Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1911: Silver Moon Mark

Both divine formations restarted, and Ji Tianxing breathed a sigh of relief.

In this way, he controls all 100,000 li, and he controls and drives the world.

More importantly, after the two divine formations are activated, the star divine furnace under Tianzhu Mountain will soon return to its original state.

At that time, Tianzhu Mountain will be even more solid, and will not be afraid of attacks by various forces.

Moreover, after Xingchen Shenlu returned to its peak, he still had more important things to do.

In the process of repairing the magic circle, when he arrived at Zhanlongzong, he asked Tang Zhanlong face to face.

The result surprised him a little.

Tang Zhanlong did not receive any hint or instruction, nor did he destroy the magic circle in the mountain.

Later, when Ji Tianxing arrived in Wuyazong, he questioned the two protectors.

The two guardians are vying to show loyalty and want to win his attention and respect.

Regarding the matter of Ni Wuya and the destruction of the magic circle, the two guardians knew everything about it, and they spoke in great detail.

It's a pity that Ni Wuya did this alone, and didn't let them follow or help.

The two of them didn't know what happened. They only knew that Ni Wuya had destroyed the formations of several mountain peaks, but they didn't know who was instigated by Ni Wuya.

Now that Ni Wuya is dead, the clue is cut off, and Ji Tianxing can't investigate further.

Even if he had a guess in his heart, it could not be verified.

In desperation, he could only put the matter aside temporarily and look for opportunities to investigate later.


After Ji Tianxing's mission was completed, feeling a little exhausted physically and mentally, he drove the black dragon back to Tianzhu Mountain.

He just wanted to return to Tianzhu Mountain immediately to check the changes in the Star God Furnace.

That night, he was flying in a vast mountain range, thousands of miles away from Tianzhu Mountain.

He was about to return to Tianzhu Mountain, his heart was full of expectations, and the little black dragon also accelerated.

But at this moment, Ji Tianxing suddenly detected that there was a strange wave of mana five hundred miles ahead.

That place is a mountain stream at the foot of Tianzhu Mountain, off the beaten track.

Although, that strange wave of mana was fleeting and seemed very hidden.

But Ji Tianxing merged with Qianli Tiandi, and he could clearly perceive everything in a radius of a thousand miles.

What's more, that wave of mana is very unique, not the breath of a human warrior, but more like the familiar... demons!

Ji Tianxing was immediately alert and let Heilong and Zhibai Shouhei hide, and he rushed to the mountain stream alone.


He took a mysterious step, his figure melted into the darkness, and his breath blended with heaven and earth, so that no one could notice it.

After just a few breaths, he teleported five hundred miles away and came to the dark and deep mountain stream.

The mountain stream under the night was dark everywhere, without the slightest light.

There are cliffs on both sides of the mountain stream, and the cliffs are full of bare rocks, as well as rugged rocks and caves.

At the bottom of the mountain stream, there is a two-meter-wide brook, with gurgling water flowing, making a slight sound of running water.

Ji Tianxing sneaked into the mountain stream silently, carefully exploring the strange mana fluctuations.

After about ten breaths, he found the source of that breath.

He is hiding in a deep, narrow cave in the rock wall on the left side of the mountain stream.

Ji Tianxing's divine consciousness extended over and immediately saw the scene in the cave.

I saw three warriors wearing black clothes and masks, shrinking in the depths of the cave, resting silently.

The three warriors are of different shapes, and they look a little weird.

One was more than ten feet tall and sturdy like a black bear, the other was a normal human size, slim and slender, mostly a young woman.

The third warrior is only three feet tall, like a seven or eight year old child.

The same thing is that all three of them exude magical energy.

Although they deployed invisible formations in the cave, they tried their best to restrain their breath, hiding them very secretly.

But after all, they only have the strength of the Primordial God Realm, and they can't escape Ji Tianxing's eyes!

"Sure enough, it is the demons!"

Ji Tianxing approached the cave slowly, a sneer flashed under his eyes, and he thought to himself: "I had expected that after the return of the nine sects and eighteen factions, the news would definitely spread.

Unexpectedly, the Beiming Mountain Demon Race came so fast that they sent scouts to find out the news under Tianzhu Mountain.

However, these little miscellaneous fishes in the Primordial God Realm can only serve as food! "

When this thought flashed in his mind, he was already standing at the entrance of the cave.

"Smashing Star Fist!"

Without any hesitation, he directly raised his right hand and slammed into the cave with a fierce punch.

The violent and terrifying stars and sacred fire, condensed into a silver fist with the size of a water tank, instantly passed through the tortuous cave and blasted towards the three demons at the bottom of the cave.


In the deafening loud noise, the broken star fist struck the biggest demons.

The dazzling stars burst out and filled the cave.

The cave collapsed instantly, shattered by the bombing, and splashed endless dust and gravel.

There was a tremor all around the area, the mountain stream shook violently, and the cliff continued to collapse.

The one-foot-tall Demon master was too late to make a scream, and was bombarded into **** on the spot, and the pieces of flesh and blood were burned into ashes by the stars and gods.

The violent stars spread out, and hit the child and young woman again.

The Demon Race that looks like a child is very similar to the ghost boy that Ji Tianxing killed at the beginning, but it is actually a **** and cruel Demon Race.

It has a hideous and ugly face, full of fangs, and has slaughtered thousands of innocent people.

After the stars and divine fire hit it, it directly destroyed its flesh and burned its flesh and blood into ashes.

But it has a magic weapon that blocks the power of the stars and divine fire and keeps its soul alive.

"call out!"

Its soul turned into a ray of blood, drilled into the rock layer, and desperately fled to the distance.

Ji Tianxing didn't chase after him, but manipulated the world with his mind, releasing a majestic force to attack its soul from the ground.


In the muffled sound, its spirit shattered, and its fragments were scattered among the rock layers.

After quickly solving the two Demon Races, Ji Tianxing looked at the third Demon Race, the young woman with a human body.

He clearly remembered that when the stars and divine fire broke out just now, a silver moonlight flashed away on the young woman's neck.

It was the dazzling moonlight that blocked the power of the stars and divine fire, leaving the woman in black intact.

At this moment, she has resorted to the method of escape, drilled into the rock layer, and fled to the depths of the earth.

Ji Tianxing frowned suspiciously, thinking that the woman in black was a little weird.

So ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ he manipulated heaven and earth's supernatural power, condensed into an invisible giant palm, and grabbed it at the woman in black.


The woman in black was caught by the invisible giant palm, struggling desperately but unable to break free.

In the blink of an eye, she was captured and returned to Ji Tianxing.

Ji Tianxing showed his true body and looked at her sharply.

With a mask on her face, she couldn't see her appearance, only a section of her forehead and eyes were exposed.

There was a silver crescent mark on the white forehead!

Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing was stunned, his pupils tightening.

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(End of this chapter)

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