior, you will definitely suffer a lot in the future! "

   Ji Tianxing suddenly showed a sneer, and said in a playful tone: "Up and down? Who do you think is up and down? Who is up and down?

   No need to wait, I want to see now, what can you make me suffer? "

   He stared at Wujun Yi Jian with cold eyes, his eyes and tone were very sharp, in a tit-for-tat posture.

  Yi Jian Wujun was suddenly blue with choking, his lungs almost exploded, but he couldn't come out yet.

   Shen Yu saw that his uncle was insulted, and immediately surged in blood and anger, and shouted in anger: "Boy! You are too mad! My uncle is a respected martial arts senior, a strong man who has been famous for many years.

  Before outside the Flame Mountain, he was kind enough to remind you.

   Unexpectedly, you kid is so narrow-minded, you will report it to you, you really don’t know what is good or bad! ! "

   Ji Tianxing looked at Shen Yu with indifferent eyes, and sneered: "Hehe, reminded us out of good intentions? I don't think so!

   We are husband and wife, we have never met you, need you to remind?

   You are just nosy! By the way, relying on the old and selling the old, put on a posture of being aloof and pointing.

   You think you are kind, but you think you are superior!

   Now, I also kindly remind you, let you two leave here quickly.

   Why don’t you accept my kind reminder? And he looks so angry and mad! "

   At this point, he looked at Wujun Yi Jian with contempt, and said with a sneer: "When you scold others, it is a kind reminder. I also remind you, why did you become ignorant?

   How do you say it is reasonable? A lot of old people, don't you want to show their faces? "

   Ji Tianxing's series of words exposed the old bottom of Yi Jian Wujun and Shen Yu, and immediately made them extremely ashamed and angry.

   Shen Yuqi's complexion turned black, his eyes were stained with blood red, and he was on the verge of running away.

  Yi Jian Wujun also trembled his hands in angrily, blowing his beard and staring, almost vomiting blood when he was humiliated.

   Seeing, Shen Yu stretched out his hand to hold the hilt behind his sword, as if to draw the sword.

  Yi Jian Wujun quickly raised his hand to stop him, and the voice transmission said: "Shen Yu, don't be impulsive! Tolerate a moment, calm the waves!

   Don’t forget our goal, it’s not wise to do something with this kid now. "

   Shen Yu could only suppress his anger, and slowly retracted his right hand.

   He stared at Ji Tianxing coldly, and said in a deep voice, "Boy, let you run wild for a while, my uncle is magnanimous and doesn't have the same knowledge as you.

   But don’t forget, there are mountains and people outside the mountains, and there are always people who can teach you a lesson! "

   Ji Tianxing’s smile became even more interesting, and he said in a playful tone: "You want to be like me, but do you have that ability?"

   Such a straightforward provocation and humiliation made Wujun Yi Jian's face dark, and his anger attacked his heart, and he spouted a mouthful of old blood.

   Shen Yu also ran away completely, drew out the broad sword behind him with a ‘chiang’, and slammed Ji Tianxing with a roar.

   "You bastard, I played it with you!"

   Shen Yu held the sword in both hands, ignited a crimson flame, and slashed out a hundred-foot-long flame giant sword with all his strength.

  He is the four-tiered powerhouse of crossing the tribulation realm, attacking in rage, the power of this sword is unstoppable.

   But Ji Tianxing didn't pay attention at all, waving his sleeves indifferently, his right hand shot a bright golden light.

   A huge golden palm shadow slashed towards the sword light.


   only heard a clear crackling sound, the flame giant sword was smashed into pieces by the palm shadow on the spot.

   The power of the golden giant palm was unabated, and he slammed Shen Yu again and flew him back ten miles away.

   Shen Yu drew an arc in the sky and smashed it on a mountain peak, splashing gravel in the sky.

   When he got up, he had blood in his nose and mouth, and gold stars in his eyes.

   "Ah! I'm going to kill you!"

   Shen Yu was completely irritated, like a lion who lost his mind, let out a roar of grief and anger, and rushed to Ji Tianxing again.

   However, he was just halfway through when he was stopped by Lord Yi Jianwu.

   "Shen Yu, stop!"

   Yi Jian Wujun waved his sleeves, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com shot out a piece of ice and blue light, wrapping Shen Yu.

   Shen Yu couldn't break free, and the angry and manic mood was quickly suppressed, and his calm gradually recovered.

   Yi Jian Wujun took him to the sky, flying towards the depths of the Huoyan Mountain.

Before    left, he turned his head and glanced at Ji Tianxing, leaving a word with a gloomy expression.

   "Boy, it's easy to break when the moon is over, you will die sooner or later!"

  Yi Jian Wujun is cursing Ji Tianxing, his mind is very vicious.

   Ji Tianxing also slapped a tooth for a tooth, and sneered coldly: "Today I spare you your life, just to teach you a lesson!

   Old fellow, you remember, don't be nosy in the future, don't rely on the old and sell the old and give pointers to the country, otherwise sooner or later you will cause misfortune! "

   Yi Jian Wujun gave a cold snort, stopped arguing with him, and left quickly with Shen Yu.

   When the two of them left, Ji Tianxing's expression returned to calm, and he hurried forward with Yun Yao.

   Yunyao glanced at him with some weird eyes, and secretly transmitted a voice to ask: "Tian Xing, you used to be indifferent, you wouldn't punish those two guys like this.

   Now not only your temperament has changed, but your temperament has also become whatever you want.

   Is that the same character of the sword **** back then? "

   "That's not the case." Ji Tianxing chuckled and said: "The Sword God's temperament is too cold and indifferent. He is more like a **** in the sky than a human being.

   Because of this, although he ascended to the upper realm and became the king of the gods, he failed too many people and left many regrets.

   In this life, I will no longer be like I was back then... I have to follow my heart, do whatever I want, free and easy! "

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