Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2055: Finally hooked

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The ancestor Demon God shouted vigorously and waved four giant palms covering the sky and sun, and slashed against Luo Shui.

The giant palm is like a knife, bursting into the sky with blood and purple light, like a blade that opens the sky, destroying everything.

The secret moves performed by the ancestor Demon God have very concise names, but they are extremely powerful.

Because it used to be the ancestor of the Demon Race in the Five Elements World, but a fierce demon god.

Its martial arts have reached the realm, has abandoned the gorgeous and false moves, and reached the realm of the great and simple.

The **** giant blades split by those four giant palms are enough to slaughter sentient beings!

Luo Shui did not dare to underestimate the enemy, waving his fingers in his hands, bursting out hundreds of icy blue water columns.

"Shang Shan is like water, Ren Er Fangyuan!"


Each water column is ten miles long, like an icy blue colored silk, floating in the sky.

Hundreds of water columns are intertwined and interspersed to form a giant net covering the sky and the sun, covering a radius of tens of miles.

The attack of the ancestor Demon God was extremely domineering and fierce, violent to the extreme.

But the supernatural power of the water system is incredibly feminine and endless.

The four giant palms that opened up the world suddenly smashed into the giant ice-blue net, bursting with a loud noise and splashing icy water.

The ice blue giant net was split and burst open, more than two hundred water columns were cut off, and a monstrous flood fell.

However, the attack of the ancestor Demon God was also blocked by the ice blue giant net, and its power was lost.

No one can help each other, and the situation is evenly divided.

The ancestor Demon God roared furiously, once again waved four arms, flapped six pairs of wings, and released an overwhelming attack.

Various spells of blood light and purple light condensed like a pouring rain, covering hundreds of miles.

The world is in chaos, and nothing is visible at all.

Luoshui could only resist with all his might, using various defensive methods to resolve the attack of the ancestor Demon God.

She herself is the martial **** of water system and is known as the **** of Luoshui.

The defensive secret technique is what she is best at.

Within an hour, the ancestor Demon God attacked more than 3,000 moves one after another, which can be said to spare no effort.

But Luoshui resisted and resolved 90% of the attacks.

The remaining 10% of the magical attacks hit her, and did not cause much damage, only slightly injured her.

"Before, I fought Ling Xuan and She Tuo, and the fighting time was not short and it took a lot of mana.

Now, the ancestor Demon God is full of strength and attack.

I can only resist and deal with it.

Blindly attacking like it, the power consumption is huge.

I have been fighting with it for half an hour, and I believe it will be exhausted soon after.

At that time, I have a chance to beat it and punish the Great Demon Saint Lingxuan! "

Luo Shui was weighing in his heart while fighting.

No matter when, she is calm enough to think of countermeasures in the shortest time.

However, this time she expected it to be wrong.

An hour passed.

She fought with the ancestor Demon God to kill several thousand moves, and the fight was extremely fierce.

It can be said that the sky is dim, the sun and the moon are dull.

All around the sacred mountain, within a radius of eight hundred miles, all turned into scorched earth ruins.

Wastelands, huge pits, mountains, and peaks have all turned into dirt and dust.

Even the 10,000-meter-high sacred mountain collapsed nearly half, and it collapsed endless soil and rock.

Had it not been for the ancestor Demon God to protect the mountain, this 10,000-meter peak would have already turned into dust.

After an hour of fierce fighting, Luo Shui's body injury became more serious.

She was stained with blood all over, and she was severed with an arm severely weakened.

On the other hand, the ancestor Demon God was still powerful and mighty, showing no signs of exhaustion.

It has had the upper hand long ago and completely controlled the situation.

It attacked Luo Shui with squally stormy attacks, so that she could neither fight back nor escape.

Only then did Luo Shui realize that she was not the opponent of the ancestor Demon God.

Keep fighting, she has only one dead end!

After all, the strength of the ancestor Demon God has recovered a lot, and it occupies the advantage of geographical advantage.

If she leaves Beimingshan, perhaps she still has a chance to fight against the ancestor Demon God for 3000 rounds and have a chance to win.

But now, the ancestor Demon God is entrenched on the top of the sacred mountain, backed by the abyss of blood, and his strength is greatly enhanced.

There is an abyss of blood to provide it with strength support, it can be said that it is continuous and inexhaustible!

In the sacred mountain and the abyss of blood, the ancestor Demon God is invincible!

Unless Luoshui's real body arrives, it can be defeated!

"No, I can no longer entangle with the ancestor Demon God, otherwise I will die here!

Although this is only a clone of me, it is also forged by my soul and blood. It took nine years to complete, and it also consumed six god-level materials!

However, my trip was to avenge Luo Li.

Even if I want to leave, I have to kill the Great Demon Saint Lingxuan first! "

Luo Shui made up his mind, and while dealing with the ancestor Demon God, he searched for Ling Xuan's whereabouts.

Soon, her spiritual sense detected that Ling Xuan's soul hid in Beiming Palace.

The Beiming Palace on the top of the mountain is extremely solemn and solemn, and has a powerful defensive array.

Luo Shui fought two moves with the ancestor Demon God, and took the opportunity to escape from the devil's claws and rushed to the top of the mountain.

"call out!"

She turned into an icy blue streamer, formed a giant sword, and slammed into Beiming Palace.

In Beiming Palace, Ling Xuan was hiding in a tightly defended secret room, going all out to treat his injuries.

The huge sword was assassinated, and the invisible cold air enveloped the mountain.

Ling Xuan felt intimidated, knowing that the disaster was imminent, she was shocked and angry, and hurriedly dived into the ground, trying to escape.

At the same time, the ancestor Demon God, standing behind the mountain, sneered jokingly.

"Ha ha ha... Luoshui, you are finally hooked!"

While talking, the ancestor Demon God quickly waved four arms, shooting out the **** light.

"Exterminate the common people!"

As the ancestor Demon God's cold voice sounded, the dark sky around Beiming Palace suddenly lit up with blood.

In the blink of an eye, a super large array with a radius of five hundred miles quickly appeared.

This light mask that shades the sky and sun is dark purple, shining with hundreds of blood-colored dragon shadows, as well as thousands of Asura and demonic shadows.

"Town kill!"

The ancestor Demon God waved his four arms ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Manipulating the power of that large formation, severely suppressed Luoshui body.

The invisible force that destroyed the sky and the earth struck from all directions and immediately enveloped the ice blue giant sword.


With a clear and explosive sound, the ice blue giant sword collapsed on the spot and shattered into shards.

Luo Shui appeared, and he fell to the ground covered with blood, slamming heavily on the square in front of Beiming Palace.

The square paved with black solid stone was smashed into a pit by her, and countless rubble was splashed.

She was lying crouched in the pit, trying her best to look up at the sky, and red blood poured out of her mouth and nose.

"Ancestral Demon God! You are so mean!"

End of this chapter

{Old iron please remember}

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