Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1955: Holy Land Change

Since Ji Tianxing entered the void, it has been delayed for more than 30 days.

There are no treasures or clues on the star core, it is worth his continued stay.

So he stepped into the void and flew towards the golden seal ahead.

That layer of golden seal from the gods enveloped the entire Five Elements world.

The phantom star core is like a sharp shuttle, inserted in the world of five elements, piercing a huge crack with the golden seal.

Before, Ji Tianxing came out of that crack, and now he wants to go back the same way.

He entered the world of swords, controlled the Heaven Burying Sword with his spirit, galloping in the void.

The Heaven Burial Sword was shining with golden streamer, like a sharp lightning piercing the void.

A few hours later, the Heaven Burying Sword flew into the golden seal and came near the pitch-black crack.


Guanghua flashed, the Heaven Burial Sword penetrated into the space crack and disappeared into the darkness.

In the next instant, the Heaven Burial Sword passed through a layer of broken and distorted space and returned to the Five Elements World.

A bright golden light lit up in the darkness at the bottom of Broken Soul Cliff, exuding a powerful and majestic aura.

Immediately afterwards, Ji Tianxing flew out of the Heaven Burying Sword.

He placed himself at the bottom of the dark cliff, holding the Heaven Burying Sword in his hand, and took a deep breath before flying towards the top of the cliff.

He had been delayed in the void for more than 30 days before, and he hadn't even breathed a bit of air, nor had he absorbed a trace of the spiritual energy of the world.

Now that he can breathe the aura of heaven and earth again, he only feels comfortable all over, as if his pores are unfolding.

After a while, he returned to the sky above Broken Soul Cliff.

It was the evening, and the orange sunset fell into the sky and was about to disappear.

It was a little dim on Broken Soul Cliff, and a cool breeze continued to hit.

Ji Tianxing looked around and saw the silence around him, he released his divine consciousness to spread.

When his divine consciousness spread hundreds of miles and enveloped the entire mountain, he quickly discovered the clues.

There are many messy traces on the side and top of the mountain.

After careful observation, he found that most of the traces were left over a month ago when he was fighting with the demon king and the blood gods.

However, the few traces were not caused by the war, but more like those left by someone searching the mountain.

This discovery made Ji Tianxing frown, and a suspicious color flashed in his eyes.

But after thinking for a moment, he guessed the reason.

"Most of the demons came to search before leaving these traces.

After all, the ten demon kings, hundreds of blood **** children, and thousands of demon warriors should have arrived in the northern Xinjiang battlefield long ago.

After I fought with the demon army, many traces were left near the Cliff of Broken Soul.

There are not only the corpses of the Demon Warrior, the magic weapon fragments of the Demon Lord, but also the remains of the flying boat.

As long as the Demon Race powerhouse finds here, he will definitely be able to find those traces and judge that something has happened to the Blood God Child and the Demon Lord..."

Although, this is not good news.

But Ji Tianxing didn't care, and even some gloating thoughts: "The ancestor Demon God spent half a year of hard work to improve the perfect blood **** child, before he arrived on the battlefield, he was destroyed.

I don't know, how will it feel after learning this news? "

After a while, Ji Tianxing condensed his thoughts, flew up into the sky, and hurried back towards Tianzhu Mountain.


Time flies, and twenty days pass in a flash.

That night, when the moon and stars were scarce, Ji Tianxing returned to Tianzhu Mountain.

Under the curtain of night, Tianzhu Mountain stands quietly in the depths of the mountains, like a black top sky pillar.

Ji Tianxing did not rush back to the top of the mountain, standing in the night sky to observe the situation.

I saw that in the valley at the foot of Tianzhu Mountain and at the foot of the surrounding mountains, there were already rivers appearing.

Although, those rivers are not too big, only tens of feet wide.

But the river rushed, reflecting the bright moonlight, shimmering ripples, and it was also a beautiful scene.

The majestic Tianzhu Mountain is also shrouded in a layer of faint colorful aura, which is full of aura.

On the mountain walls and cliffs, lush spiritual grass and woods have also grown, showing a thriving state.

In the cliff above the clouds, there is a five-color waterfall, which continuously spills colorful spiritual liquid.

Such a beautiful scene, even if you see it at night, is fascinating.

Ji Tianxing showed a relieved smile and whispered to himself: "I have been away for more than two months, Tianzhu Mountain has finally changed.

This look now looks like what a martial arts holy land should have! "

Although, the current appearance of Tianzhu Mountain is quite different from the scene of the holy land back then.

But this is a good start.

Ji Tianxing believes that it will take another ten years at most to restore Tianzhu Mountain to its former glory.

He passed through the thick clouds and returned to the top of Tianzhu Mountain.

The bright moonlight shone on the top of the mountain and spread on the Baili Taoist Temple.

The dojo is like a bright mirror, reflecting the silvery moonlight, illuminating the surrounding palaces and houses.

There are several teams of guards on patrol, all patrolling in armor and swords, and perform their tasks meticulously.

The palaces and houses on the top of the mountain are also peaceful and peaceful, with lights on.

Ji Tianxing looked around for a few moments and saw that during this period of time he had left, there was no accident in Tianzhu Mountain.

Quite satisfied in his heart, he quietly flew across the dojo and returned to Tianzhu Palace.

After entering the secret room, he opened the secret tunnel in the corner of the secret room and entered the underground star furnace.

Having not returned for more than two months, when he entered the Star God Furnace, he found that the entire Star God Furnace was filled with the sea of ​​fire.

The surging stars and divine fire, like a silver lake, surging surging waves.

The star torch in the middle of the furnace has long been submerged by the sea of ​​fire.

The violent stars' divine power tightly wrapped him, constantly instilling in him.

He silently operated the Star Body Refining Art, and subtly absorbed the stars' divine power.

The three corners of the Star God Furnace were occupied by Black Dragon, Qianyue and White Dragon.

He went to check the situation of Heilong and Qianyue first.

Heilong and Qianyue are still practicing in retreat, using the stars and divine fire to temper their bodies.

What surprised him was that both Black Dragon and Qianyue had survived the tribulation and reached the second stage of crossing the tribulation realm.

Of course, Qianyue obviously crossed the robbery first.

Its strength is a bit stronger, and it is not far from Cross Tribulation Third Layer.

The little black dragon survived the calamity, but the victory was that the foundation of strength was more stable and the mana was more powerful.

Seeing Heilong and Qianyue had no problem, Ji Tianxing was relieved.

He flew to another corner of the Star God Furnace~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to check the situation of Bailong.

The big array is intact, and the glass bottle is no problem.

However, the longevity vine in the aquarium is obviously shorter by half.

The remnant soul of the white dragon has also grown a bit, and has formed a fist-sized cyclone.

Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing was very pleased.

From the space ring, he took out the bronze bracelet called the ancient **** Mizhiding Xinghuan.

He took out a walnut-sized martial arts soul from the copper bracelet and threw it into a colored glass bottle.

That group of Wusheng Soul had no consciousness, just a group of pure spirit power, which would not harm the remnant soul of Bailong at all.

The remnant soul of Bailong wandered around Wusheng's soul a few times.

Seeing that it was not in danger, it leaned forward, wrapped up the soul of Wu Sheng, and swallowed it little by little.

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