Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1924: Sword in the Void

The blood-robed ancestor laughed wildly, very proud.

Ji Tianxing looked at him calmly, his eyes cold and indifferent.

The blood-robed ancestor is holding the winning ticket, and looking at his eyes is like looking at a dead person.

What about Ji Tianxing?

He looked at the blood-robed ancestor's gaze, as if looking at a corpse.

In his eyes, the blood-robed ancestor is also bound to die!

"When you laugh enough, I will send you on the road!"

While talking, Ji Tianxing used the secret technique to attack the blood-robed ancestor.

"White Tiger Sacred Sword!"

He burst into the sky with golden fire, and quickly merged with the Yuanshen Golden Sword, making the Golden Sword even more dazzling.


The thousand-foot-high golden giant sword, carrying a fierce golden fire, and a huge white tiger phantom like a mountain, slashed at the blood-robed ancestor.

Before the sword arrived, the invisible sword intent locked the blood-robed ancestor, leaving him nowhere to escape.

A mighty force like the suppression of heaven and earth squeezed from all around, covering the blood-robed ancestor.

He seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, struggling but unable to break free, he could only watch the golden sword beheaded.

At a critical juncture, his wild laughter stopped abruptly, and he quickly shot back.

Two **** of blood and fire lit up in the palms of his hands, and two Bai Sensen bone hammers appeared out of thin air.

They were two warhammers that were three feet long and were made from bones, with a ghastly and evil aura, exuding a monstrous blood.

This is the famous weapon of the blood-robed ancestor, the magic weapon of the holy way, the blood river warhammer!

It is said that these two blood river hammers were not made by the blood-robed ancestors, but originated from ancient times.

The ancient war of gods 30,000 years ago caused the heavens and gods to fall, the world was bloodied, the creatures were wiped out, and hundreds of races perished one after another.

Many demon gods slaughtered hundreds of millions of creatures, causing a river of blood to flow on the earth, and mountains of bones were everywhere.

After a hundred years, the river of blood and the mountain of bones gradually disappeared, and the grievances of billions of creatures gradually disappeared.

In a tiankeng where thousands of bones were buried, there appeared a pair of crystal-like jade, glorious warhammers.

This pair of seemingly dazzling white jade warhammers are naturally condensed from thousands of bones and rivers of blood. They are natural holy magic weapons!

When the Blood River Warhammer hides its breath, it appears harmless to humans and animals, just like the magic weapon of the profound way.

However, when creatures and warriors approach it, they will be silently killed by it.

Soul and flesh and blood will also be absorbed by it and turned into a pile of bones.

Only the powerful demons who reach the holy realm can control this pair of warhammers.

For tens of thousands of years, this pair of blood river warhammers tossed around on the Shenwu Continent and fell into the hands of countless powerful men.

It wasn't until 800 years ago that the blood-robed ancestors got the pair of blood river hammers.

However, since then, he has made rapid progress, relying on a pair of blood river hammers to defeat countless powerful enemies and slaughter millions of creatures.

"Blood River Miles!!"

The blood-robed ancestor shouted like Hong Zhong's anger, and his body and warhammer swelled violently, turning into a giant a hundred feet tall.

He wielded a pair of blood river warhammers, danced out the sky of blood, and smashed the white tiger holy sword.


The golden great sword and the bone warhammer collided fiercely, exploding with a loud and earth-shaking noise, which violently echoed in the night sky.

At that moment, golden light was splashing and blood was flying.

The violent shock wave spread like ripples, sweeping across the night sky hundreds of miles away.

The thousand-foot-high Golden Sword of the Yuanshen collapsed on the spot, turning into billions of golden light fragments, scattered in the night sky.

A three-foot-long golden sword flew out, and the golden light flashed and fell weakly.

The figure of Ji Tianxing also flew out of the golden light fragments and fell to the ground.

His face was pale, the corners of his mouth overflowed with blood, his breath was a little confused, and his consciousness was a little fuzzy.

After all, he was fusing himself with the Golden Sword of the Primordial God, and shook with the Blood River Warhammer.

Although his strength is comparable to a half-step martial sage, the Blood River Warhammer is a holy magic weapon, and the blood-robed ancestor is also a martial sage strong.

There is still a huge gap between semi-holy and true holy.

Therefore, he was injured by the Hammer of the Blood River, his internal organs were severely injured, and his consciousness fell into dizziness.

In contrast, the blood-robed ancestor's end will be much lighter.

He was also shocked by the violent force and flew upside down, and a pair of blood river warhammers flashed with blood.

But he just suffered a bit of skin trauma, and his breath was a little disturbed.

When he retreated ten miles away, he immediately stabilized his figure and waved the blood river hammer to kill Xiang Ji Tianxing.

"Ji Tianxing, your death date is here!

As long as you kill you, the old man will get the appreciation and inheritance of Lord Demon God, which is expected to hit the gods!

For the old man's road to becoming a god, you just go to death! "

The blood-robed ancestor roared grimly, bursting into the sky with murderous intent, holding the blood river warhammer and slammed it against Ji Tianxing.

At this time, Ji Tianxing just woke up from his dizziness.

The three-foot-long Yuanshen Golden Sword, also condensed into the size of an embroidery needle, went back into his head.

He was about to fly back to the night sky when he saw the blood-robed ancestor culling him.

Two huge bone warhammers burst out with dazzling blood, smashing down the world.

An invisible huge force tightly wrapped Ji Tianxing, entwining him like a cocoon, even if he struggled desperately, he couldn't get rid of it.

Seeing that he was about to hit with a blood river warhammer, even if he did not die, he would suffer severe injuries.

But at this critical moment, the sudden change occurred!

In the night sky hundreds of miles away from the east, an angry shout suddenly sounded through the golden cracked stone.

"Devil, you are looking for death!"

Following the roar of anger, six dazzling golden lights appeared out of nowhere in the night sky, stabbing at the blood-robed ancestor.

It was six brilliant golden sword lights, like lightning tearing through the night, like meteors piercing the sky.

The sword light is brilliant and its power is extraordinary.

The blood-robed ancestor glanced sideways, seeing that the six sword lights were still hundreds of miles away, he ignored them.

Before he wanted to come, he could only reach Ji Tianxing with two hammers.

By then, he would definitely have time to avoid the sword light assassination.

However, the next scene was completely beyond his expectation.


The six golden sword lights disappeared in the night sky strangely, and instantly shuttled through the night sky, appearing behind the blood-robed ancestor.

Before the Blood River Warhammer hit Ji Tianxing, the six sword lights stabbed the blood-robed ancestor.

"Boom bang bang bang!"

A series of muffled sounds burst out~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The golden light burst out, illuminating the night sky of Baili.

The Baizhang body of the blood-robed ancestor was pierced with six huge blood holes on the spot by the sword light, splashing out all the blood.

The violent impact blasted him upside down, and a pair of blood river warhammers also flew out.

The heart-piercing pain made him twitch and his face distorted.

But in his heart, there was more horror.

He couldn't believe it, who used the sword technique to severely wound him hundreds of miles away?

At the same time, the night sky near Ji Tianxing suddenly opened a big hole.


A dazzling golden light lit up, flew out of the hole, and landed beside Ji Tianxing.

The golden light dissipated, and a burly white-haired old man appeared.

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