Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2082: Take control


It is what Ji Tianxing must do to solve the demon chaos on the northern front and save the destiny of the Kingdom of Luoshui.

Not only to repay Luoshui's love, but also to weaken Beimingshan's strength.

In order to eliminate the ancestor Demon God in the future, make preliminary preparations.

Ji Tianxing had a plan in his mind for a long time to go so smoothly and achieve amazing miracles and exploits.

Tianshiguan couldn't attack Qifeng Mountain for a long time, and he didn't even dare to attack Qifeng Mountain, so he took it overnight.

Not only did he capture Qifeng Mountain, he also wiped out the army of more than 400,000 demons with minimal casualties.

This news soon passed back to Tianshiguan, which shocked the three million troops and couldn't believe it.

But this is a conclusive fact, which cannot be questioned by anyone.

While millions of soldiers were shocked, they also admired and admired Ji Tianxing's military methods and capabilities.

No one expected that he would give such a big gift to Tianshiguan on the night he took over as the deputy commander.

It's really shocking, and it's a boost to morale!

The entire Tianshi Pass is full of joyous elephants, and it is extremely lively.

The soldiers were full of enthusiasm and ambition, and they all wanted to rush to the battlefield immediately and make achievements.

In particular, after Ji Tianxing returned to Tianshiguan, he rewarded the meritorious ministers with great fanfare, and generously treated the wounded soldiers.

This action is to attract people's hearts, and to spread the blood of those ambitious soldiers, and can't wait to immediately put them under his command.

It is a blessing for three million soldiers to have such a superb coach, who uses his soldiers like a god!

Before, many soldiers drove away Yue Fu to him, and they were arrogant and domineering, and they were still somewhat unacceptable and talked behind their backs.

But after the Battle of Qifeng Mountain, the soldiers who held a neutral attitude immediately respected him.

Even the soldiers who talked about him behind their backs and were quite suspicious of him closed their mouths and had to admire them.

For the soldiers returning to the Shroud of Horses, only the powerful force and the iron-fighting military exploits are the most convincing.

Now, Ji Tianxing has done it!

Moreover, it was beyond everyone's expectations!

Who would dare not accept him?

Even many enthusiastic soldiers felt that they had finally made it through.

Finally, there is no need to hide in the Tianshiguan, and finally have a chance to get out of the gate and kill the demons!

The hundreds of thousands of soldiers who returned triumphantly blew Ji Tianxing into the sky and regarded him as a god.

Speaking of the deeds of the night's battle, he looked proud and proud.

The soldiers guarding the Tianshi Pass are naturally envious and jealous, and they want to join the war in person and enjoy the glory.

In the next two days, Tianshiguan was not calm.

Millions of soldiers are full of anticipation, ready to set off at any time, all want to follow Ji Tianxing to win the battle, and also want to witness his invincible demeanor.

Ji Tianxing was not idle either, making drastic improvements and adjusting the positions and ranks of the generals.

The loyal and confidant generals that Yue Fu left behind were all cut off by him and demoted to idle positions with no real power.

Those generals who are willing to honor his orders and work for him will be promoted and reused, entrusted with real power.

The four who benefited the most were of course Xie Wen, Zhong Lin, General Li and General Wang, who became the most favored generals under his command.

Acting like this undoubtedly shows a signal.

The current Tianshiguan is completely under the control of Ji Tianxing, and has become his utterance.

Anyone who dared to disobey his orders and contradict him will have no good fruit.

Only those who follow him faithfully and work hard for him will have the opportunity to be reused.

Many generals who had not met their talents and had a different philosophy from Yue Fu waited until the day of their early days and saw the opportunity to make contributions.

But there are also a few narrow-minded people who talk about Ji Tianxing behind his back, saying that he excludes dissidents, is arbitrary, domineering, and domineering.

Regarding these rumors, Ji Tianxing didn't care at all, too lazy to bother about it.

Because he has his own things to do, he has unfinished goals, and he has no time to waste.


Inside Baishan City.

In a magnificent palace, in a simple and elegant study room.

Lu Baishuang was sitting at the table, carefully reviewing the memorials and dealing with the government affairs of the Baishuang Empire.

Since leaving Tianshiguan and coming to Baishan City, she has been busy for two days and two nights without closing her eyes.

Among the major empires, the Baishuang Empire has the latest time to establish a country and the shallowest foundation, and it cannot withstand too much ups and downs and turbulence.

Now that the demon army is pressing on the border and approaching the border of the Hoarfrost Empire, how can she be at ease?

Under internal and external troubles, she worked day and night, and was already exhausted, physically and mentally exhausted.

Suddenly, a maid walked quickly into the study and came to her to salute respectfully.

"Enlighten Lord Saint, there is an emergency military report!"

Suddenly hearing this news, Lu Baishuang immediately put down the memorial and asked solemnly: "What's the matter? Is there something wrong with Tianshiguan?"

The maid didn't dare to conceal it, so she could only report it truthfully with her head down, "Holy Emperor is wise, that's it!

On the eve of the previous day, the deputy commander-in-chief Ji Tianxing secretly summoned fifty thousand soldiers, led by two generals Xie Wen and Zhong Lin, eight hundred li to attack Qifeng Mountain outside the pass. "

Suddenly hearing this news, Lu Baishuang frowned, a flash of anger flashed in his eyes.

"Damn it! He is really making trouble!

The emperor had guessed it a long time ago. He deliberately left the emperor in anger, just to stir the wind and the rain.

But the emperor never expected that he was so impatient that he attacked on the night he took over.

Moreover, he only brought 50,000 soldiers and horses, and he brought Qifeng Mountain, the most difficult and dangerous night attack, isn't this a nonsense? "

Lu Baishuang paled with anger, and slapped his palm on the table.

She stood up with a'swish', and shouted in a cold tone: "This Ji Tianxing is too unreliable, it is arrogant and ignorant!

No, the emperor must rush back to Tianshiguan immediately and sit down in person to avoid making an irreparable mistake. "

In Lu Baishuang's view, Ji Tianxing took only 50,000 soldiers to die, which is a blessing in misfortune.

But the next words of the maid made her look black.

"Master Shengdi, Deputy Commander Ji, with fifty thousand soldiers, rushed to Qifeng Mountain first, and launched a powerful attack at night.

He also secretly ordered General Li and General Wang~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to order 200,000 soldiers and horses, and then followed to strengthen Qifengshan..."

"What?" Lu Baishuang's eyes widened again, and he cursed even more annoyed: "Damn bastard! It's not enough for him to kill 50,000 soldiers, he even killed 200,000 troops!

Qifeng Mountain is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and it is also an outpost for the demon camp. 400,000 demon army is stationed behind the mountain.

Two hundred thousand soldiers killed in the past, undoubtedly sending sheep into the tiger's mouth! ! "

Lu Baishuang could no longer sit still, and immediately set off to return to Tianshi Pass.

But the maid went on to say, "My Lord Saint, please stay calm and restless!

What the subordinates just said were the deployment arrangements of Master Ji.

Now that our army has won a complete victory, Qifeng Mountain has long been captured by Master Ji..."

"??" Lu Baishuang was stunned immediately, staring at the maid dumbfounded, completely dumbfounded.

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