Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1967: joke?

Qin Haishan's change in attitude shocked everyone.

Before ten breaths, he was still the lofty leader of the Heavenly Broken League, with a majestic aura.

But now, he is respectful to Ji Tianxing.

Not only the strong men around the mountain peaks were dumbfounded, but the more than 20 elites of the Heaven Breaking League in the defense formation were also shocked.

However, no one dared to laugh at Qin Haishan, and no one thought he was spineless.

In the face of a Wusheng powerhouse with a mysterious origin who can argue with the arbitrary world, no one present dare to make a mistake.

Ji Tianxing looked at Qin Haishan and said in a calm tone: "The Heavenly Broken Alliance is certainly powerful, but the tree attracts the wind. You are so domineering to block the entrance to the secret realm, and you will definitely attract hatred from all parties.

In a short period of time, you can rely on a large number of people to forcefully suppress the strong.

However, if you have the slightest negligence, the various forces will take the opportunity to counterattack and fall into trouble, causing you to die! "

Hearing his words, Qin Haishan was silent immediately.

He understands the truth.

But he was too confident, thinking that no power could challenge the Heavenly Broken Alliance, so he dared to feel confident.

The powerhouses around the mountain all agreed with Ji Tianxing's words.

Some nodded, some echoed loudly, and some applauded and flattered Ji Tianxing.

Qin Haishan's face became more and more ugly, and deep worries poured out in his heart.

Before, he had fifty elites under his command, and he was a strong soldier and he was not afraid of all directions.

Now, half of the elite are seriously injured.

He had to worry that the powerful from various forces might join forces to deal with him.

So he bowed his hand to Ji Tianxing and asked: "Senior, I understand all the truths you said, but how are you going to save me?"

Ji Tianxing didn't change his face and said, "It's very simple! You should understand the truth that blocking is worse than sparse?

You occupy the entrance of the secret realm, and after three days have passed, you have not been able to crack the large formation of the entrance, but instead aroused public anger.

Instead of that, you might as well brainstorm, gather capable people and strangers, and work together to crack the big array.

Anyone who can crack the entrance formation is qualified to enter the secret realm. "

"This..." Qin Haishan suddenly fell into hesitation, frowning and weighing.

The powerhouses around the mountain all uttered excited cheers, and they all agreed and applauded.

"Yes, this predecessor is too right!"

"This is simply our heartfelt voice! This senior is a reasonable person!"

"Sure enough to be a senior expert! Not only does not rely on bullying, but also uphold justice for us!"

"We didn't come in vain on this trip. It's not a waste of time to see such an outstanding predecessor!"

"We all agree with this predecessor's proposal! Everyone who came here through hardships and dangers should have a chance to try!"

"Yes! As long as we try to break the formation, no matter whether we can enter the secret realm, we will have no complaints!"

The powerhouses of various forces are very savvy, and quickly took advantage of the situation to make a fuss.

They may not have much respect for Ji Tianxing.

But at this juncture, they can only support Ji Tianxing and pull his tiger skin banner!

Qin Haishan heard the shouts of powerful people from all walks of life, and was forced by Ji Tianxing's coercion, after weighing it repeatedly, he could only nodded in agreement.

"Okay! Since Senior and the leader of this alliance have old times, I will follow Senior's advice next time!"

He clasped a fist toward Ji Tianxing and asked with his spiritual knowledge transmission: "This senior, there are so many people here, you can't disclose your identity, the junior can understand.

But the younger generation has to bear great responsibility for making this decision.

I also hope that Senior can show me a token or some evidence to prove that you have friendship with the lord..."

After finishing speaking, he was afraid of angering Ji Tianxing, and quickly added an explanation: "Of course, seniors, don't get me wrong, juniors don't believe you, just need an explanation.

In case the lord of the future asks about it, the juniors will be able to deal with each other. "

Ji Tianxing nodded slightly to express his understanding, frowning and thinking for a moment, then said through the voice: "You remember the appearance and dress of this seat, and you can ask about it arbitrarily in the future, and you can just explain it.

If he asks, you only need to say a word and he will understand. "

"What are you talking about?" Qin Haishan showed expectant eyes.

A weird smile flashed in Ji Tianxing's eyes, and he said in a calm tone: "Grandma is a bear, he's hitting him again!"

"Eh...???" Qin Haishan was stunned immediately, his eyes widened in astonishment.

At that moment, he really thought he had heard it wrong, and there was an auditory hallucination.

If it weren't for Ji Tianxing's mysterious origin and too strong strength, he really wanted to slap it and let Ji Tianxing say it again.

But this thought was fleeting in his mind, and he didn't dare to stay at all.

After a long period of stunned, he hesitated and asked, "Senior, you...are you...you are joking with juniors?"

Ji Tianxing furrowed his brows, his body was full of invisible coercion, and pressed against him like a mountain.

"Do you think I am joking with you?"

Qin Haishan was shocked by his coercion, he plunged into the ice cellar, and saluted tremblingly: "Senior calmed down, it was the junior offend!

In the future, the lord leader will ask, the junior will tell the truth. "

Ji Tianxing nodded, showing a teachable expression.

Qin Haishan didn't dare to talk to him any more, and hurriedly flew to the sky, looked around in a circle, and declared like Hong Zhong: "Heroes from all walks of life, this seat Qin Haishan, here is one thing to announce.

Following the advice of this predecessor, this seat decided to allow everyone to recommend themselves and work with this league to crack the secret entrance.

However, in order to save everyone's time, only those who have crossed the Tribulation Realm or above and are proficient in the formation are qualified to try!

In addition, out of the league’s respect for this predecessor, the predecessors will try to break the formation first.

Those who are qualified to try to break the battle can apply to Deacon Wu! "

As his voice spread in the night sky, the powerhouses of more than two dozen forces whispered to each other.

Everyone knew in their hearts that Qin Haishan's ability to make concessions was based on Ji Tianxing's face, which was already hard-won.

Therefore, everyone can accept Qin Haishan's request without any objection.

There are ten qualified powerhouses ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ quickly flew out from all around and came to the top of the mountain.

In the defensive formation, a tall, thin old man with white beard and hair flew out.

This person is Deacon Wu under Qin Haishan's command.

He came outside the big formation and registered for the ten strong men.

Qin Haishan led Ji Tianxing and flew towards the defense formation.

"Senior, please please!"

Ji Tianxing was also not welcome, swaggering into the defensive formation, and flew toward the secret realm entrance first.

Qin Haishan followed him, feeling depressed and nervous in every way, but he could only maintain a respectful attitude.

When Ji Tianxing flew to the entrance of the secret realm and fell under the two-color light gate, more than 20 Heavenly Breaking Alliance powerhouses all consciously retreated.

Ji Tianxing didn't squint, stared at Guangmen intently, and observed carefully.

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