Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1909: Set off again

Ji Tianxing saw the situation in Tianzhu Mountain thoroughly.

Regarding the future, he also had his own plans and plans.

In the previous life, he personally created Tianzhu Mountain, making it the fourth largest power in the world, second only to the three great kingdoms of God.

At that time, he was obsessed with martial arts, only to surpass the limits of martial arts and enter the Shinto way as soon as possible.

Therefore, he neglected to manage Tianzhu Mountain and handed all the affairs of the sect to the Taoist Huanglong.

Now it seems that Huanglong Taoist's management ability is a bit mediocre, and he has no ambition to dominate.

Under internal and external troubles, Taoist Huanglong almost failed to defend the foundation of Tianzhu Mountain.

Now that Ji Tianxing has reincarnated and returned, of course he must revive the power of Tianzhu Mountain and restore it to the fourth largest power, even surpassing the three great kingdoms!

Tianzhu Mountain is his painstaking effort, as well as his future residence and dojo, which must not be lost.

"After repairing the huge array of 108 peaks, Tianzhu Mountain will be as solid as gold.

At that time, I will have to retreat and practice hard, and strive to reach the Martial Saint Realm as soon as possible, so that I have the capital to settle down.

As for Beiming Mountain and foreign enemies, we will find a way to solve them at that time! "

Ji Tianxing thought about it for a while, and then he had a clear plan.

At this moment, a stream of light flew from outside the secret room and fell into his palm.


He opened his palms and saw that it was a jade slip for communication.

Divine consciousness penetrated into it, and a picture immediately appeared in his mind.

The picture shows a neat and elegant room, which is Yun Yao's bedroom.

Yun Yao was sitting at the table, looking at him with a smile, and said in a pleased tone: "Tian Xing, you haven't heard from you for a few months since you left. You must have been busy recently?

Don’t know if you have settled down on Tianzhu Mountain? My child and I miss you very much and worry about you from time to time.

I hope you can finish the matter of Tianzhu Mountain as soon as possible and return safely.

Five days ago, my second catastrophe came.

With the previous experience, I can be regarded as having a frightful crossing of the catastrophe, and I passed it safely.

There is good news for you, you will be very happy.

This time I found out that our children are definitely rare wizards and evildoers in the world.

At the critical moment when I crossed the Tribulation, they actually helped me absorb 80% of the sky thunder, but they were unharmed!

I thought about it for a long time, probably because the children inherited your bloodline talent to swallow the sky thunder, right? "

When Yun Yao said this, Qiao's face was covered with a gratifying smile.

His eyes were bright as stars, and he was very excited.

Obviously, she couldn't wait to share the news with Ji Tianxing.

Ji Tianxing was also shocked, he only felt incredible, and his heart was filled with joy and pride.

"We are the top geniuses in the world, and of course our children are peerless evildoers..."

He whispered in a low voice, with a happy smile on his face.

At this time, Yun Yao continued: "Recently, I have been recuperating in the Yunshui Palace, improving my strength with the help of Liuli. In addition to practicing in retreat, I teach our children.

Long Po Po has been here several times, and I asked her some news.

It is said that the situation on the northern border is becoming more and more critical. The demons of Beimingshan are coming fiercely and have breached the border defense lines and occupied many border cities.

The forces of the entire Kingdom of God have been transferred to the northern border to support them, and they are making desperate resistance.

According to Long Po Po, the army of the Kingdom of God will stand in a stalemate with Beiming Mountain for a long time.

It is difficult to tell the victory or defeat within at least a year. It can only be a tug-of-war and a war of attrition, to see who can stick to the end.

Tianxing, if your affairs are finished, come back as soon as possible.

I don’t want to stay in Luoshen Mountain to recuperate. I also want to contribute to the kingdom of God and fight against the demons..."

In a short while, Yun Yao's words were over, and the picture disappeared.

Ji Tianxing held the message jade slip in his hand, and after thinking for a moment, did he enter the message into the jade slip.

"Yaoyao, everything is fine in Tianzhu Mountain, you don't have to worry about it.

The current situation has just stabilized, Tianzhu Mountain is still in a dangerous situation, and I still have a lot to do.

Tianzhu Mountain is my painstaking effort. I can't sit back and watch it be destroyed. I must restore it to its glory as my future territory and dojo.

As for the frontier battlefield, don’t worry too much. The most important thing is to cultivate in Luoshen Mountain with peace of mind..."

He had a gentle expression and spoke in a calm tone.

After a while, he was finished saying what he should have said, and then he waved his hand to call out the Yujian of the message.

"call out!"

Yu simplified as a stream of light, swiftly passing through the obstacle and flying into the sky, disappearing.

Ji Tianxing closed his eyes again and continued to practice.

One day and one night passed quickly.

Early that morning, Ji Tianxing finished his practice and walked out of the secret room.

Daoist Huanglong had already been waiting at the door of the secret room, and seeing him coming out, he quickly greeted him and saluted him.

"Disciples see Master!"

Ji Tianxing nodded slightly and asked, "Huanglong, five days have passed. How is the task given to you by the teacher?"

Taoist Huanglong quickly replied, "Master Qi, the previous damaged buildings and dojos have all been repaired.

The formations of the Thirty-sixth Court of the Eighteenth Palace have also been repaired and reinforced, and the disciples of the disciples have also recovered their vitality.

In addition, news of the return of nine schools and eighteen schools has spread around.

Eight of the hundreds of cities are under the jurisdiction of nine schools and eighteen schools.

After hearing the news, the lord of the cities have also sent memorials in the past few days, expressing their desire to return to Tianzhu Mountain.

At present, the billion-mile area around Tianzhu Mountain is back under the control of the sect...at least in name. "

Ji Tianxing nodded his head to express satisfaction, and walked out with him.

"The teacher is going to repair the two divine formations, you stay in Tianzhu Mountain and sit in town and continue to stare at the elders and deacons.

Although various sects were sent to besiege before, the three elders and the captain of the guard were found for the division design.

However, there may be other undercover agents lurking in the door. "

Taoist Huanglong nodded quickly and said: "Disciples understand, please rest assured, Master!"

Ji Tianxing thought for a while, and then exhorted: "Before the various sects sent to besiege Tianzhu Mountain, there was a great disturbance.

Now that the news spreads, hundreds of cities all know about it.

The demons of Beiming Mountain, as well as many outside forces ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, will definitely get the news.

I was worried for the teacher that those forces would speed up their actions, secretly inquire about the news, or sneak into Tianzhu Mountain to make trouble.

You must be on guard and never go wrong! "

Taoist Huanglong nodded repeatedly, remembering these words in his heart.

After a while, the two walked out of Tianzhu Palace and came outside the palace gate.

Taoist Huanglong stood in front of the door and sent Ji Tianxing away.

Ji Tianxing only brought Zhi Bai and Shou Hei, and drove the black dragon into the sky, and soon disappeared into the sky.

Repairing the two divine formations this time will be a huge project.

Not only did he investigate the peaks of the nine schools and eighteen schools, but he also had to check all 108 peaks.

In his estimation, it will take at least one month to complete.

(End of this chapter)

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