Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2365: Slaughter


Captain Qi Ling was killed? "

An Yu's complexion suddenly changed, her eyes narrowed, and a shocked look flashed under her eyes.

When the twenty captains heard the bad news, they also showed unbelievable expressions and exclaimed.

"How is this possible? Didn't Qi Ling reach the second level of the Martial God Realm?"

"Is that mysterious strong man also a Valkyrie?"

"Where did the mysterious powerhouse pop up? How many people are there?"

"What is the appearance of the mysterious powerhouse? Which force does it belong to?"

Everyone thought it was unbelievable, and they questioned the interrogation guard.

The two guards who were calling were taken aback, and shook their heads at the same time, saying: "According to the report by the defenders of Changle City, the mysterious strong man and Captain Qi Ling were fighting outside the city.

The aftermath of the battle between the two sides is too terrifying, no one can get close to a radius of five hundred miles.

Except for Captain Qi Ling, no one knows how many mysterious powerhouses there are, whether they are male or female, and where they come from. "

This answer caused An Yu and the many captains to be stunned, and their expressions became rather strange.

Everyone frowned and started talking in a whisper.

"Up to now, I don't even know who the opponent is? Isn't this ridiculous?"

"The guard of Qingyuan City was killed, and Captain Qi Ling was also killed. As a result, I didn't even know whether the enemy was a male or female?"

"Isn't it said that the powerhouses in Shenwu Continent are rare, there are only three Valkyrie?"

"If the mysterious strong man is acting alone, he must be one of the three great Valkyrie."

"What do you do now? Since the mysterious powerhouse can kill Qi Ling, he can definitely kill other captains too!"

"One or two captains may not be that person's opponent. We must work together to kill him!"

Twenty captains expressed their opinions and were all speculating on the identity of the mysterious powerhouse and discussing countermeasures.

An Yu's face became more and more ugly, and after frowning for a moment, he said in a majestic tone: "It seems that some people don't want us to successfully take Tianzhu Mountain.

But this is a shame to our clan and a huge threat.

For the present plan, we can only temporarily give up the attack on Tianzhu Mountain and solve the mysterious powerhouse first!

If not, this person may cause more casualties to us if he runs between the cities. "

Hearing his words, the nine captains all nodded in agreement.

However, seven captains shook their heads in denial.

The other four remained neutral and remained silent.

"What mysterious powerhouse? But it's just a Valkyrie, who scared you like this?"

"How can we terminate our offensive plan because of a mysterious strong man?"

"Even if the mysterious powerhouse is very strong, we don't need to be so invigorating, right?"

"In my opinion, sending a few captains to encircle and suppress that person will be able to kill him.

The remaining captains, let's continue to attack Tianzhu Mountain. "

Several captains who held a negative attitude all spoke to An Yu.

An Yu was a little displeased, staring at them with cold eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Well, since the captains are so confident, then this seat will give you a chance to make merit.

The seven of you join forces to control the battleship and bring your hands together to encircle and suppress that mysterious strong man!

As long as you can successfully complete the task, this seat will definitely ask for your credit, and let General Fulong praise you again. "

Hearing what he said, the seven captains frowned and had different opinions.

"Deputy General An Yu, what do you mean? Did you deliberately test us?"

"Ha ha ha... Deputy General An, is this a radical strategy for you?"

"It seems that Deputy General An looks down on us!"

"In that case, let's take this task and kill the bullshit, let General An take a good look!"

"Deputy General An, please remember what you just said, and set the celebration wine at that time, and wait for us to triumph!"

"Let's say the ugly thing ahead, you can send us to encircle the mysterious strong.

But you can't take people to attack Tianzhu Mountain and take the credit alone. You must wait for us to come back! "

The seven captains were dissatisfied with An Yu, so they accepted the task stiffly.

Moreover, in order to prevent An Yu from deceiving, they asked An Yu and the remaining captains to stay in Jietian City and wait.

An Yu was irritated by the attitude of several captains, and said with a dark face and sneered: "Okay, I will put the celebration wine in this seat, waiting for you to come back in the city lord's mansion.

Of course, you have to make a quick decision and don't affect our offensive plan.

This seat will give you five days at most! "

The seven captains all held their heads up, showing confident sneers.

"Relax, Deputy General An’s celebration banquet is set for us!"

"Five days? Enough!"

"If we complete the task ahead of schedule, will Deputy General An give some extra rewards?"

An Yu just pretended not to hear the last words, and said blankly: "It shouldn't be too late, you can leave as soon as possible."

The seven captains didn't say much, Chao An Yu and the captains clasped their fists in a salute, and turned and set foot on the sky.


In the blink of an eye, they flew into their battleships.

Afterwards, the seven warships sailed out of the fleet and flew to the south quickly, and soon disappeared into the sky~www.wuxiaspot.com~ An Yu and the thirteen captains, turned and returned to the conference hall.

The atmosphere was a little dull, and many captains secretly talked.

One of the captains with a beard, deliberately indulging in An Yu, asked: "General An, the seven guys have made it clear that they are dissatisfied with you, why do you want to help them?"

"Help them? Why do you say that?" An Yu raised his brows and asked suspiciously.

The Bearded Captain frowned and said, "You send them to encircle and suppress the mysterious powerhouses. After they have completed their mission, you will also ask for their credit... Isn't this helping them?"

An Yu's mouth evoked a sneer, and said in a playful tone: "As for the world of the Five Elements, this seat knows better than you.

Do you think this task is so easy to complete?

How many of them do not know the heights of the sky, and still want to eat celebration wine?

Hehehe...Don't run away like a bereaved dog then. "

Captain Bearded became more puzzled and asked: "If the Valkyrie powers in this world really have such a strong strength, why did you send them to encircle and suppress?

Once they fail and are killed by the mysterious powerhouse, don't we lose our troops and defeat our generals and our future dominance plan? "

An Yu sneered disapprovingly: "So what? Even if the captains were killed, they were sacrificed for their duties, and they were blamed for their inferior skills.

This seat made great achievements and became a deputy general, which has long aroused envy and dissatisfaction among many captains.

They have been going smoothly, very confident and unruly.

If there are no setbacks and lessons, how can they honestly follow the orders of this seat? "

The captain bearded suddenly realized, showing his admiration, and said with a smile: "That's it!

General An’s trick is to use the mysterious power to help you kill the chickens and the monkeys and frighten the other captains? "

(End of this chapter)

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