Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1971: Xuanwu Dragon Plate

Under the golden pagoda, there is a flat land with a radius of fifty miles.

The ground is covered with sapphire slabs and a white jade fence has been built.

A simple but not simple formation shrouded this flat ground and became an invisible barrier.

Fallen leaves falling from the surrounding mountains, gravel rolling down, and streams and rivers are all blocked.

Ji Tianxing could see that those sapphire slabs, white jade fences and defensive formations were not integrated with the pagoda.

Mostly arranged by the yin and yang double saints.

Moreover, in the corner of white jade and blue, there is still a small peach forest.

Rows of peach trees are next to each other, full of splendid peach blossoms.

When the breeze came, some pink petals fell on the ground, and wisps of fragrance came.

"The yin and yang double saints have sentimentality, and actually planted a peach blossom under the pagoda.

Among these, most of them have any vows and romantic promises? "

This thought flashed in his mind, and Ji Tianxing's mouth curled up with a smile.

He crossed the white jade fence, stepped on the sapphire slab, and walked towards the golden pagoda.

The entire pagoda has only one gate, which serves as the entrance and exit, not far in front of Ji Tianxing.

The dark golden gate is ten feet high and three feet wide.

A golden dragon pattern is carved on the left door, and a fire phoenix pattern is on the right door.

The dragon and the phoenix are lifelike, even after tens of thousands of years, there is still a sense of agility and majesty.

Just above the door frame, there are four ancient seal characters engraved with dragons and phoenixes.

Ji Tianxing took a closer look, only to recognize that it was the four characters'Nine Heavens and Ten Wonders'.

"Nine Heavens and Ten Absolute Towers?" Ji Tianxing frowned and thought, only that the name was quite unfamiliar.

"At the time in the upper realm, I only heard that the monster race had a divine canon. The heads of each of the Bona tribes comprehensively described ten unique divine arts and called them the ten absolute divine canon.

Among them are the secret technique of the dragon, the secret technique of phoenix nirvana, the technique of the wolf swallowing the moon, etc...

I don't know, is there any connection between this nine-day tower and the monster race in the upper realm? "

This is just his conjecture, not arbitrarily affirming.

After that, he used his Wannian Divine Eyes, staring at the gate of the pagoda, observing the formation on the gate.

Originally, he thought that most of the formations on the gate were **** formations, and it would take a lot of effort for him to crack it.

But what surprised him was that the formation that sealed the gate of the pagoda turned out to be a holy formation.

Moreover, it is the famous Xuanwu Longpan Formation that has been spread in Shenwu Continent for more than two thousand years.

More than two thousand five hundred years ago, this top holy formation was handed down to the world and caused great controversy.

Many martial sages admired this formation, including several sage masters, who praised this formation, calling it the strongest defensive formation under the gods.

Such exaggerated praise and statements, of course, aroused dissatisfaction and doubts from many strong people.

In particular, several big forces based on the battlefield are very unconvinced, threatening to crack the battle and break the rumors.

As a result, more than 20 martial arts powerhouses and hundreds of forces gathered in the Kingdom of God Taihao to witness this event together.

But in the end, a number of Array Dao Saint Masters took turns to battle, and they failed to crack the Xuanwu Longpan Great Array.

Those powers were so upset that they could only leave sadly, and no longer raised objections since then.

The news spread and caused a sensation in the mainland.

The warriors all over the world are excited about it, and they all believe that the Xuanwu Longpan Formation is the first defensive formation that deserves it, the strongest under the gods!

For the next thousand years, this was the consensus of mainland martial artists, as if it were truth.

I don't know how many strong formations have dreamed of being able to crack the Xuanwu Longpan Great Formation so as to become famous all over the world.

However, no one can do it.

Until more than 1,500 years ago, the Sword God came out of the Kingdom of Taihao, with a sword coming from the east, rising in an invincible posture.

On the top of Tianzhu Mountain, he personally broke the Xuanwu Longpan Formation, and it only took six hours.

This matter spread all over the world and once again shocked the martial artists of the world, and the martial arts world was talking a lot, and the battle world was like a bolt from the blue.

Of course, the sword **** has created too many miracles and myths.

This incident is just one of them, he has never been proud of it, or even cares about it.

Many years later, the method of cracking the Xuanwu Longpan Great Array spread on the mainland and was mastered by many martial arts experts.

The world warriors no longer pay attention to this big formation, and few people mention it again.

Now that Ji Tianxing saw the Xuanwu Longpan Great Formation again, he couldn't help but recall memories, feeling a little bit in his heart.

"It seems that the yin and yang double saint cloths laid down this large formation to block the gate of the pagoda.

More than two thousand years ago, this formation was still the strongest defensive formation of the Saint-class, and it was also the strongest formation deployed by the Yin and Yang Dual Saints.

But they didn't expect that after three hundred years of their seclusion, I would crack this big formation in public..."

After sighing a few words, Ji Tianxing began to use his hands to crack the big formation.

Back then, he was a Wusheng powerhouse, and it only took six hours to break this formation.

Now he only has the strength to cross the tribulation realm, but he has the experience of breaking the formation, which can be described as a familiarity.

After just four hours, he cracked the big array.

Of course, it was just cracking, he did not destroy or revoke the big formation.


A dazzling golden light flashed by, and the door slowly opened to both sides~www.wuxiaspot.com~ As the muffled sound of'rolling' came out, dust fell on the tall golden gate.

The light shone through the crack in the door and quickly dissipated the darkness.

After the gate was fully opened, Ji Tianxing stepped into the pagoda.

When he entered the pagoda, the golden gate closed automatically with a bang.

He was plunged into darkness again, and nothing was visible to the naked eye.

With the exploration of his spiritual sense, he saw a vast hall under his feet...

In other words, a square is more appropriate.

The square was dark, filled with the breath of cold and death.

The ground is paved with black slabs, and it has been covered with a light dust. I don't know if no one has set foot for hundreds of years.

The entire square has a radius of ten miles, like a full moon.

Two tall statues stand in the middle of the square.

On the northwest corner of the square, there are two pines and cypresses 100 meters high, but they have withered and weathered and become like black charcoal.

There was a stone table and two stone benches under the tree, but it was covered by dead branches and dust.

Ji Tianxing's spiritual knowledge spread outwards, and he soon saw that there were many houses, palaces and houses in a circle around the square.

Stone roads paved with jade are interspersed among various palace houses.

On the first floor of the pagoda, it looks like a city, which can accommodate 100,000 people.

Ji Tianxing vaguely guessed that this is probably the living place of the Yin and Yang Sages.

So he stepped across the square and walked towards the statue in the middle of the square.

After a while, he came under the two stone sculptures.

The two majestic statues, which are eighty feet tall, are carved of a man and a woman, both of which are made of the best spirit jade.

The torso is made of psychic white jade, and the clothes, hair accessories and dresses on the outside are made of various colored jade.

Therefore, the two statues are all colored and look lifelike, as if to come to life.

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