Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2196: Void shattered

Ji Tianxing's expression and tone were very calm.

Neither bluffing nor shouting loudly, it was like stating a fact.

Because of this, Yuan Chong frowned, his expression gloomy.

Since the beginning of the holy meeting, Ji Tianxing's various performances have made him feel deeply jealous and threatened.

He just deliberately said those words, it was bluffing, and it meant to strengthen his confidence.

But Ji Tianxing was still as arrogant as ever, and he was angry again.

He simply stopped talking nonsense, drew out his sword with a stern sound, and shouted coldly, "Ji Tianxing, stop talking nonsense.

I have to see if your strength is worthy of your arrogance."

Ji Tianxing naturally did not bother arguing with him, nor did he use the Sky Burial Sword, pinched the sword tactics in his right hand, and pointed towards the void.

"Sword Coming"

With a cold drink from him, the void above his head immediately lit up with a silver cold light.


A thousand-foot-long star giant sword, carrying a white tiger phantom as large as a mountain, fell from the sky to kill.


The phantom of the white tiger is quite lifelike, exuding a killing air that destroys everything.

Yuan Chong was enveloped by the cold, fierce sword intent, and only felt tingling all over his body, as if his skin was about to crack.

He gritted his teeth, holding the sword with a gloomy expression, and swiping the sword with all his strength to counterattack.


In a cold shout, he swung his sword to cut out hundreds of silver sword lights, which were woven into a large net in the void, forming a mysterious sword formation.


More than six hundred silver sword lights, like dazzling star lights, are arranged in a special way, flying like lightning.

Yuan Chong was in the sword formation, advancing and attacking, retreating and defending.

"Boom Ka"

In the next instant, the White Tiger Sacred Sword descended from the sky, hitting the dotted sword array fiercely, and exploded with a loud thunderous noise.

Suddenly, the silvery white stars bloomed, bursting out silvery fragments that obscured the sky and sun.

A silver-white shock wave spread like a sea wave, spreading around.

The White Tiger phantom and the Qianzhang Great Sword were both shattered and quickly dissipated.

The star-spread sword formation was also shattered by the blast, and Yuan Chong was shocked to retreat more than ten miles away.

Fortunately, the sword formation blocked most of the power of the White Tiger Holy Sword.

He had a high-grade sacred weapon to protect him, and he escaped without injury.

After the shock wave swept through, Yuan Chong's figure appeared.

Holding the sword in his hand, he stood in the void and gasped violently, staring at Ji Tianxing like a sword, his eyes full of jealousy.

"The strongest defense is actually offense"

This thought flashed in his mind, he decided not to passively defend, and went all out to attack.

"Lone Star Shayue"

Yuan Chong sounded like Hong Zhong's anger, bursting into the sky with starlight, holding a sword in both hands, and severely chopped out a thousand-foot-long light blade.

That light blade cut through the void like a round of crescent moon, carrying the icy chill, and cut it down immediately.

Ji Tianxing never changed his face, and said in a low tone, "The light of the firefly, dare to compete with Haoyue for glory"

Yuan Chong only has the strength of the Martial Saint Realm, but he can also absorb and use the power of the stars, which is very incredible.

Because of this, he was able to overpower Taihao Yunqi and Attar and others, and have always occupied the first place in the holy assembly.

However, the Star Cultivation Technique he cultivated was created by Tian Juewu God and taught him personally.

For Ji Tianxing, the star technique created by Tian Juewu God is really rough and simple.

"Suzaku Sword"

He stared at Yuan Chong with a cold expression, raised his right hand again and pointed towards the void.

Suddenly, a dazzling firelight lit up in the void, condensed into a huge sword, carrying a huge Suzaku phantom, severely cut down.

The power of stars is also divided into yin and yang, the power of lunar stars and ordinary stars belongs to yin, but the power of sun stars belongs to yang.

Ji Tianxing's Suzaku Sacred Sword was formed from the real fire of the sun, and its power was extraordinary.

"Boom Ka"

In the next instant, the Vermilion Sacred Sword and the Moon White Blade violently collided, bursting with a loud noise, shaking the void.

At that moment, the Moon White Light Blade shattered, and the Suzaku phantom and the flame giant also collapsed.

Hundreds of millions of red and silver shards splashed in the void, like the most gorgeous fireworks, which was breathtaking.

The thirty-odd martial sages on the disk were all dazzled, showing a strong shock.

Even the powerful old martial sages, with expressions of admiration and admiration on their faces, whispered talking.

"It really deserves to be a duel, it's really wonderful"

"The strength of Yi Ji Tianxing and Yuan Chong, they both master the power of stars, it is incredible."

"The power of the stars is more powerful than the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth, and it is also more difficult to refining and absorb. There is a danger of burning your body at every turn. I really don't know how they practiced it."

"The two seem to be at odds, it's hard to tell the winner."

"Although I am very optimistic about the Four Highnesses, from the current situation, it seems that Ji Tianxing is better."

"Everyone, don't forget, Yuan Chong used the sacred weapon and magic weapon, it can be described as going all out.

But Ji Tianxing had never used a sacred artifact from beginning to end. "

Just as everyone was talking, the starlight in the sky dissipated.

I saw that Ji Tianxing stood there unscathed.

Yuan Chong had a disheveled hair, standing in the void eighty miles away, with blood still dripping from the corner of his mouth.

Although he looks uninjured from the outside, in fact, he has been shocked internally.

Before he could make another move, Ji Tianxing used a secret method to kill him.

"Blue Dragon Sacred Sword"

Ji Tianxing once again raised his hand and pointed, and a thousand-zhang giant sword descended from the void, carrying the phantom of the Azure Dragon, and killing it.

The breath of this blue dragon holy sword is full of sacred majesty and has the power to suppress everything.

Yuan Chong looked solemn and had to sacrifice a silver cauldron to resist the assassination of the holy sword.


The sword light burst, and the phantom of the blue dragon dissipated.

The silver cauldron was also shaken out, Yuan Chong's body shook again, and a stream of blood spurted out of his mouth.

Ji Tianxing didn't give him time to suppress his injuries, and he raised his hands to perform mysterious techniques.

"Sword Rain"

With a cold drink from him, tens of thousands of stars and sword lights appeared in the sky, pouring down like a rainstorm, flooding Yuan Chong's figure.

"Boom bang bang"

"Boom boom boom boom"

A series of muffled sounds burst out, endless, and the trembling void rippled.

Although Yuan Chong tried his best to resist, exhausted all means and magic weapons.

However, the sky full of stars and sword light formed a sword formation under the control of Ji Tianxing, continuously assassinating him, making him impossible to defend.

In just twenty breaths, Yuan Chong was stabbed hundreds of times by sword light.

The golden robe he was wearing had long since turned into rags, and the soft armor of his body was shattered. There were wounds and blood stains on his chest, back and limbs, and blood was constantly splashing out.

Seeing this scene, many Martial Saints sighed silently.

Everyone knew that Yuan Chong was about to lose.

In terms of profound skill and superb kendo attainments, he is nowhere near as good as Ji Tianxing

Yuan Zhen kept his eyebrows furrowed~www.wuxiaspot.com~ staring coldly at the void, watching the situation of the battle.

At this time, seeing Yuan Chong in trouble and his injuries continued to worsen, it was a situation that was bound to lose. He finally gritted his teeth and made up his mind.

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and in a cold and indifferent tone, he ordered Qin Zheng behind him: "Hands."

Qin Zheng has been waiting for this moment.

When he heard the command, he did not hesitate to retract his left hand into his sleeve, holding a delicate jade card with a large palm, and crushing it to pieces.

This jade card has a peculiar structure and is connected to the large array of the Void Platform, which can manipulate the formation invisible.

When the jade card broke, the void behind Ji Tianxing suddenly cracked a huge gap, and a hurricane with a height of thousands of feet appeared.

(End of this chapter)


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