Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2387: Last hit

Seeing, the blood-colored light beam overwhelming the sky is about to flood Tianzhu Mountain.

At this moment, endless stars spewed out from the depths of the earth.

It turned out that Taoist Huanglong and several elders tried their best to inspire the Star God Furnace.


The majestic and mighty power of the stars poured into the big sky array, immediately condensing a silver barrier that covered the sky and the sun.

The silver shield with a radius of two hundred miles is as dazzling as a bright moon.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Thousands of blood-colored light beams slammed into the silver barrier, bursting with a loud and deafening sound.

As a result, the blood-colored light beam and the silver light barrier collapsed at the same time.

Hundreds of thousands of blood-red and silver fragments splashed in all directions, spilling thousands of miles into the night sky.

This area is shining brilliantly, as bright as day.

Fortunately, the big sky formation blocked the shelling of eleven warships.

But unfortunately, hundreds of other disciples were spitting blood and fell into a coma.

On the wide dojo, a densely packed area fell.

There are only a dozen deacons and more than 20 elite disciples left, and they can still hold on.

On the jade-paved ground, there were red blood stains everywhere, which looked shocking.

Such a tragic scene made the tragic atmosphere between heaven and earth more intense.

The deacons and disciples who were able to remain sober were also desperate and helpless.

In the night sky, An Yu sneered again.

"Ha ha ha... It is indeed Tianzhu Mountain, able to block the second salvo of the battleship?

It seems that Ji Tianxing has spent a lot of thought and arranged many defenses.

However, I want to see how long you reptiles can support! "

While talking, he waved his big hand again and gave the order to attack.

In the muzzle of the eleven warships, blood brilliance lit up again.

The power to destroy the sky and the earth is accumulating, and the entire Tianzhu Mountain will be destroyed in the next instant.

The deacons and disciples on the dojo were completely desperate.

Many people closed their eyes and greeted death calmly.

Deep in the ground, Daoist Huanglong and several elders were also angry, and their eyes were cracking, and they roared wildly.

"Beasts of the Fatian tribe, the old man has fought with them!"

"Oath to coexist and die with Tianzhu Mountain!"

Seeing that the elders were very sad and indignant, Taoist Huanglong quickly shouted, "Don't be impulsive, everyone! Don't forget Master's plan!

In addition to the Star God Furnace, we also have a great array of Tiangang and Disha.

Even if Tianzhu Mountain were to be destroyed, the Sky Clan would have to pay the corresponding price! "

While talking, he burst out with turbulent mana, and his turbulent yellow robe flew.

He pinched the mysterious magic arts with both hands, and instantly made nineteen knots, stimulating the fire of infinite stars.

The other elders also suppressed their anger, and quickly used the magic trick to cooperate with him to control the big formation.

Immediately, the Tiangang Xingluo Formation and the Earth Shaqi Ling Formation started.

These two mysterious arrays are connected to 108 mountain peaks, bringing together the power of heaven and earth in a radius of millions of miles.

Since the restoration of the two large formations, they have never been used.

This time, Taoist Huanglong followed Ji Tianxing's instructions to take the power of the 108 peaks and release the strongest counterattack.

The terrifying power of the heavens and the earth instantly gathered in the sacred furnace of stars, wrapped in the endless fire of stars, and blasted into the sky.


A colorful beam of light about ten miles thick rushed out of Tianzhu Mountain in the most violent posture.

The most dazzling light burst out in the night sky, and the most terrifying power burst out.


The colorful beams of light and the sky full of blood blasted against each other, creating a loud thunder-like sound, resounding throughout the world.

Thousands of blood-red light beams were shattered on the spot.

Hundreds of shards of blood and light splashed around, illuminating the night sky and dispelling boundless darkness.

The shock wave that destroyed the sky and the earth, centered on Tianzhu Mountain, spread in all directions.

As a result, all the peaks within five thousand miles were razed to the ground.

The mountains and the land were turned into ruins, and the ground was covered with ravines and deep pits, and it trembled violently for a long time.

In this scenario, it is as if the end is coming and the world collapses!

Of course, the twelve warships in the sky were not spared either.

They were all hit by the terrifying multicolored beams of light, and they rolled and flew out.


Including Lian Anyu’s warships, twelve warships were bombarded and fell into the ruins hundreds of miles away.

An Yu was not at all guarding, the ‘ants’ of Tianzhu Mountain could explode with such terrifying power.

He was standing at the bow of the ship when the colorful beam of light struck, and it was too late to escape.

Naturally, he was also hit by the colorful beam of light.

The golden armor collapsed and shattered, all four legs shattered, and his body was covered with wounds and blood.

The internal organs were also shattered, blood was constantly pouring out of his mouth and nose, and his divine breath became disordered.

He was badly injured and flew backwards a hundred miles away in a vague, before he fell into the rubble and was buried in dust.

After a long time, he struggled to crawl out and returned to the battleship with a grim face.

The four black-armored guards who followed him were also hit by the colorful beam of light, and were wiped out on the spot.

On the other eleven warships, several captains stood outside and were severely injured and unconscious.

Even the black armored soldiers in the battleship, many people were injured.

All of a sudden, the vigour of the Warriors of the Sky Fighting tribe was lost, and the formation of the fleet was disrupted.

The unexpected heavy blow caught everyone off guard, incredible.

Fortunately, the warships are genuine artifacts with strong defenses.

If not, the colorful beams of light must smash these warships.

The warriors of the Celestial Clan in the battleship will also be wiped out.

Everyone was a little flustered, and it took a long time to stabilize their position.


One after another, battleships flew out of the ruins and gathered in the sky.

At the same time, Tianzhu Mountain, which reached a height of ten thousand feet, also began to tilt slowly and collapsed.

After all, the celestial sky formation has been destroyed, and the power of the Tiangang and Earthshade formations has also been exhausted.

Without the protection of a large formation, the entire giant peak would be difficult to sustain and would only turn into rubble and ruins.

However, Tianzhu Mountain collapsed and disintegrated, also in Huanglong Taoist's expectation.

The many deacons and elite disciples in the dojo were also mentally prepared.

They quickly cast a spell to capture, grabbed the unconscious disciple disciples, and put them into a special magic weapon.

In just a few breaths ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ thousands of disciples were rescued.

Those deacons and elite disciples quickly got into the ground and joined the elders.

Daoist Huanglong was also ready, and immediately activated a mysterious teleportation formation.


A dazzling whirlpool of white light appeared underground.

Many deacons and elite disciples stepped into the vortex without hesitation.

Immediately afterwards, several elders also jumped into the whirlpool of white light and disappeared.

Behind Huanglong Taoist Temple, he glanced at the fleet in the night sky coldly, leaving a word full of hatred and murder.

"Today's hatred, Tianzhu Mountain has written it down!

One day, we will retaliate a hundredfold! "

(End of this chapter)

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