Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2103: Confident and domineering

Xie Wudao's reaction was exactly as Ji Tianxing expected.

He listened calmly, and said in a faint tone: "At Tianshiguan, when I led my troops out for the first time, Lu Baishuang responded like you did."

Xie Wudao was taken aback for a moment, and he was ashamed. He said in a slightly embarrassing manner: "Master Ji, it's the old man who is abrupt!

You led your troops in the Tianshi Pass for eight battles, all of which were victorious, without a single defeat.

This incident has spread throughout the Northern Territory battlefield, and your achievements and legends are circulating throughout the kingdom of God. Of course the old man believes in you.

But... the old man absolutely believes you, but he can't explain it to the soldiers! "

Ji Tianxing said blankly: "You are the coach of Linxianguan, your words are commands!

Why do you need to explain the military orders? "

"This..." Xie Wudao was in trouble immediately, and he hesitated before explaining: "But the old man is not the marshal and general of the empire. He is only the leader of the martial arts world. It's not enough."

A look of disappointment flashed across Ji Tianxing's eyes, and he said indifferently: "If this is the case, then you must summon all the generals and go to the meeting hall to discuss matters. I will speak to them personally."

Xie Wudao was full of embarrassment, and he hurriedly bowed his hands to apologize: "Master Ji, I'm really sorry.

However, your prestige is quite high, I believe that the generals will obey your orders. "

After speaking, Xie Wudao asked the guards to send orders and summon the 26 generals for discussion.

He personally took Ji Tianxing to the conference hall.


Half a quarter of an hour later, the meeting hall.

Xie Wudao sat in the first place with a serious and solemn expression on his face.

Ji Tianxing stood in the hall with his back to the gate, his eyes closed calmly and calmly.

Twenty-six generals stepped into the hall one after another, standing in two rows.

Everyone guessed that the coach Xie Wudao must have some plan, and he was about to send troops out.

Everyone was full of expectations, a gesture of gearing up.

However, when everyone saw Ji Tianxing being present, their expressions were a little strange, and they started talking secretly.

"Hey, this is the trusted Deputy Shuji Lord? Why is he so young?"

"I heard you say that Deputy Commander Ji is very young. I still don't believe it. Now it's incredible to see it with my own eyes!"

"Have you all heard of the previous incident? If that news is true, the identity of Master Ji... but it is the best in the mainland, far surpassing the three gods!"

"Shut up! This is a secret, Xie Shuai strictly forbidden to discuss it!"

"Xie Shuai summoned us to discuss the matter, and Deputy Commander Ji is also present. It seems that Deputy Commander Ji is going to lead the army."

"Hahaha, if Deputy Commander Ji himself leads the army, he will be the first in this seat to ask for his order!"

"Of course, Deputy Commander Ji can block a million divisions alone. Following him on the expedition is absolutely invincible!"

Not long after, the twenty-six generals arrived.

Xie Wudao spoke solemnly and said: "All the generals are here, this commander now announces one thing.

Before this commander announced the news, Lord Ji Tianxing sent from Luoshenshan will serve as the deputy commander of Linxianguan to assist this commander against the demons.

This commander and Deputy Commander Ji spent a few days carefully studying the situation and the deployment of troops, and finally discussed a plan.

Today, Deputy Marshal Ji will personally lead the march! "

Hearing his words, the twenty-six generals all had their eyes bright, showing intense expressions of excitement and expectation.

Everyone's eyes focused on Ji Tianxing.

Everyone bowed their hands to him and shouted courageously: "Ji Shuai, the last general has witnessed Ji Shuai's peerless style with his own eyes. You have already impressed me, and I am willing to follow you on the expedition!"

"The last general will meet Ji Shuai, and I would like to be a vanguard general for Ji Shuai and remove all obstacles!"

"Ji Shuai! The final admiration and admiration for you, please be sure to bring the final to the expedition!"

Everyone spoke enthusiastically, asking to follow Ji Tianxing on the expedition and make contributions.

But Ji Tianxing's face was calm, his eyes lightly looked around, and he said, "I don't know where to go, so I volunteered.

I'm afraid that if you know this handsome's offensive goal, you will be afraid to keep your mouth shut, right? "

The generals were stunned for a moment, and their faces were full of doubts.

Some blunt generals hurriedly asked, "Ji Shuai, I don't know where you want to attack with 300,000 troops?"

"Ji Shuai, as long as you are personally leading the troops, no matter where you attack, even if you go up to the sword and down the sea of ​​fire, you will eventually follow!"

Ji Tianxing smiled noncommittal, his tone was low and majestic, and he said every word: "This commander is going to attack Black Wind Valley today!"

Suddenly hearing this news, the more than twenty generals changed their faces and exclaimed.


"What? Blackwind Valley?"

"God! That is the frontline barrier of the Demon Race, the most indestructible line of defense!"

"Did we get it wrong? Ji Shuai is really going to attack Black Wind Valley?"

"Heifeng Valley is as solid as golden soup, and there are more than 400,000 demon guards, but Ji Shuai only brought 300,000 soldiers to attack..."

"Hey, is Ji Shuai's decision a bit rash?"

The generals were whispering, unable to accept this order for a while.

Ji Tianxing saw everyone talking, but no one dared to stand up to take orders, and couldn't help showing a sneer full of contempt.

"Ha ha ha... this handsome really did not make a mistake, the person who just volunteered, now can't wait to retract his head in his stomach!"

The generals were very embarrassed, all of them showed shame and anger, but they couldn't argue.

Seeing this scene, Xie Wudao was also worried and sighed in his heart.

He had expected this result a long time ago, but there was nothing he could do.

Ji Tianxing no longer humiliated the generals, and solemnly said: "This commander only needs three generals to follow, and 300,000 elite soldiers will go out!

Those who follow this commander on the expedition will receive double rewards for military exploits after returning in triumph!

Of course, if you cherish your life for fear of death, then forget it.

This commander attacked the Black Wind Valley alone, and could still wipe out the demon's defenders!

But at that time, after this commander has captured the Black Wind Valley, he will leave Linxianguan to assist other battlefields.

This handsome, disdain to associate with people who are greedy and afraid of death! "

After all~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Ji Tianxing rolled his sleeves and strode towards the entrance of the hall.

Xie Wudao and more than twenty generals were all shocked by his self-confidence and domineering, and they were all stunned in place.

After a while, everyone came to their senses and exclaimed.

"Isn't it? Ji Shuai is going to attack Black Wind Valley alone?"

"This is crazy! Ji Shuai's self-confidence and domineering are unparalleled, shocking the world!"

"Ji Shuai is right. He dared to attack Black Wind Valley alone, but we were shy and fearful of life and death. What a shame!"

"It doesn't matter, even if you die on the battlefield, I will follow Ji Shuai and go crazy!"

"Yes! Ji Shuai is not afraid of death, are we still afraid of a bird?"

"I would rather fight to death on the battlefield than to be ridiculed as a turtle!"

(End of this chapter)

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