Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2127: Hidden Sword Void

Seeing Ji Tianxing's decisive refusal, Cangyou suddenly felt distressed.

He said eagerly: "Ji Tianxing, this seat admits that you are very strong, but you are only alone after all. How can you protect all the people of the Kingdom of Luoshui?

Even if you can kill this seat, there are still more than three million troops outside Yulong Mountain and Heavenly Wolf Pass.

As soon as this seat dies, they will attack the Kingdom of Luoshui in spite of the fact that they can at least slaughter millions of human race troops.

Moreover, there will be countless blood monarchs and elite masters who sneak into the territory of the Kingdom of Luoshui and slaughter the city madly.

Even if we die, there will be tens of millions of people buried with us! "

Cang You spoke very fast and his tone was very firm, revealing an indisputable taste.

"However, if you can spare my life and stop the war, I will immediately order the entire army to retreat.

All the demons on the northern frontier will withdraw to Beiming Mountain as quickly as possible.

Isn't this the result that Luoshui Divine Kingdom wants?

Moreover, the tens of millions and hundreds of millions of citizens of the Kingdom of Luoshui do not have to die!

Ji Tianxing, this transaction is beneficial and harmless to you, I hope you can seize the opportunity! "

After uttering the thoughts in his heart, Cang You also solemnly reminded Ji Tianxing, for fear that he would not consider it seriously.

Ji Tianxing glanced at him, with a sneer of contempt on his stern face, and said indifferently: "At first glance, what you said seems reasonable."

Cangyou was overjoyed and asked expectantly: "So, do you agree?"

"No!" Ji Tianxing shook his head, and said in a cold tone: "I refuse! The result I want is not only the withdrawal of the demons, but also the relief of the crisis in the Kingdom of Luoshui.

I also want all the demons who invaded the Kingdom of Luoshui to be killed here, unable to return to Beiming Mountain!

Including you, all demons must die! "

Ji Tianxing's tone is also domineering, full of strong self-confidence.

Cang You suddenly stiffened, and his three eyes widened at the same time, revealing extremely sad and angry eyes.

"Ji Tianxing! You are too mad! Do you really think you are a god?

You are so aggressive, one day you will fall into the hands of my demons and suffer thousands of swords! "

Ji Tianxing looked at him indifferently, and said calmly: "Whether I will be planted in the hands of the demons, but you can't see it.

After all, you are about to die soon, and you are crushed to pieces, without a dead body! "

After that, he stopped talking nonsense with Cangyou, pointed his right hand toward the sky, and shouted expressionlessly: "The hidden sword is in the void, ten thousand swords return to the clan!"

As his voice fell, tens of thousands of stars suddenly lit up above the high night sky.

Every point of light is a huge starlight sword that is hundreds of feet long, falling like a meteor.

"Shoo, hoo, hoo!"

Thousands of star giant swords were assassinated at the same time, firmly locked in the breath of Cangyou, leaving him nowhere to hide.

Suddenly, the night sky over thousands of miles was illuminated by silver stars.

Cang You was under great pressure, his body was trembling, and the wounds all over his body accelerated to crack.

But he tried his best to support, and roared in grief and indignation: "Ji Tianxing, even if this seat is dead, it will never make you feel better!"

While roaring, he suddenly opened the third eye of his chest, releasing an endless black light.

The pure to extreme black light condensed into a hundred-foot-long beam of light, carrying mysterious and cold power, and blasted towards Ji Tianxing.

Cangyou had used this secret technique before.

Ji Tianxing also knew that the dark beam of light was the power of annihilation!

But he was not afraid, his expression and eyes did not flinch or worry at all, and he raised his hand and punched without hesitation.

"Smashing Star Fist!"

A golden fist shadow with a big mountain, carrying the power of destroying the sky and the earth, slammed against the annihilation beam.


The two collided fiercely, and there was a deafening muffled noise that shook the world.

The night sky oscillated with layers of ripples, the earth trembled violently, cracks and gullies.

The violent shock wave, wrapped in countless golden shards, spread in all directions.

The golden fist shadow was shattered by a blast, but the annihilation light beam also completely collapsed.

Cang You's trump card stunt was thus resolved by Ji Tianxing.

He was desperate and turned around to run away.

However, tens of thousands of stars have already been killed.

"Boom boom boom!"

In an instant, there were hundreds of giant swords of stars that slammed into his body, bursting out a series of loud noises.

The thousand-meter-long body of the demon wolf was suddenly pierced with sores and holes, splashing out all over the sky with pieces of flesh and blood.

The body of the monster wolf that was terrifying and terrifying before immediately became bloody.

Cang You screamed in pain, desperately waving his claws, smashing the stars and swords.

He also tried his best to release the magic power, gather a black light shield to protect himself.

It's a pity that under the blast of ten thousand swords, the black light shield quickly dissipated.

Within ten breaths of time, the body of Cangyou's demon wolf was blasted into debris by thousands of stars' giant swords, and it was scattered in the night sky.

At the same time, thousands of giant swords of stars were shattered and turned into stars brilliance scattered in the night sky.


A group of dark purple wolf-shaped spirits rushed out of the blood rain, burning dark red blood flames, and galloping northward.

Although Cangyou's body was destroyed, only a group of spirits remained.

But he still didn't give up running away, resorted to a secret method at any cost, and flashed past the night sky.

Ji Tianxing stared at the group of spirits with cold eyes, and calmly raised his right hand, pinching the magic formula to make a few knots.


As he snorted coldly, the starlight scattered in the night sky immediately condensed into a huge sword that was thousands of feet long, like a white rainbow.


Ji Tianxing shouted again, and pointed his right hand towards Cangyou who was running away.

That thousand-foot-long star giant sword immediately turned into a ray of silver light, and launched a chase.

The speed of the Star Giant Sword was too fast, and even brought out a dazzling tail flame.

After just two breaths, the Star Giant Sword crossed a distance of five hundred miles and slammed Cangyou's soul.


In the deafening muffled sound, the wolf-shaped spirit collapsed on the spot, burst into dozens of pieces, and scattered in the night sky.

A generation of martial sage powerhouse, the fiercely famous Second Demon Sage Cangyou, died like this!

Even Ji Tianxing was a little surprised ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ couldn't help frowning.

"Mozu has always been cunning and treacherous, and will never be killed easily.

Didn't Cangyou stay behind to practice the Heavenly Demon Seed Jade Dafa, or some life-saving stunt? "

He thought that he would have to spend a lot of tricks and waste some time to kill Cang You.

Unexpectedly, it was so easy, he didn't even use his hole card stunts.

However, he changed his mind to think that Cang You had only been seriously injured, his injuries had not recovered, and his strength was only about 70%, and it was inevitable to be beheaded.


Ji Tianxing flew to the spot where the Divine Soul fragments were scattered, waved a few golden lights, and picked up the Divine Soul fragments.

Then, he used the sacred power of Tianzhu to purify the fragments of the soul.

In this way, Cangyou disappeared completely, and there was absolutely no possibility of resurrection!

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