Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1965: Invincible!

Facing the attack of the two robbers, Ji Tianxing was still calm.

He didn't take a step back, raised his right hand lightly, and slapped a palm casually.

Dragon Palm!

A group of dazzling silver flames gushed out from his palm.


That group of violent stars and divine fire immediately condensed into a hundred-meter-long silver fire dragon, and blasted towards the two elite powerhouses.

At that moment, the silver fire dragon cut through the night sky, illuminating a radius of hundreds of miles.

The bright silver light far exceeds the stars and moonlight.


There was a muffled sound, and the colorful brilliance burst into the night sky.

The attack of the two elite powerhouses was directly defeated by the silver fire dragon and fell apart.

Immediately afterwards, the silver fire dragon blasted two elite powerhouses.

Both of them vomited blood, their bodies flew back backwards and smashed against the radiant defense formation.


Both fell to the ground with a slight muffled noise, and then passed out.

But these two muffled sounds, like two heavy hammers, hit everyone's hearts hard.

Mu Wujun changed his face on the spot, and his eyes showed deep shock and anger.

The dozens of powerhouses around who were watching the battle were also stunned by the shock, and they all showed a look of surprise.

No one can believe that this ‘reckless’ ‘I don’t know the height of the sky’, the white robe boy is so strong!

With a fluttering palm, the two elite of the Broken Sky Alliance were severely injured and unconscious.

How powerful is this?

I'm afraid that only Qin Haishan, the rudder master of the Heavenly Broken Alliance, has such a capability, right?

When I think of this, many powerful people are full of excitement, and their hearts are full of expectations and fantasy.

Various discussions and exclamations also sounded one after another.

"I can't believe it, that guy's strength is so terrifying!"

"No wonder he can come to the Fallen Blood Lake alone and dare to challenge the Heavenly Broken Alliance!"

"We are all misguided. Although this kid is young, his strength is unfathomable!"

"If he can successfully challenge the Heavenly Broken Alliance, then we have a chance to share the pie!"

"Don't be too optimistic, everyone, he just solved two miscellaneous fish casually.

There are more than a dozen martial lords in the Heavenly Broken League, and Qin Haishan is in charge. It is impossible for him to succeed! "

For a time, many powerful people have different opinions.

At this moment, Lord Mu Wu couldn't restrain his anger, and with a ‘chung’, he pulled out his double swords behind him.

"Boy, you dare to challenge our Heavenly Breaking League, you are really tired of living!

I will meet you, but I want to see how capable you are? "

While shouting angrily, Mu Wujun burst into flames, brandishing a pair of broad epees, and slashing out eighteen giant swords towards Ji Tianxing.


Eighteen hundred-foot-long flames and sword lights burst out with the power of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, slashing to Ji Tianxing.

Hundreds of miles in the night sky were illuminated, and the violent scorching air waves forced the surrounding powerhouses back again and again.

Ji Tianxing still stood still, half-stepping.

He still did not draw his sword.

Holding the Heaven Burial Sword in his left hand, he raised his right hand and blasted it out.

"Smashing Star Fist!"

A silver fist light with a large house, carrying the mighty power of the divine fire that burned the world, slammed into Lord Mu Wu.


With a loud noise exploded, the eighteen flame giant swords were all shattered by the silver light fist, splashing out a monstrous rain of fire.

The silver light fist's power and speed did not diminish in the slightest, and instantly hit the Mu Wujun.


Before Mu Wujun had time to escape, he was bombarded and flew out.

The person was still in the air, and he opened his mouth to eject a red blood arrow.

His seven orifices were bleeding, his chest was also deeply sunken, and his whole body was distorted.

After flying upside down ten miles away, he slammed into the defensive battlefield and passed out when his head tilted.

As a result, everyone was dumbfounded.

There was silence around the top of the mountain, silent!

Regardless of the people from the Heavenly Broken Alliance, or the powerhouses of various forces, they all looked at Ji Tianxing dumbfounded, and were speechless in shock.

Two of the elite of the Broken Sky Alliance, it was enough to be severely injured and unconscious by his palm.

But Mu Jun Wu is a martial man who has been famous for many years, he is a strong man of the six layers of robbery!

It was also solved with a punch, severely injured and unconscious!

At this moment, an idea came to everyone's mind.

"To what extent has the strength of the white-robed young man reached?

Even Qin Haishan may not be able to do this. Could it be that he is... a Wusheng powerhouse? ! "

When thinking of this, the people in the Heavenly Broken Alliance were all worried, staring at Ji Tianxing with hostility.

The powerhouses of more than 20 forces are ecstatic, full of excitement and expectations.

Even many people couldn't help but cheered, applauding Ji Tianxing.

And Ji Tianxing in the night sky still looked calm.

The overbearing and invincible scene just now was shocking to everyone.

For him, it's just a matter of fingertips.

He stared at the defensive formation with cold eyes, and said in a deep voice: "I will say one last time, let Qin Haishan come out to meet you!"

The low and cold sound echoed in the night sky, shaking everyone's hearts.

The powerhouses of many forces only felt that Ji Tianxing was extremely domineering and feared him.

The people of the Heavenly Broken Alliance are full of humiliation and indignation.

Inside the defensive formation, Qin Haishan, wearing a golden armor, stood majestic and stared at Ji Tianxing with cold eyes.

When Ji Tianxing appeared, he noticed.

But he never spoke, just staring sharply at Ji Tianxing.

He is the honorable rudder master of the Heaven Breaking League, how can he tolerate Ji Tianxing's clamor in person?

If he really went out to meet, wouldn't he be ashamed?

Where is the face of the Heavenly Broken Alliance?

At this time, seeing the strong men of many forces around him, they all followed up and applauded, and his face became even more gloomy.

"kill him!"

He put on his generous cloak and waved his hand to give the order.

More than 20 elite and powerful men guarding outside the large array immediately used magic weapons and weapons.

Everyone roared and rushed over, brandishing magic weapons to kill Xiang Ji Tianxing.

Those who dare to provoke the Heavenly Broken Alliance will only end up with death!


More than twenty powerful people scattered, and all released powerful and terrifying spells.

The sky is full of magical lights and shadows, hundreds of swords, lights, and swords, which descend from the sky to Ji Tianxing.

Ji Tianxing was under the siege of many powerful men, but he was in danger, and he was still full of body.


He finally pulled out the Sky Burial Sword~www.wuxiaspot.com~ with his left hand behind him, and his right hand brandishing the holy sword, cutting out the dazzling sword light.

"Seven Star Sword!"

Seven stars broken with one sword!

At that moment, the Heaven Burial Sword released forty-nine silver white sword lights, arranged in a seven-star Beidou sword array, spreading around.

"Boom bang bang bang!"

The hundred-foot-long silver sword light collided with many magical lights and shadows, exploding a loud noise that shook the world and spread hundreds of miles around.

All the swords, swords, shadows and magical brilliance collapsed in an instant, turning into billions of light fragments, scattered in the night sky.

More than 20 elite and powerful men were all hit by the silver sword light, and they flew out in blood.

Only in the arrogant position of Ji Tianxing, his whole body is full of domineering, unparalleled and arrogant aura!

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