Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1913: Spend the storm with you

Since Ji Tianxing restored his past life memory, he understood the whole story and Ji Ke's life experience.

But he didn't expect to meet Ji Ke tonight.

He didn't even expect that Ji Ke had merged with the Sky Star Chain and restored part of his memory.

Feeling ashamed, the atmosphere was a little awkward, and he didn't know what to say.

But Ji Ke always looked as usual, with a slight smile on her face.

The two were silent for a while, and she took the initiative to speak: "Big Brother Tianxing, you don't need to mention the old things anymore, and don't mind.

What we need to do now is to try to deal with the Beimingshan Demon Race, and we must not allow the ancestor Demon God to regain his strength and bring trouble to the Shenwu Continent again! "

Hearing this, Ji Tianxing suddenly guessed something, frowning and asked: "Koko, since you are not demonized, why do you even disguise as a blood-clothed guard and act with the demons?

Do you want to lurch among the demons and discover the secrets of Beiming Mountain? "

"Yes, Brother Tianxing understands me." Ji Ke nodded, with a sly smile in his eyes.

Ji Tianxing shook his head subconsciously to object, and said solemnly: "No! Koko, I would never agree with you to do this, it is too dangerous!

Once your identity is exposed, you will undoubtedly die. I don't allow you to risk your life!

You have now escaped from Beiming Mountain, immediately follow me back to Tianzhu Mountain! "

His tone is very firm, beyond doubt.

But Ji Ke looked at him calmly, with a faint smile on his face, and said with a firmer tone: "Brother Tianxing, I can listen to you everything except for this matter.

In the past few months, Beimingshan has been inquiring about your news and paying attention to your movements.

I also know many things about you.

I know that you have entered Tianzhu Mountain and recovered nine sects and eighteen factions. Next, you will develop and grow Tianzhu Mountain.

But I know better that the situation in Tianzhu Mountain is very critical. It will not only be besieged by the demons, but also besieged by other forces.

Because of this, I must stay in Beiming Mountain to help you inquire about the news and trends of the demons.

I know that sooner or later, you will surely enter Beiming Mountain and destroy all the demons and the ancestor demons.

I will fight side by side with you to meet that day together.

I will no longer hide behind you and let you shelter me from the wind and rain.

I can also help you complete your grand plan and ride through ups and downs with you! "

Ji Tianxing looked at her steadily, seeing her look calm and calm, and her eyes calm and persistent, he couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

He suddenly discovered that Ke Ke in his memory had grown up and was no longer the little girl back then.

From her, he vaguely saw the shadow of Mingyue.

Seeing that he was silent, Ji Ke went on to say: "In recent months, I have been in Beiming Mountain, acting as a blood-clothed guard, and I probably figured out the situation in Beiming Mountain.

The terrain of Beiming Mountain is steep, shrouded by magic mist all the year round, and foreigners cannot invade aggressively.

After tens of thousands of years of accumulation and precipitation, the Demon Race has long built Beimingshan as a golden soup, and has also arranged endless traps and ambushes.

Even the Wu Sheng strong, rashly breaking into Beiming Mountain will have to go home.

Therefore, it is very difficult for me to hide in Beiming Mountain, and the opportunity is extremely rare. "

Ji Tianxing sighed and said worriedly: "Koko, just because Beiming Mountain is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and so dangerous, I can't let you stay there."

Ji Ke gently shook his head and said: "Big Brother Tianxing, don't worry, everyone now believes that I am a blood-clothed guard. I am very successful in disguising, and I have won the trust of the Great Demon Saint and the Seven Demon Lord.

As long as I don't lift the pretense, no one can discover my true identity.

Even if I step back ten thousand steps, someone really sees through my identity, and I can save my life with the Sky Star Chain and escape Beiming Mountain.

The Sky Star chain was refined by your own hands. Don’t you know its power and efficacy? "

Regarding this, Ji Tianxing knows it well.

The star chain is made from stars, and it is the most powerful star of the sky and Venus of the East Pole.

This is a true artifact, even in the upper realm, it is also a top artifact that can make the gods madly snatch.

It is no exaggeration to say that with the protection of this divine tool, even if it is a strong Martial God, it can't help Ji Ke.

Thinking of this, Ji Tianxing felt a little more relieved.

"Well, since you are determined, then... be careful, think twice about everything!"

Seeing that he finally agreed, Ji Ke opened his brows and smiled happily.

"Brother Tianxing, don't worry, I will protect myself!"

Ji Tianxing also showed a slight smile, nodded and said: "Then tell me what news you have found during your stay in Beiming Mountain."

Ji Ke said in detail: "Since the ancestor Demon God entered Beiming Mountain, it has prompted Beiming Mountain to complete its unification.

In the deepest part of Beiming Mountain, there is a mysterious sacred mountain. On the top of the mountain, there is a Beiming Palace where the ancestor Demon God hides.

Since the ancestor Demon God entered the Beiming Palace, he has never shown up again.

It usually summons the four demon saints when something happens, and lets the four demon saints convey orders.

I suspect that the ancestor Demon God has been retreating to regain strength, and may still be crossing the Tribulation Realm, not reaching the Martial Saint Realm.

The most terrifying abyss of blood is behind the sacred mountain.

The demon army is fighting and killing each other on a full moon night, sending back millions of bones and flesh and blood, thrown into the abyss of blood.

Under the command of the ancestor Demon God, there are only four demon saints, more than 30 demon monarchs, more than 600 blood **** sons, and hundreds of blood cloak guards.

In addition, there are more than 3,000 tribes in Beimingshan, with about 30 million demons warriors.

But the ancestor Demon God used the taboo secret method to use the abyss of blood, so that the strength of the Demon Warriors increased rapidly.

In my estimation, within three to five months at most, the fifth and sixth demon saints will appear one after another.

At that time, the number of demon kings will also grow rapidly, and the number of blood cloak guards and blood **** children will also increase rapidly. "

Ji Tianxing's face became uglier as he listened to it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There was a cold light in his eyes.

"Sure enough, as I expected! I had long expected that after the ancestor Demon God returned to Beiming Mountain, he would definitely recover his vitality as soon as possible, and desperately enhance the strength of the Demon Race.

The demons are natural invaders and killing mads. The development speed of cultivation and cultivation is too slow. Only war and killing can make them grow wild.

No wonder Beimingshan dared to break the balance of tens of thousands of years and attacked the Kingdom of Luoshui like crazy.

Those Li people slaughtered by the demons have become nourishment and resources for the growth of the demons! "

Ji Ke nodded in agreement, and said in a hateful tone: "That's right! The purpose of Beimingshan's aggressive invasion of the Kingdom of Luoshui is to grow quickly.

No matter how Luoshui Divine Kingdom resists, hundreds of millions of people will die, and this war will make the demons rise quickly!

Only by entering Beiming Mountain, destroying Beiming Palace and the abyss of blood, and slaying the ancestor Demon God, can the demons be completely eliminated! "

(End of this chapter)

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