Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2316: Invincible!

When everyone was in a daze, Ji Tianxing and Tong Ye fought again.

Ji Tianxing waved the Heaven Burial Sword, cut out the overwhelming celestial giant sword, criss-crossed and killed Master Tong.

The crutches in Master Tong's hand were horizontal, and three blue waves of a hundred feet high were shot out, like a huge wave.

"Boom bang bang!"

The giant sword of the stars collided with the blue waves, and there were three loud noises, deafening.

The violent energy exploded, shaking the mountains on both sides of the canyon, cracking cracks, and collapsing countless rocks.

Ji Tianxing remained motionless, but Master Tong was shaken back ten steps, and a red tide flashed across his yellow face.

Before he could suppress the restless mana in his body, Ji Tianxing deceived his body to press in again, brandishing the Heaven Burying Sword and smashed it fiercely.

"Tianlong proudly cut!"

Ji Tianxing shouted angrily and slashed out a huge sword that was thousands of feet long.

Master Tong was using his power to suppress the riot. Seeing the golden light sword slashed, he quickly swung his cane to resist.

Jiang Qi, Tuobada and Helian Wuzhuo were not idle, and they hurriedly wielded their swords and displayed secret methods to help Master Tong deal with Ji Tianxing.

Although the three of them are arrogant, they don't have a righteous behavior on weekdays, and they always quarrel, and no one can understand each other.

But at these critical moments, the three of them abandoned distractions and went all out to besiege Ji Tianxing.

Yun Yao also wielded both Yinyue swords, piercing the sky full of cold stars, and resisting the attack of the three young martial sages.

The two sides fought fiercely in the gorge, and one after another they performed their secret techniques, and the brilliance of the fight was splashing and loud.


"Boom bang bang bang!"

Suddenly, the Grand Canyon fell into chaos, and the sky was filled with colorful glare.

The violent and raging energy slammed into the canyon and mountains on both sides, knocking away countless earth and rocks, and splashing dust that covered the sky.

The nearby six groups of warriors all hurriedly retreated, away from the center of the battlefield, so as not to be injured by the aftermath of the battle. That would be unjustified.

This battle at the peak of the martial arts powerhouse lasted a quarter of an hour.

After the two sides fought a few hundred moves, the winner was gradually divided.

Both Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao had loose updos, their white clothes were stained with blood, their complexions were a little pale, and their mana was consumed greatly.

But the situation of Master Tong and Jiang Qi was even more embarrassing and miserable.

Master Tong had disheveled hair, his gray linen clothes rotted into a pair of rags, and there were a few hideous wounds on his chest and back.

The light of Jiang Qi's sword box was dim, and the purple and blue swords were also trembling, and the brilliance of them could not be fixed.

He was covered in blood, his face was bloodstained, and there was a blood hole in his chest, and he could vaguely see the dark red heart.

Tuoba had a leg severed, and there was still a foot-long wound on his waist, almost cutting him in the middle.

Helian Wuzhuo was also covered with sword wounds, with 18 deep bone wounds.

There was a hideous wound on his right face, blood was constantly pouring out, and half of his face was about to fall off.

But he was proficient in refining tools and alchemy, and took the time to take the healing pills, which suppressed the injury.

The two sides are still fighting.

Suddenly, Ji Tianxing seized the opportunity to find Master Tong's flaws, and did not hesitate to use his trump card.

"The Spear of Killing God!"

He lifted his left palm, the surging golden flames gushing from the palm of his palm, condensed into a ten-foot-long golden spear, and slammed at Master Tong.

"call out!"

The divine spear turned into a little golden light, and instantly passed through the sky for twenty miles, and assassinated it in front of Master Tong.

Ye Tong's complexion changed suddenly, his eyes widened in amazement, and his eyes were full of horror.

He wanted to teleport and avoid, but it was too late.

He wanted to raise the black crutches in front of him, but it didn't help.


Amid the thunderous noise, the Spear of God Killing stabbed him severely, piercing his chest on the spot.

The thin and rickety body suddenly burst open, turning into tens of thousands of debris and splashing around.

A faint golden soul, mingled in the flesh and blood in the sky, flew away towards the distance.

Master Tong, who was in the half-step Martial God Realm, was actually destroyed by Ji Tianxing!

Such a terrifying scene immediately made all the martial artists onlookers full of fear, and cold sweat broke out on their backs.

The three of Jiang Qi, Tuobada and Helian Wuzhuo were even more horrified, their eyes widened, and the fighting spirit in their hearts suddenly disappeared.

They knew they were not Ji Tianxing's opponents.

With Master Tong, a senior and super strong, they have the backbone and support, and they dare to think about **** Ji Tianxing.

But now, Master Tong was defeated and his body was destroyed by Ji Tianxing.

The three people's confidence was also destroyed, and they turned and fled without hesitation.


The three burst out at the fastest speed, as if three streams of light pierced the sky, and followed the spirit of Lord Tong, flying towards the end of the canyon.

They are different from ordinary martial sages, and they never thought of letting out a few ruthless words and retrieving a little scene.

Because they are very clear that it is self-inflicted and has no meaning.

Since we are defeated, escape is of course more important!

Tantai Xian'er, who had been watching the battle in the sky, also had eyes wide open, looking at Ji Tianxing incredulously.

She was the most incredible and the most shocked.

Because she knew very well that Ji Tianxing was definitely not so powerful in the northern battlefield of the Luoshui Kingdom.

In contrast, Ji Tianxing is twenty times stronger than before!

She couldn't imagine, what exactly did Ji Tianxing experience?

Can you increase your strength twenty times within a year?

However, she quickly recovered.

After taking a deep look at Ji Tianxing, she also turned around in a panic and fled, following Jiang Qi, Tuoba Da and others, and flew north.

After a few breaths, the figures of Tantai Xian'er, Jiang Qi and others disappeared to the end of the horizon.

The deep and dark Grand Canyon gradually returned to calm.

Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao stood outside the cave, silently retracted the sword, took out a few pills and took them.

Within a hundred miles around, those groups of stunned warriors also gradually recovered.

Everyone was frightened into a cold sweat, and their hearts were filled with fear and awe~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Witnessing the destruction of Lord Tong's body, everyone finally realized that Ji Tianxing's strength was infinitely close to the realm of gods, and it was extremely terrifying.

They didn't dare to have any illusions, they all retreated silently for dozens of miles, for fear of being angry by Ji Tianxing.

Until then, Yun Yao looked sideways at Ji Tianxing next to him, and asked, "I just fought against each other. Those three young martial sages are all descendants of the ancient family.

One is proficient in kendo, one is proficient in magic weapons, and is obviously proficient in refining weapons, and the other combines the soul of ten thousand beasts with martial arts.

Can you tell if they are the assassins who were ordered by others, or your enemies back then? "

Ji Tianxing frowned and thought for a moment, then nodded and said, "If I'm not mistaken, they should be the children of the Three Great Hidden Sects. They are the three big families inherited thousands of years ago.

Originally, they lived in the Xingyue Cave, living in seclusion, which was quite mysterious.

However, after the rise of Tian Jue Wu Shen, he took away the Xingyue Cave Sky, causing the three major families to live in the North Sea and live in a corner. "

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