Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1946: Tornado


Seven Demons, Yin Ji and others were all shocked by the violent impact.

The crowd was scattered in the night sky all around, and they were all slightly or severely injured.

At the same time, the invisible divine power of heaven and earth suddenly doubled its power.

The bodies of the demon kings who were suppressed were deformed and twisted, their flight speed became extremely slow, and all of them were in trouble.

And that ten-foot-long Sky Burial Sword, bursting with dazzling golden light, is wantonly slaughtering the Demon Warriors.


The giant sword slashed out the overwhelming sword light and fell into the chaotic crowd.

"Boom bang bang bang!"

With a series of muffled noises, countless demons were smashed into pieces by the sword light, and spattered into pieces of flesh and blood.

Most of the Demon Warriors only have the second and third levels of the Primordial Divine Realm.

In the demons tribe or the three great kingdoms, this kind of strength is indeed an elite fighter.

But when they encountered the Heaven Burying Sword, they had only one death in the end!

But those demon monarchs and blood **** children are hard to protect themselves, let alone rescue them.

The Sky Burial Sword slaughtered in the crowd, bringing blood in the sky wherever it passed, as if entering a man's land, invincible.

Half a quarter of an hour later, the Heaven Burying Sword slaughtered more than 600 Mozu fighters.

There were more than three hundred demon warriors who were crushed into **** by the invisible force and died on the spot.

Countless pieces of flesh and blood and purple magic blood spilled in the night sky, exuding a strong **** aura.

At this time, the ten demon kings regained their strength and gathered together again.

They took hundreds of blood gods, and tried their best to escape far away, to stay away from the Cliff of Broken Soul.

Seeing this scene, the Heaven Burial Sword immediately chased up, piercing the sky full of sword light, preventing the demons from escaping.

Between heaven and earth, Ji Tianxing's cold shout also sounded.

"Incarnate into heaven and earth, dragon and elephant vow the devil!

Funeral, help me to send these demons to hell! "

There is no doubt that Ji Tianxing has been incarnate in heaven and earth in order to remain invisible and support the dragon-like heavenly seal with a radius of hundreds of miles.

He is the Dragon Elephant Heaven Sealing Formation, and this great formation is him!

As his cold shout sounded, he exploded with all his strength to increase the power of the Dragon Elephant Heaven Seal by 50%!

Moreover, in order to increase the power of the great formation, he did not hesitate to absorb the aura in the dzi beads.

The Heaven Burial Sword also lit up with golden light soaring into the sky, integrating with Ji Tianxing, enhancing the power of the great formation.


The golden light merged into the heaven and earth, and immediately disappeared.

The ten demon monarchs and blood **** children did not dare to relax at all, but they all raised their hearts.

In the next moment, the invisible divine power of heaven and earth suddenly doubled its power!

A golden light covering a hundred li in a radius, as large as the sky, suddenly appeared in the night sky.

This oval mask is full of mysterious lines and lines, and a ghost of ancient beasts emerges.

The ten-mile-long phantom of the dragon, the huge phantom of the **** like a mountain, came alive in the light shield, exuding an aura of overwhelming power.

Such a splendid and magical sight is simply like a miracle.

This is how Ji Tianxing uses himself as a carrier to display the secret method of the Dragon Elephant Heaven Seal!

Ten demon monarchs and a hundred blood gods were all shrouded in a large array, their suppressed bodies deformed and could not move.

As the golden light shield descended downward, many demon monarchs and blood **** children were suppressed and fell towards the Cliff of Broken Soul.

Soon, the demon monarchs and the blood **** child fell into the depths of the cliff of broken souls, quickly approaching the net of the void at the bottom of the cliff.

All the demon monarchs and the blood **** son realized that it was not good, and they struggled and roared desperately.

Although, they don't know what Ji Tianxing wants to do.

But they know that if they can't escape in time, they will definitely die.

As a result, the ten demon kings all worked hard to show their taboo secrets together.

"The magic dragon blasts the sky!!"

The ten demon kings all burned, and there was a roaring blood flame all over their bodies, connecting them into a blood-red devil dragon dozens of feet long.

The power of the crowd gathered and burst out, blasting the golden light above the head fiercely.


The sacred golden mask was actually blasted out of a hollow pit, cracking several gaps.

Seeing this scene, the ten demon kings vigorously lifted their spirits and blasted towards the golden shield again.


There was another broken sound, the pit expanded a bit, the cracks became denser, and it was about to collapse.

Hundreds of blood gods were also encouraged, and gathered together to form several thousand-foot-tall trolls, and jointly bombarded the golden shield.

All the demon monarchs and the blood **** children, bombarding the big formation without fate is equivalent to attacking Ji Tianxing.

The large array was blasted out of cracks and deep pits, and Ji Tianxing also felt a sharp pain and was extremely angry.

"Damn it! With so many demon kings and blood **** children, I want to kill them all at once, it is too difficult, and I can only find another way!"

He thought angrily and anxiously, and soon had an idea.

"World Destroying Tornado!"

The golden light array with a radius of hundreds of miles immediately accelerated and revolved, and quickly shrank and became smaller.

In the blink of an eye, the golden light array became a huge vortex!


The golden light vortex in a radius of fifty miles, rotating at extreme speed, burst out with brilliant golden light, illuminating the Cliff of Broken Soul.

A terrifying devouring power erupted from the whirlpool, frantically pulling the demon kings and the blood gods.

The trolls formed by the blood **** son were immediately crushed.

One after another, the blood **** child peeled off from the troll and flew to the bottom of the vortex involuntarily.

The bottom of the golden light vortex is just connected to the invisible net of void.

The first blood **** child was thrown out by the golden light vortex, and got into the invisible void web.


With a faint sound, the Blood God Child who was more than three feet high was directly cut into pieces by the Void Net and disappeared without a trace.

Immediately afterwards, the second blood **** child flew out of the golden light vortex and rushed into the web of void.

The voice of "chichichichi" sounded again, and this blood **** was also cut into pieces by the power of the void, and was swallowed by the void again.

Next, one after another blood gods followed, all being thrown into the web of the void by Ji Tianxing.

At the beginning, the ten demon monarchs and many blood **** sons didn't know what had happened, they just desperately resisted the power of the tornado.

However, after a hundred breaths of time, more than sixty blood gods were swallowed by the web of the void.

The remaining blood gods and the ten demons ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ finally found that the situation was not good, and they knew that there was something strange at the bottom of the cliff.

Everyone was full of horror and anger, desperate to counterattack, trying to defeat the golden light vortex and escape from the cliff of broken soul.

But this is futile!

The golden light vortex spins extremely fast, unpredictable, and can repair cracks and gaps at any time.

Twenty breaths later, the more than 30 surviving demon kings were all smashed into the web of the void.

In the golden light vortex, only ten demon kings are still fighting.

Having witnessed the killing of thousands of Demon Warriors and the disappearance of hundreds of Blood God Children, they were completely desperate.

The most important thing is that they didn't even see the enemy's shadow, so they lost.

Even if it is dead, it is still unclear.

This book comes from

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