Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1915: Stingy?

Outsiders only know that Bailong is free and unrestrained, just like a hooligan.

Only Ji Tianxing knows him best, knows it is the most affectionate, unparalleled loyalty.

He is cunning and treacherous, yet loyal and generous.

He is crude and stubborn, yet attentive.

Unscrupulous against the enemy, no regrets for the nine deaths of his loved ones.

Those who hate him, hate to the bone.

Those who fear him, respect them as gods.

He is arrogant and arrogant, not knowing the height of the sky, but only respects the sword god, treats him like a father, and obeys his words.

It was such a complicated and changeable guy who accompanied the sword **** to the top of the gods, and then fell sadly in the starry sky.

To live a new life, Ji Tianxing is determined to help him rebirth, take him to realize his once bold words, and return to nine days.


Ji Tianxing was silent for a while before leaving the Star God Furnace.

When I walked out of Tianzhu Palace, it was early in the morning when the morning sun had just risen.

Ji Tianxing asked Zhibai to inform Daoist Huanglong to meet him in the study.

He only waited for half an hour before Taoist Huanglong rushed over.

After entering the study, Taoist Huanglong saluted respectfully and asked: "See Master, I don't know if Master summons his disciples, what is your order?"

Ji Tianxing waved his hand to waive the ceremony, and asked calmly: "What's the situation of Tianzhu Mountain after leaving for the teacher this month? What's wrong?"

Daoist Huang Long replied respectfully: "Master Qi, everything is proceeding step by step, and there is no abnormal situation.

The disciple had been monitoring several elders and deacons, and found no problems.

However, the great elder quietly sent several subpoenas, and the disciples asked him when they found out.

He claimed to be dealing with sect affairs, contacting several sects and cities, and issuing some orders.

The disciple confronted those sects and cities, and confirmed that the great elder had not lied, so there was no investigation. "

Ji Tianxing frowned slightly, nodded and said, "Even so, you can't relax your vigilance and continue to stare at them."

Taoist Huanglong bowed his hand to express his obedience, and continued to report: "In addition, the disciples followed Master's order and announced the news of the recruitment of disciples.

According to the master's request, all young warriors above the Yuanshen realm can sign up and accept the assessment and screening of this door.

After the news spread in hundreds of nearby cities, it did cause a great sensation and was discussed by hundreds of millions of people.

However, there are many people discussing this matter, but very few people actually sign up.

Within a whole month, only nine warriors rushed to Tianzhu Mountain to sign up.

The strength of these nine warriors is very low, between the first to the fourth level of the Primordial God Realm.

After the disciples assessed them, only two of them passed the assessment and became disciples under the precepts, and the other seven went to work as handymen. "

For this result, Ji Tianxing was not surprised.

"Don't worry, this can only happen slowly.

Although he returned to Tianzhu Mountain as a teacher and subdued nine sects and eighteen factions, the school has been weak for thousands of years, and its reputation has long been weak.

When the warriors of each city learn the news, they will also take a wait-and-see attitude and will not rush to register.

Unless this door makes a few more earth-shattering events and restores its former lofty prestige, can it attract a large number of warriors to sign up. "

After all, Ji Tianxing took out a jade slip from the space ring and threw it to Taoist Huanglong.

"In this piece of jade slip, there is recorded a handbook of the demon, which records in detail the various secret methods and methods of the demon clan, as well as the methods to deal with and resolve them.

You rubbed it in hundreds of copies and distributed them to the disciples of the school, as well as the leaders of nine schools and eighteen schools.

Make sure everyone reads it carefully, keeps it in mind and memorizes it.

To get the news for the teacher, Beiming Mountain has sent a large number of strong men into the territory of Tianzhu Mountain.

Before long, the powerful demons will cause chaos in Tianzhu Mountain, assassinate their disciples, or sneak attacks on various sects.

In short, the demons will create chaos and disasters and take the opportunity to invade Tianzhu Mountain.

Let everyone strengthen their guard and act more cautiously. "

Taoist Huanglong took the jade slip with both hands, solemnly put it away, and bowed his hands in salute: "Disciples understand, please rest assured, Master!"

Ji Tianxing exhorted a few more words before waving his hand to make Taoist Huanglong retreat.

After Daoist Huanglong left the study, he quickly went to perform the task.

Ji Tianxing turned around in the dojo, and he felt more comforted to see that the power of the sky formation had increased by about four times.

The Heaven Burial Sword is still hidden in the sword stele, devouring the heaven and earth aura and the stars and divine fire to quickly restore vitality.

At present, Tianzhu Mountain is peaceful and peaceful, and the situation is very good.

But Ji Tianxing knew that this was just the peace before the storm.

When he was about to leave, Qian Yue's voice rang in his mind.

"Old Ji, we want to discuss something with you."

Ever since Qianyue broke through the Crossing Tribulation Realm, she has been retreating in the world of swords, striving to attack the second layer of Crossing Tribulation Realm.

Suddenly hearing its transmission, Ji Tianxing was taken aback, and asked with divine thought: "We? Are you and the little black dragon?"

Qianyue replied in a crisp voice: "Of course! Little Black Dragon, this silly bag, dare not tell you personally, I have to tell you."

As soon as its voice fell, the little black dragon muttered depressedly: "It's not like that at all, it's clearly you want to..."

Before it could finish speaking, the voice stopped abruptly, obviously interrupted by Qian Yue.

Ji Tianxing just found it funny, and said in a playful tone: "Qianyue, just tell me, what do you two want to do?

If you think Tianzhu Mountain is too boring and want to go out for a stroll, then forget it. "

Qianyue quickly denied it and explained: "No, no, Tianzhu Mountain is a martial art holy land created by your old man, how can we dislike it?

We want to quickly increase our strength and trigger the second catastrophe as soon as possible.

Just like you, one disaster in just a few months, the strength is soaring! "

Ji Tianxing nodded, and said with satisfaction: "Well, you two are ambitious! Let's talk, how do you want me to help you?"

Qianyue hesitated for a while, then plucked up the courage to say, "Lao Ji, I remember you created a star refining exercise, right?

You use the stars and sacred fire to refine your body, and your strength can quickly increase..."

Ji Tianxing frowned suddenly and decisively refused.

"No! You haven't reached the Martial Saint Realm, you can't hold back the power of the stars and divine fire!

Forcibly quenching the body with the stars and fire will only burn himself to ashes. "

Qianyue seemed to have expected that he would refuse, and murmured angrily: "Humph! These are all excuses, I think you just don't want to teach the Star Refinement, a petty ghost!"

Ji Tianxing almost laughed angrily, and cursed angrily: "What nonsense? If I really teach you the Star Refinement, you may not be able to learn it.

Even if you learn it, you may not be able to withstand the pain of divine fire quenching your body. Do you think anyone has such a strong willpower? "

The little black dragon followed and persuaded: "Qianyue, I said long ago, Lao Ji would definitely not agree, so just give up."

Of course Qianyue refused to give up, and continued: "Old Ji, I know you are for our good, but you don't have to worry about it.

I have a magic weapon for protecting my body, and I can also absorb the power of the sun, moon and stars, and I can definitely withstand the stars and fire.

As for the little black dragon~www.wuxiaspot.com~, it is a dragon that has survived the ancient divine calamity. It must be no problem..."

Qianyue and Ji Tianxing smashed hard and frantically, insisting on going to the Star God Furnace to have a try.

Ji Tianxing couldn't refuse, so he had to agree to its request.

"Good! Since you are not willing to give up, then I will take you to try.

When the time comes, it will be burnt to coke, and I will not sympathize with you! "

Afterwards, he waved a golden light and injected it into the sword monument.

The sword world opened, and the little black dragon and Qian Yue flew out quickly, followed him out of the dojo and entered the secret room.

?? New month, brothers who have monthly tickets vote for two, please.



(End of this chapter)

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