Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2262: Step by step

The captain of the guard stood outside the palace wall, watching Ji Tianxing being taken into the Torture Department.

He raised his hand to wipe the blood from his face, grinning with a smug grin.

"Little beast! Want to fight me? I will kill you!"

After a vicious curse, he turned and left contentedly.

Soon, two execution officers detained Ji Tianxing and entered the dark, bloody, and foul torture department.

Just before entering the door, there is a semicircular hall surrounded by six passages.

At the door of each passage, there are several guards guarding it.

The execution officer escorted Ji Tianxing into the second passage on the left and walked to the deepest cell.

This cell is not big, only three feet away.

Two dark red jewel lamps were lit in the corner of the wall, and various hideous instruments of torture were hung on the wall.

The two execution officers tied Ji Tianxing to a dark red pillar and fastened him firmly with chains covered with rust and blood.

Then, one of them took out a dark purple soul punishment whip, and said blankly: "You violated the rules of Beiming Palace, drunk and made trouble, and committed the following.

According to the law, he shall be fined 50 lashes, imprisoned for a month, and think about himself! "

After all, the execution officer waved Zhang Yu's soul penalty whip and drew it at Ji Tianxing.



There were bursts of crisp crackling sounds, and every dazzling purple light flickered.

The vicious and vicious soul punishment whip was drawn on Ji Tianxing again and again, exposing his skin to the flesh, splashing blood.

However, he kept his head down and said nothing.

Because this body is not his.

He had already played a little trick and cut the connection between the soul and the body.

Even if this body was dismantled, he would not feel pain.

But the execution officer was a little abnormal, seeing that he was neither screaming nor twitching, he became more angry and swung the soul punishment whip with all his strength.

"Huh! You're so hard-spirited, so you don't know how to repent, so add ten more lashes!"

In this way, the originally planned fifty whips immediately became sixty whips.

After a hundred breaths of time, the execution finally ended.

The execution officer put away the soul punishment whip and left the cell blankly.

Ji Tianxing's body was already ragged and bloody, and was beaten horribly.

But he didn't care, he kept his head down and said nothing.

At first glance, it looked like he had passed out of a coma.

But in fact, he is using the secret method of the soul, quietly exploring the situation in the Torture Department.

He needs to find Ji Ke's location as soon as possible and determine which cell she is being held in before he can proceed with the next step.


Inside the Beiming Palace.

Somewhere in a hidden and spacious secret room.

A dozen gem lamps were lit on the surrounding walls, making the secret room dark red.

There is a stone table in the middle of the secret room with a few plates of Lingguo and pastries, and a pot of Lingcha.

Four strong men with different looks are sitting at the stone table, waiting quietly.

Three of them are powerful demons.

There are the great demon saint Lingxuan in black robe, the three demon saints, and a newcomer demon saint with a big bald head wearing a skull mask.

As for the fourth person, it was An Yu wearing a silver armor like a lion man.

Since the plan was made to wait and see, the four of them hid in this secret room and waited patiently.

After several days in a row, everyone lost interest in talking and closed their eyes to rest.

At this moment, the stone door of the secret room opened.

A guard leader walked in, walked to Ling Xuan respectfully, and bowed.

Ling Xuan opened his eyes and asked in a low tone, "A few days have passed, is there still no movement?"

The guard leader replied truthfully: "Enlighten the Great Demon Sage, all guards are guarded strictly, guarding the sacred mountain firmly, and no trace of Ji Tianxing is found.

Beiming Palace and the Department of Torture were even more important monitoring areas, but no abnormalities were found. "

Ling Xuan nodded slightly, and asked blankly: "Just now, I found out that someone seems to be in and out of the Torture Department?"

The guard leader was taken aback, and quickly explained: "Enlighten the Great Demon Sage, a guard of Beiming Palace, who was drunk last night and delayed today's duty.

Reprimanded by the captain of the guard, this person took the opportunity to make trouble and clashed with the captain of the guard.

Therefore, the captain of the guard invited two execution officers, took the guard to the Torture Department, and severely punished the guard. "

Ling Xuan frowned, a flash of anger flashed in his eyes, and said in a majestic tone: "At such a critical moment, there are people who take it lightly!

Such lawlessness should be punished severely!

You pass the order on and everyone is watching. If anyone makes a mistake, I will chop off his head! "

The guard leader hurriedly said, "Subordinates obey orders! Subordinates retire."

After bowing and saluting, he quickly retreated.

Silence returned to the secret room.

An Yu closed his eyes and looked at Ling Xuan, opening his eyes to look at Ling Xuan, and asked blankly: "It's already the sixth day, but Ji Tianxing has not yet appeared.

I'm afraid he was scared and afraid to come. "

Having said that, a self-deprecating smile drew from the corner of his mouth, and he shook his head and said, "But this is also normal. Anyone with a brain knows this is a trap.

We are still too confident, too high to see Ji Tianxing! "

Ling Xuan frowned, didn't refute his words, smiled and said, "Master An Yu, don't worry, isn't there four days left?

After four days, if Ji Tianxing does not appear, then we will think of other ways.

If a person is in our hands, we have the initiative, and there is always a way to deal with him! "

An Yu nodded slightly and said nothing more.

Anyway, if the Demon Saint can solve Ji Tianxing, he can help.

If he was asked to commit suicide and go to Tianzhu Mountain to deal with Ji Tianxing, then he would definitely disagree.

Unless the Mozu pays three times the price.

Ling Xuan is selfish and wants to use him.

Isn't he selfish? Isn't it using the demons?


After half an hour.

Ji Tianxing finally found the trace of Ji Ke, and then ended the spell.

If it is normal, he only needs to use his spiritual consciousness to cover the Torture Department and immediately determine the location of Ji Ke.

But now it's different. The torture department is ambushing elite soldiers and strong generals, and has arranged many holy formations.

There are also a few powerhouses in the Martial Saint Realm, secretly staring at this place with their divine consciousness.

Once he uses the power of spiritual consciousness ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, his identity will be revealed immediately.

Therefore, he can only use the Divine Soul secret method to sense the breath of the Sky Star Chain.

After all, the chain of stars was made by himself, and no one knew better than him.

He clearly detected that Ji Ke was imprisoned at the end of the third passage on the right, in the most tightly defended cell.

Heavy soldiers and ambushes were placed inside and outside the cell.

There are more than 30 elite guards on the bright surface, and more than a dozen powerful demon kings are hidden in the dark.

Once Ji Tianxing appeared, he would immediately be surrounded.

If it were to fight with one's hands, the few martial arts experts hiding in Beiming Palace could also arrive in an instant.

Ji Tianxing could only endure full of worry, thinking about how to approach the cell.

(End of this chapter)

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