Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1950: Hall of Phantom 7

Back then, the sword **** crossed the galaxy, across countless star fields, and had seen countless worlds and races.

His knowledge is very broad and can understand by analogy.

Therefore, he can recognize the characters and patterns of the Phantom Race.

Although Ji Tianxing is interested in the strange phantom race.

But he understood that the Phantom World had been destroyed, and only one incomplete star core was left, which also hit the Five Elements World.

Even if there are phantom people in the star core, they must be dead now.

He didn't expect to meet the Phantom Clan in the star core, he just wanted to investigate the situation inside the star core.

After he walked along the dark passage and walked a hundred miles away, the passage came to an end.

In front of it is a huge stone gate, which is one hundred feet high and thirty feet wide.

The stone gate is pitch black, glowing with icy light, and the surface is engraved with strange patterns.

At first glance, the dense pattern looks like hundreds of blooming flowers.

However, Ji Tianxing stared at Shimen carefully and quickly saw the clues.

"The patterns on the stone gate do not depict flowers, but more like the brains or souls of the Phantom Tribe!

That kind of pattern should be the faith totem of the phantom race!

The Phantom Race has a powerful soul talent, so they believe that the brain and soul are the most miraculous powers with unlimited possibilities..."

Ji Tianxing stared at Shimen with scorching eyes and analyzed while observing.

"This stone gate, with so many soul patterns painted on it, must be an extremely tightly guarded forbidden area!"

Funeral also agreed, and said solemnly: "The star core crossed the void, and I don't know how far it flew before hitting the Five Elements World.

The star core has become incomplete and has been hit so strongly, yet this stone gate can still remain intact. It is incredible! "

Ji Tianxing nodded and said: "The material of Shimen is very special. I'm afraid it's no less than an artifact, and of course it won't be easily damaged.

It seems that Shimen was originally sealed by the formation, but now the formation has been destroyed.

The world was destroyed, the star core turned into a meteor and fell into the void... was such a devastating blow, even the god-level formation would not be spared, right? "

"I'll try this stone gate." The Sky Burial Sword flew out, glowing with a dazzling golden light, Bo emitting a sharp and unparalleled aura, and slammed into the black stone gate.


Only the clear symphony of gold and iron sounded, and a dazzling silver spark spattered on the stone gate.

The golden sword light was shattered, and the Heaven Burying Sword was also bounced back fiercely, flying backwards thousands of feet away.

Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing couldn't help but chuckle and said: "Why don't you believe that the material of this stone gate is comparable to an artifact?"


The Heaven Burying Sword flew back to him, and said in a low voice: "In the future, I will revert to a divine tool, and I can use this stone gate as a material."

Ji Tianxing nodded and said, "No problem, I will help you get it then."

After all, he stepped to the dark stone gate, raised his palms and began to cast the spell.

"Although the stone gate is still well preserved, the formation on the stone gate has been destroyed.

That's okay, at least we don't have to think about how to break the formation, just push this stone door open! "

While talking, the dazzling golden light gushing from his palms, condensed into two golden light giant palms, and patted towards the Shimen, which is a hundred meters high.


The giant golden palm slammed on the stone gate, and a dull loud noise erupted, echoing in the dark passage.

However, the golden palm was stunned by a burst of light.

The black stone gate shook dozens of times, and a large dust was falling down, but not even a gap was opened.

Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing frowned and muttered: "Shimen is only a hundred meters high, but its weight is so terrifying, far exceeding a thousand meters high mountain."

Obviously, this stone gate is heavier than a thousand-foot-long mountain, far beyond his expectations.

With his strength alone, he was not enough to push the Shimen open, so he could only join forces with Heaven Burying Sword.

"The funeral, help me."

While talking, Ji Tianxing glowed with golden light, his body swelled rapidly and became a giant with a height of hundreds of feet.

The Heaven Burying Sword also lit up with golden light, flew into his body, and merged with him.

Suddenly, Ji Tianxing, who is a hundred meters tall, has exploded in strength several times and exudes a heavy and majestic aura.

He used his power again to cast the spell, slowly stretched out his huge palms, leaned on the black stone gate, and pushed forward with all his strength.

The black stone gate immediately trembled, making a muffled sound of "rumbling", sprinkling countless dust and debris.

As Ji Tianxing exploded with stronger power, Shimen vibrated more and more intensely.


I don't know what was broken, and there was a crisp sound.

Shimen suddenly opened a gap and slowly opened it inside.

Ji Tianxing was shocked and pushed Shimen even harder.

"Crack, click..."

With a series of crisp noises, Shimen finally opened for the most part.

Only then did Ji Tianxing stop, and the golden light all over his body was gathered, and he quickly restored his original appearance.


In the blink of an eye, he changed back to his original appearance, holding the Heaven Burying Sword in his hand, and stepping into the door.

The ground under the stone gate was uneven and covered with fine black stones.

It was these Black Stones just now that stuck Shimen, making it difficult for Ji Tianxing to shake.

He passed through the wide gate and entered a dark clearing.

It was pitch black and empty, and the air was full of cold, dead silence.

With a wave of his right hand, Ji Tianxing shot the Heaven Burying Sword out.

The Heaven Burying Sword flew ten miles away, suspended in mid-air, shining a dazzling golden light.

The darkness within a radius of tens of miles was immediately dispersed.

Ji Tianxing looked around, and after seeing the surrounding scenes, he was taken aback for a moment, showing a shocked expression on his face.

I saw that there was a vast open space below my feet.

The gray-brown ground is covered with dust, cracks and gravel, which looks vicissitudes of time and age.

Ten miles ahead, stands an ancient palace with a height of one hundred meters and a radius of one thousand meters.

The palace was built of black stone, with a weird shape, an irregular oval, just like a human brain.

But even so ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Ji Tianxing can still feel that a breath of sacred majesty is on his face.

Around this ancient palace, there are several palaces with strange shapes.

However, those palaces are slightly smaller in size and weaker in momentum.

Ji Tianxing counted, including the black stone palace in the middle, there were seven palaces on this land.

The arrangement and shape of each palace are different, which obviously has a special meaning.

Although the golden light of the Heaven Burial Sword enveloped the seven palaces, only the general appearance could be seen.

The details of each palace are hidden in shadow and darkness.

But Ji Tianxing could still feel that the seven palaces must be the holy land of the phantom race, the most sacred and hidden forbidden land.

The phantom world has been destroyed.

If there are any relics and treasures left by the Phantom Clan, it must be in those seven palaces!

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